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Everything posted by Xabla

  1. Wow, I have Karzahni, Lesovikk, Mutran & Vican, and Icarax all dismantled somewhere in my parts bins. I had no idea they were rare I didn't know Icarax was rare.
  2. Because there's no point. If the island is not in fact Mata Nui, then naming a mountain after one in the original story would be little more than fanservice (incoherent fanservice at that, since Mount Ihu's name referred to its general position above the Mata Nui Robot). Ihu wasn't solely there to foreshadow the robot; it also provided a backdrop for Ko-Koro. No, but the NAME referred to its position over the robot. Without a robot, your options for "mountain names" are wide open, and there would be no point in using a previously meaningful name out of context except to blatantly exploit fan nostalgia. Seems to me it'd be better to give your icy peaks a different name if only to help the new theme come into its own rather than using the classic story as a crutch. Lyichir, I'm not sure that name referred to its position over the Mata Nui robot, but rather just being named after Ihu himself. Naming something Ihu on a person's face doesn't really help show where it is, do you know what I mean? Plus there's nothing wrong with a blatant nod to the old fanbase, since the only thing so far is the very obvious Vahi in each episode Anyways, to get the topic back on track, I agree with some of the newer points brought up about the emotional investment into the island itself. The only connection we have to Okoto is through the Fire Village, and even then we barely got to see it. There were a few passing landmarks, but none that stood out Essentially, the the story isn't rushed, but it isn't going slow either. It just isn't going into detail about the island or the mystery behind it In the story, the mountain was named after a character, as established in 2004. But in real life, it was named after the Maori word for "nose", because it covered Mata Nui's nose, the same way the Mangai Volcano covered his mouth, Kauae Bay covered his chin, and Lake Naho covered his left eye. All the Mata Nui place names were deliberate references to the true nature of both the island and the great spirit. Using them again in a new context where they don't have that second meaning would cheapen them in my opinion. Yes, since they were planning the GSR from the beginning.
  3. TTV covered this in a podcast, believe it or not. Really? Can you put a name to the episode, please? I am now curious to hear their thoughts... The TTV Podcast #129 (Summer Set Discussion) and TTV Podcast #130 (I'm Sort of Greg)
  4. This sounds...like a dream I have? I've had those dreams! Except most of the time it's not every set ever, just every set from one or two lines. Just a few weeks ago I found all the Visorak and Hordika in a Lowes. ...Yes, you read that correctly, a Lowes. Don't ask me why. Did you get anything?
  5. Do you think it's possible they might have a gearbox?
  6. TTV covered this in a podcast, believe it or not.
  7. They designed a cover. Not sure where it originated from: Too bad it was cancelled. Zanier's other Bionicle artwork blew me away. Imagine a whole graphic novel by him! Greg told me he didn't think he got around to writing anything for the graphic novel; if he did, it would be very rough drafts. The book never went too far into production. I believe the pic is true: I've seen it before. But is their a source?
  8. Heh, those were my first 4 in the same order.
  9. Wait… Why isn't he wearing Kopaka's mask? But anyway, really good drawing! I don't think it looks bad at all. ( Maybe thats because i'm not good at drawing.)
  10. Lego either has trouble managing its Youtube account or it REALLY wants us to see these episodes early. Yeah. Lego has been having a major problem with their uploads.
  11. I always thought from the leaked pics that that Protector mask looked like that 2007 one.
  12. Look, i'm old and wise, but I don't have the parts and money to produce huge MOCs. So I don't think it should be differenced by age, but by how you get parts. Ratio of taking apart sets : ordering 2 pounds off Bricklink.
  13. I think that the Hero Pack was nothing more than Lego's mistake.
  14. Technically, they were just a super-advanced branch of the Glatorian race. They were hardly gods in any sense. They had the knowledge, imagination, and technology, yes, but otherwise they were no more extraordinary than Vastus or Ackar. But the people looked at them as gods.
  15. I would buy this if I saw it in a store. I wonder how much it would cost? But still, this thing is epic.
  16. Also, no one has mentioned Basher yet. If it wasn't for MM vs SG That would be my favorite.
  17. My problem with the LMBs were that the posts looked like this all the time: IT. GOT. ANNOYING.
  18. I always thought the Bionicle planet was just looked like a piece of swiss cheese.
  19. Great Beings are gods. They can make what they want when they want it if they have the resources.
  20. I disagree. I want them to give us as many masks in as many colors as possible. Bionicle post-2002 and HF always suffered from only having masks or helmets in one color for the most part, and it was awful. This is the first time since the Nuva masks that we have any mask in 7 colors. (the Protector mask) And that is amazing. Recolors are good. More masks are also nice, but I'd prefer to get the ones we already have in new colors than just throw them out with only one or two variations This was EXACTLY what I thought when I saw the summer sets.
  21. It did. It was a huge improvement from what we were getting earlier. The flashy armor, the overly bright colors, they were all wrong. The dark colors and metallic armor added some new flavor and zest to the story. Yeah. In 2005 I was like, where are the colors?
  22. Welcome, one and all, and welcome to the Illuminati! Tell us any theories of what they are doing behind the scenes! Mine is that they control Bionicle's end and return, and they are Highly Suspect himself. But why?
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