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Posts posted by IcarusBen

  1. Yes:







    You want to make a grand entrance? By all means, go for it. You want to make a great entrance by toying with some goons? I think the last time somebody tried treating NPCs like that their player character died. 

    It's an attempt to make Echelon go "Hmm... this guy sounds like a rather decent if not terribly cliche bad guy. I should let him work for me and give him a vial of antidermis so he can try and eclipse me and fail horribly," not make him go "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"

  2. Stupid or not. Whether this so-called 90% uses it or not. The Green IS the canonical name for the element.


    As BS01 so correctly states, "To inhabitants of the Matoran Universe, it is known as the Green."

    And yet it is the only element with a preposition. Think about it, you don't call Lewa a Toa of the Air, Onua a Toa of the Earth, Tahu a Toa of the Fire. Also, the green? Green is a color also used by Le-beings, why share a name with the color of an entirely different tribe? I can understand sharing the actual color, but still. Toa of Plantlife rolls off the tongue far better, though I suppose Toa of Jungle isn't terribly, it limits his/her abilities to the jungle. Telling me I can't use my powers in a plains biome or a forest or a swamp? Very silly.

    • Upvote 3
  3. I've only ever seen Power Rangers Samurai (Did that show even finish, it stopped showing episodes at one point...) and I think the only similarities are the color coded uniforms...


    Yeah, Samurai isn't the best hopping on point. Or hopping to point. But it's certainly a good hopping off point. I stopped watching the show after SPD finished, but I will say that the similarities are pretty big. My best guess; Ninjago started as an adaptation of Power Rangers (possibly Samurai or SPD, look at the big bad) but Lego lost the rights.


    Also, Ninjago has it's own forums?


    Actually, going back on the topic of Dasaka, I don't play those characters because I don't want to be forced into one option over another. I don't mind playing a female character, so long as I get to CHOOSE that the character is female. If I'm not allowed to influence arguably one of the most important aspects of the character, then I feel like my decisions on the character don't matter. My RP characters represent various aspects of me, and I don't want to have to give up control over what aspect they're representing.


    I'm steering very, very clear of this.


    Not touching it with a ten foot pole.


    someone else is going to do it for me and i'm not getting involved


    Whoops! Sorry. Did I post that? What I meant to post was "I dislike and am whining about something that literally everyone else is fine with."


    Still, by saying you aren't getting involved, you got involved. Silly staff person you XD


    Actually, now I do have a question; what does Echelon use for his guards? I want Adomai to make a grand entrance where he uses his magnetism to crush the masks of Echelon's guards (y'know, to prove that Adomai is awesome and Echelon should hire him) but that might only really work for Matoran guards, though I suppose magnetism could squash Rahkshi and any bio-mechanical being like Toa or Lesterin (especially since they also wear masks) or Skakdi. I just want Adomai to kill something disposable (I.E it only exists to be killed.) Any thoughts?

  5. Never a Power Range---never a Pow---NEVER A POWER RANGERS FAN?!?!





    Ahem. Sorry, my inner nerd just erupted into rage and violence. 


    Just watch an episode of In Space or Lightspeed Rescue and you'll get the idea of the franchise. Five "over-bearing and emotional" humans (read: teenagers) are sent out to fight whatever evil decides to rear it's ugly head this season (my favorite's Lothor from Ninja Storm, he was hilarious) using superpowers, martial arts and giant robots that can transform, but only if they're all present at the same time.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Speaking of colors, I need to once more throw my hat into the bin. Here's the color scheme I think should work for the Masters.


    • Tahu - Red and Orange with Gold accents
    • Kopaka - White and Grey with Silver accents
    • Onua - Black and Purple with Gunmetal accents
    • Pohatu - Brown and Tan (or Brown and Light Tan)
    • Gali - Gali Blue and Light Blue
    • Lewa - Lewa Green and Lime (or Metru Green and Lewa Green or vice versa)

    This way, the Titans get metallic colors as a little bonus as to encourage buying them over the smaller sets.

  7. Actually, going back on the topic of Dasaka, I don't play those characters because I don't want to be forced into one option over another. I don't mind playing a female character, so long as I get to CHOOSE that the character is female. If I'm not allowed to influence arguably one of the most important aspects of the character, then I feel like my decisions on the character don't matter. My RP characters represent various aspects of me, and I don't want to have to give up control over what aspect they're representing.

    • Upvote 2
  8. Note that I don't follow the Ninjago story, though that really isn't important.


    Has anyone ever noticed the Power Rangers-esque vibe of Ninjago? Think about it; a color coded team of 6 (counting Jay, Kai, Zane, that guy with the black suit, Skylar and Lloyd) all possessing immense powers of martial arts and, in fact, have their own equivalent of Zords (the Dragons)? If I ever get into Ninjago, I'll make it a point to collect every single Ninja from 2015 and make a PR stopmotion video. 


    Heck, I'm certain that using parts from the Dragons alone, you could feasibly make a Megazord (I imagine Megazords in the Minifigure world are formed by disassembling the Zords and rebuilding them into a combiner.)

  9. Halyx is a generic, run of the mill good guy Ta-Toa, Jorik is just around to give Halyx something to do other than angst about his amnesia and run around on a wild goose chase with Guvla, Visalk, Lumira, Leron and Seneuax. Tallix is there for similar reasons, though he's a bit more oddball and parody than Jorik, and Adomai (who will officially exist when Ghost writes his timeskip) is so evil that Echelon might tremble in boots.


    Well, he would if he was a complete wimp. Adomai is still "EVIL" to the extreme, but I'd wager any of the Big Bads could kick his butt into next week.

  10. He shot it down though. Could someone ask him if the Avohkii is made of Protosteel though, since its like the Polar opposite of the Kraahkan


    Actually, I always thought that because the Kraahkan is made from Protosteel, it's polar opposite would probably be something Antidermis related. I always pictured Antidermis as a separate material from Protodermis, so it might have some form akin to "antisteel" or something. Of course, I'm probably wrong and Antidermis is just that shadowy fart cloud that makes Matoran go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

  11. OOC: Wow. Horrible, horrible horrible wording on my part. I SHOULD have said "Tallix tried to stab Leron. Whoops."


    IC Halyx:

    "Hey! Tallix, I think you forgot something!" Halyx summoned a fireball and tried to strike Tallix, though Tallix was able to dodge.


    IC Tallix:

    "I'll tell you what I'm doing. I'm taking back MY ship!" Tallix tried once more to stab Leron, hoping that he'd be able to land a good shot.

  12. IC: Leron


    Leron looked at the hand held out to him. "Delighted."

    "Are there any ports in Onu-Wahi?"

    "Woah, Onu? I thought we were headed somewhere else in Po," Leron said, realizing that Onu-Wahi isn't his desired location.

    IC Halyx:

    "Leron, have you not been listening? Jorik's here in Po. The longer we're sitting around, the easier it'll be for him to find us. But, Jorik's main advantage is flight. We go underground, he loses his edge. Visalk, Guvla, take us out. We're headed for Onu-Koro. If anyone has a problem with that, then stay here and get shot at by a crazed assassin. Otherwise, get some rest. It'll be a while before we reach Onu. We've gotta pass through Ko's waters, that'll suck, and we still have to get to Onu-Koro."

  13. IC Halyx:


    "Lumira, meet Leron. Leron, Lumira. Now, explain to me how on Mata Nui Jorik found us?"



    ​FYI, Jorik only found us for plot convenience. Don't even bother trying to explain it. He can move at the speed of plot. I'd come with an idea, but... 

  14. Off-topic, I originally liked 2006 (I used to own Inika Kongu, but I lost him years ago) but looking back, the only good thing it did was make the comics look less dated.


    BTW, Ignition's actually not terrible.


    Back on topic, I have to bring up Lewa's mask again. It sucks... It sucks so bad. It looks nothing like the original. Same goes for Gali.

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