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Posts posted by IcarusBen

  1. IC Halyx:

    "Hey, wait, Guvla!" Halyx had to use his Calix to catch up, and even then, he was still far slower. "Wait up! Guvla, what's wrong with him? Is he..."


    Halyx listened closely to the stranger's muttering. "Water..." he kept repeating. Halyx realized this Toa had been without water for what looks to have been days. "Guvla, get this man some water. I'll get back to the ship and tell the rest of the team. Get him back there, as quick as possible."

  2. The problem with uniting the Transformers (and any other giant robot) fandoms is that you'd lose all the fans who don't like them. Assuming a 50/50 chance of a person enjoying a certain fandom, that's 25% that they'll like both fandoms. Not to mention inter-fandom disputes when we can't decide whether to name our giant robot Primus or Mata Nui.


    And that's just Transformers! What about Gundam, or Neon Genesis, or Super Sentai, or Power Rangers? That's less than a 1.5% chance! Creating a united fandom is like getting Rick Santorum and Barack Obama to agree on gun control and gay rights!


    (fun fact: both guys are pretty [to put it nicely] daft.)

    • Upvote 3


    When the 2015 pieces are added to LDD, I'll be remaking the Masters with better colors. The original colors are rather odd and too haphazard.



    is this going to be some cool new fandom superiority game where we can see who will be most obnoxious about insisting on correcting "Masters" to "Toa"


    I personally think that Toa is the species name, Masters is the team name. I.E. all Masters are Toa, not all Toa are Masters.

    • Upvote 2
  4. A challenger has appeared! 


    Meet Adomai, a new Toa of Magnetism hoping to learn from the mighty Echelon himself. I'll be putting him in Ko-Wahi as soon as we hit the time skip. Armed with a trident/spear/thingy and a Kanohi Volitak, this surprisingly agile brute is a mighty assassin, known for the systematic killings of eight Skakdi raiders sometime ago, those responsible for the destruction of the (very tiny) village of Brandersport. Never heard of it? Exactly my point.


     Feel free to anger him, but be prepared for the consequences. He is the definition of awesome.


    Well, no. There's Stannis, and Echelon, and the First Toa, and the Piraka, and... Okay, he's definition of awesome. The one that reads "Isn't quite as awesome as all those people I just mentioned, but still pretty cool indeed."


    Wait what would be done to those of us who love both Transformers and Bionicle? Why not team up to destroy the MLP fandom.

    No, the BIONICLE and brony fandoms should be allies. I even think we two sides could unite to form the Union State of BIONICLE and MLP. The Transformers fandom would be powerless against our brotherhood of righteousness.


    Wait... My Little Pony, it's here?


    In all seriousness, I don't like that idea. Fanbases having nations relies on the unity of the fandom. Merging two fandoms together never works well. 


    As for what we would kill the Transformers with, I have one word for you; Toa of Magnetism and Iron.


    Wha-whaddya mean that's five words? 

    • Upvote 2
  6. IC Halyx:

    "So... Visalk, get us to Forsi. I want this cargo off the ship and these holes Seneaux made patched up. Full speed ahead. Speaking of which, Lumira! She's been staring off into the sunset since we left Ga-Koro."



    I might not be posting as much in Po-Wahi, since I'll be starting a new character in Ko-Koro. An EVIL Toa.

  7. You could get a Shelek by killing whoever has one and taking theirs, trading for the Shelek or working with the Piraka then betraying them, though Staff might have an issue with that last one.


    Actually, couldn't the Hiripaki simply put Echelon in the same place it put Makuta? Its owner is a good guy, correct? Echelon's enough of a threat that the use of the Hiripaki wouldn't be completely worthless.


    Also, the Mahiki's banned? That's lame.

    • Upvote 1
  8. You're forgetting the fact that pretty much any good guy worth his salt doesn't like Echelon. They'd be able to rally up quite a few reinforcements, have them lie in wait then, when the Toa are already inside, use a full frontal assault to take down Ko-Koro. Heck, isn't it all made from ice? A Ko-Toa would be able to alter the geometry of the place at will.


    As for the masks I mentioned, you can get some under special circumstances, though only the Huna and Kualsi are allowed for starting characters.

  9. Let's assume that we're dealing with the best of the best here in an optimum situation. They all have masks designed for stealth (Hunas, Sheleks, a Komau or Mahiki, perhaps a Kualsi.)


    If one of them has a Kualsi, he can teleport away at the very first sign of trouble. Hunas and Sheleks would allow them to remain mostly undetected. A Mahiki would allow one to impersonate a guard, prisoner, Brother, escapee, whatever.


    Assuming all this, their chances are slim, but a slim chance is still a chance. I wouldn't bet my widgets that they'd make it out alive, no, but I'm certain that they'd make it in, given the right circumstances.

  10. No. There can only be one. I remember reading a sad tale of a veteran Bionicler. He was at the Goodwill, found a good-condition sealed Matoro Inika, then some snobby kid beat him to it, yelled to his mommy "I WANNA TRANSFERMER!" and that was it.


    No more will us fans of Bionicle be pushed down by the Transformers fandom. For tonight, we rise against our oppressors, and take back what is ours! For Mata Nui!

    • Upvote 3
  11. An electromagnet working by taking something metal, cooling it and giving it a nice big shock. If Echelon is a Toa of Magnetism, he probably has some inherent (though rather weak) magnetism in him. The cold temperature and the high voltage increase that magnetism and BAM! Instant electromagnet. He'd probably be reeling from having to deal with frigid temperatures and the pain of having lightning pushed through you, so he'd be unable to deal with the giant chunk of metal headed straight for him.


    It doesn't have to nitrogen, either. As long as he's cooled down enough, he's a perfect electromagnet. 


    I'm just thinking, because let's face it, I'm certain there's at least one RPer that wants to take the bad guys down a notch or two, even if I'm not the one to do it, I want it to be out there. 


    And while we're at it, let's throw in a few more electric Toa, a couple of Ba-Toa to prevent him from standing, some more Ko-Toa, and, why not, a Toa of Magnetism to help speed the process along.

  12. As for Echelon, he's a Toa of Dark Magnetism (oOooOOooo...). Couldn't a Toa of Electricity, a Toa of Air and a Toa of Ice turn him into a walking electromagnet (Have the Toa of Air conjure some nitrogen, have a Toa of Ice cool it into liquid nitrogen, cover it on Echelon and have the Toa of Electricity give him a nice big jolt of electricity) , then have a Toa of Iron conjure up a few tons of metal, enough to squash him into oblivion?


    It's rather annoying, but if a player has these four Toa, couldn't he do this? Even if it wasn't enough to kill him, it would severely cripple him.


    I found an alternative design to the gearbox (you can see it in use here; http://magnusnui.blogspot.com/2014/12/toa-jorik-toa-of-gravity.html) or in this picture here;


    but the rest of my problems remain. 


    One problem with that gearbox design: the gears are locked. IRL, you'd need to remove the innermost gear to get them to actually turn.


    Whaddy-eh. Oops. Eh...



    I didn't think of that. My brain just went "Duh... 4 is better than 3, dohohoho!"

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