Orpanuux (Pronounced Or-pin-ics) Entry Image Beast-Scorpion Mode Species: Makuta Back Story: We all know that Teridax was the main leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta. To get his title, he had to overthrow the original leader, named Miserix. He wanted this to complete the Plan, or his plot to conquer the Great Spirit Mata Nui. Teridax rebelled against Miserix with most of the Brotherhood at his side, but some did not like the Plan. They stayed with Miserix. Orpanuux is one of these Makuta. Teridax supposedly hunted down and killed all of them, but Orpanuux escaped under the false identity of Antroz, who was loyal to Teridax. Yes, he is a shape-shifter. In fact, he hated the Plan so much he almost made it into the Order of Mata Nui under the false identity of a being similar to Brutaka. Not making it angered him. He went haywire and on no one's side. Some say he lurks in the forests of the Region of Jungle. Others say it's a myth. And there are a few who think he is a Protector among us. This story is as told by elders of the villages of Okoto. Yes, I think the Generation 1 Universe is told around campfires in the Generation 2 Universe. Weapons: -A double-bladed staff with a crystal in the center that gives him his shape-shifting powers -Long dagger stolen from a Makuta who followed Teridax. Powers: -Shape-shifting -"Beast-Scorpion Mode" Notes: -Very dangerous to meet. -Two forms: Humanoid and "Beast-Scorpion Mode"