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Everything posted by Xabla

  1. Ok, I was thinking about Loss just to get the big sets out of the way first.
  2. Also in the Mask of Creation game on Lego.com Everywhere Onua is labeled Pohatu.
  3. Probably this, but why would they even take their masks off in the first place? I feel like that's saying, "oh, I can put this bar of gold in my pocket, but I think i'll just leave it out in the open." In case they lost them. If Ekimu's mask got knocked off, it'd fly towards it's pedestal so he can reclaim it. Makuta also willingly removed his mask, and it went towards his pedestal. Why would Makuta build a pedestal for his MouP? I didn't think he had enough time to build one, since as soon as he was finished with his mask, he put it on. Just imagine this: Ekimu: Uh-oh. I dropped my mask. *mask teleports away to pedestal* Ekimu: *sighs* Dangit. Makuta, this is the worst failsafe ever! Makuta: I know. Kind of regretting that choice since our masks are so loose. lol. Seriously, that's why I think the theory isn't plausible.
  4. That would be a good idea, except that Ekimu is included in a set battling a villain that we can safely assume is real and in a location that we know is real. If Ekimu were not awake, he would not be depicted as battling a tangible villain in a tangible location. Yes, Ekimu is referred to as "Mask Maker". That's a title that makes sense, because he has been referred to as such from the get-go. "Skull Grinder" hardly gives any indication of the character being Makuta, and as I mentioned, the point of the descriptive titles this year is to make characters' roles MORE obvious, not less so. The color schemes of things in the animations are, occasionally, subtly different from the sets. But your point about color scheme relied primarily on the "red and black" colors that are commonly associated with Makuta. And Skull Grinder isn't even close—unlike the Protector of Fire, his Trans. Fluor. Reddish Orange are the ONLY parts that could pass for red, and otherwise he's overwhelmingly silver like the other Skull Villains—not even mistakable for black. On top of that, keep in mind that we've seen Makuta in two different masks so far—you'd think that when he DOES appear he'd be wearing one of those two masks, yet Skull Grinder doesn't wear either—in fact, he has the same exact face as Skull Warrior, who in turn appears as just one member of a vast army of Skull Warriors on his own boxart. Makuta IS in fact awakening. We know that for certain, because that's been the main thrust of several story summaries. But just because he's awakening doesn't prove that he'll be appearing as a set, much less that he ALREADY appears in a set under a non-indicative name. If Makuta is anything like he was in G1, he'd be perfectly content working from the shadows. As for Ekimu, I think we can assume that he is in fact awakened directly by the actions of the Toa—that would make perfect sense as a step the Toa would take as part of their quest to save Okoto. So ould Skull Grinder turn out to be Makuta? I won't say it's impossible. But given what we've seen so far we've seen little indication that that's the case, and there are a fair number of reasons to assume that it isn't. "Skull Grinder" may not be an indicative name for Makuta now it may be later. As you said, the titles are supposed to make the characters' roles more obvious. Obviously, why Makuta would be called "Skull Grinder" is not readily apparent, but after his current position has been established in-story that title may help to solidify his place. On colors, Skull Grinder may have been changed to gunmetal instead of black after the animations. Being that the Mask of Ultimate Power is black and shadowy, Makuta would also be depicted as black and shadowy. In the sets however, others of the Skull Army were gunmetal. Skull Grinder would look out of place if he were black and might even look a little odd. Considering that many of the parts we have seen are prototypes, it is not totally unforseeable that black-to-gunmetal could have been a "last minute" change. And remember what I said earlier: Why would I assume that Makuta would be wearing the Mask of Control or the Mask of Ultimate Power? I think it was pretty obvious that he was not wearing either mask after Ekimu whacked the Mask of Ultimate Power of of his face. So of course his face looks like that of the Skull Warrior, he's had a rough time. Besides, I've mentioned in another topic that "nothing says 'bad-guy' quite like a skull". If Makuta is going to play the role of major bad-guy like he did in Gen1 (or one step below the Mask of Ultimate Power), he certainly looks the part. I noticed this too. Maybe Makuta is wearing something like this: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/bionicle/images/5/57/Olisi_original.png/revision/latest?cb=20080831224223
  5. Isn't that what Mata-Nui said to Makuta in the Battle for Bara Magna?
  6. I thought Nova Blasts were the element you were, not your mask.
  7. Probably this, but why would they even take their masks off in the first place? I feel like that's saying, "oh, I can put this bar of gold in my pocket, but I think i'll just leave it out in the open." In case they lost them. If Ekimu's mask got knocked off, it'd fly towards it's pedestal so he can reclaim it. Makuta also willingly removed his mask, and it went towards his pedestal. Why would Makuta build a pedestal for his MouP? I didn't think he had enough time to build one, since as soon as he was finished with his mask, he put it on.
  8. I feel BrickLink is the only trust worthy site, but their are many, many others.
  9. 10. Piraka Rap 9. pIRAKA rAP 8. PIRAKA RAP 7. piraka rap 6. Piraka Wrap 5. P-P-P-iraka W-W-Wrap 4. Pirrrraka Wrrrrap 3. Piraka Rap 2. Piraka Rap 1. Singing Squid
  10. Do any of you think Slizer and Roboriders exist in the same universe? Maybe Bionicle too? That may have been one of Lego's scrapped intents.
  11. 2015 would have been better if Skull Scorpion made sense.
  12. Probably this, but why would they even take their masks off in the first place? I feel like that's saying, "oh, I can put this bar of gold in my pocket, but I think i'll just leave it out in the open."
  13. Talk about this plz. Well, it is the mask of Creation. Maybe the mask made it when it landed? Unless someone has found the masks... But probably just plot convenience.
  14. The fish was a critter thing.
  15. Well, the Jetrax T6 has two different various colors. This: http://www.binbin.net/photos/lego/leg/lego-bionicle-jetrax-t6-8942.jpg and http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/bionicle/images/a/ab/Set_Charged_Jetrax_T6.png/revision/latest?cb=20090110002732&path-prefix=es For all I know, you might have two Jetrax!
  16. I mean, it isn't even really just Bionicle either. The only people who keep up with Lego's real release dates are Lego themselves.
  17. I think the main reason why this topic is slumping, is because we've basically talked about everything that needs to be talked about. Oh no we haven't! Did anyone notice the way Tahu's head twitched in one of the animations..... But seriously we're kinda running out of things to talk about. Yeah… We are straying off topic a lot. Personally, we need a Bionicle Gen2 Subfourm. Doesn't this topic count? Well, yeah, but I feel like people are just mashing topics that could be related into 2015 into this one. P.S. I have all Toa, PoS, PoJ, and PoE. Who's next guys?
  18. Also I remember seeing in a Lego Star Wars instructions previews for Toa/
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