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Posts posted by IcarusBen

  1. Ah, Malum. That was a major slip-up on my part :P


    I believe that's Helryx.


    Was gorged with energy until its atoms dispersed.

    Yeah, I've seen that happen before. Trust me, never argue with a crazy newb. We had some argument over how "Malum's red, he can't lead the Vorox" and "Vorox are Glatorian!" 


    Also, it's Helryx.


    I believe it was the Kraahkan you're referring to.


    Krekka? or Roodaka maybe?

    Nope, Toa Vakama.




    Glatorian turned leader of the Vorox.

    Actually, it was Mantax.


    That would be Kabura.



    Can track a mote of dust across the desert.


    Wrong. It's Malum. Vorox aren't technically Glatorian.


    That would be Savage (real name unknown)


    First Toa.

  3. STOP! STOP! This is bedlam, bedlam! SHUT UP!




    Ahem. Will all the dancing Hitlers go stage left, and all the singing Hitlers stage right. Let's see. Jacques Lapideux? Jacques Lapideux?


    Oops. Ahem. JACK LAPIDUS?


    Hi Jack. Can you get that mask for me? Thanks.


    My mask and starring role in The Producers as theatrical director Roger Elizabeth DeBris.

  4. Making a Dasaka character doesn't force you to dice-roll. It's only if you want to try and make a male.


    That. That little thing right there. 


    Yes, I understand. Gender roles are important to the Dasaka, that's understandable. But should I, as a player, have to create 39 Dasaka females just so I can get that one male character? I understand that's one of the big differences between the two, but if you ask me, it's more of a burden than a boon. If I'm remembering right, even if you fail the dice roll, you still have to play with the character, no matter what.


    Does it make sense in the story? Well, yeah. Does it make sense from a gameplay perspective? Absolutely not!  Imagine if we had to do the same thing with elements, or with masks, or with weapons. Oh, you wanted a disk launcher and a Sanok for your Po-Toa? Too bad. You get a halberd and a Kaukau for your Bo-Toa. Oh, but you don't get to just discard this character just because he's lived his whole life in a desert and is hydrophobic and can't use a halberd to save his life. Nope, you've gotta use him despite his character being horribly flawed.


    But, again, this is one of those things I'll have to deal with. At least I can choose not to make a Dasaka character but stick with other, non-gender skewed races. Not to mention I sure most anyone can adapt a male character to a different set of privates, but it's the principle of the thing that irks me.


    This may explain why I'm not a staff member.

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