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Everything posted by hiddenderek

  1. *This is currently a work in progress, I'll post updates as I iterate on the design* This is my first Bionicle MOC in 8 years, built with limited pieces in my college dorm. (I had a small ziplock bag of various green Bionicle pieces that I brought with me, the Exo Suit, Lewa 2015, and the Protector of Jungle.) Please give comments and criticisms on what I should include in my next version! I havent added a weapon yet. I don't really have a good eye on proportions or color scheme so let me know if anything there is off. New version: Larger image of new version: http://i.imgur.com/C6osiIb.jpg Old version: [ http://i.imgur.com/CJdJLsR.jpg ]
  2. Thanks! Yeah, I felt I had to compensate towards making the chest larger and more proportional, so I made the legs slightly longer too. He's actually still pretty short though, when standing him next to Tahu you can easily see the height difference.
  3. Skull grinder is my favorite figure, I love the engines used for shoulders and the color scheme is far more consistent than the other baddies.
  4. I think he looks great, I love his color scheme and he looks really menacing. Also the build is awesome, easily the best build out of any of the winter wave sets. Almost entirely technic and very reminescent of the early Rahi sets. That's all that really matters to me, the build and it looking good in the end. I get why people don't like him, but I don't really care for posability and the printed chest piece as a head doesn't really bother me.
  5. Anyone else notice that the Lord of Skull Spiders looks completley differet in the comics provided in the instructions? I wonder if there was a prototype that looked similar to that.
  6. Just got the Lord of Skull Spiders. Great build, its basically not a contstraction set and is pretty much entirely technic outside of a few pieces of armor slapped on at the end. I understand why many people dont like him, he has virtually no posabllity and the printed chest piece for a head is an odd choice. Also his back is a little odd with the exposed technic beams. But overall he looks really great in my opinion. I love the color scheme. For me all that really matters is an interesting build and it looking good at the end. And at least to me, this is an awesome addition to the Bionicle line and I'm glad I decided to get it.
  7. Do you have a link to that? If its cool enough I might go ahead and buy two LoSS instead. I feel like he could be super awesome with a few modifications.
  8. Pohatu and LoSS. Easy choice. I dunno, all I've heard is negative stuff about the LoSS. Is he really worth the 15 bucks?
  9. I'm thinking about what I should get next, I have 5 Toa (Kopaka, Onua, Gali, Tahu, & Lewa) and I'm wondering if I should go ahead and get Pohatu or 2 Protectors. Or maybe Pohatu and one protector. Hmm. What's the best protector sets?
  10. At least a new chest shell design and some new armor. I don't even care if they're not coated in pistons and gears like G1. Just something different than the tired and boring infinitely reused 4 year old design we've had for years Also, a true titan set would be nice.
  11. Is it weird that I think most the toa look better without their masks? That head piece is so cool.
  12. Yeah I just decided to put more of the armor pieces on his shoulders to keep that "bulked up" look.
  13. Amy way to tweak lewa 2015 so that he can move his neck without getting rid of his high shoulders? I liked how his shoulders were so high, really distinguished him from the other sets.
  14. I was thinking about why I like lewa's color scheme so much more than the other sets, and its probably because he doesnt have a single transparent piece on him. Don't get me wrong, transparent stuff is fine when used sparingly on sets like Tahu, but it really doesn't look good when it becomes the primary color in a set like with the protector of jungle. For some reason it just looks tacky to me. Edit: Wow, Skull Basher's action function looks super clever. Will have to get him just for the build.
  15. Just got lewa, my fifth 2015 Toa. I didn't like him from the photos but he's pretty cool in person. I like the green/yellow/silver color scheme. Much better than many of the toa who use a four color- color scheme which just makes them noisy. (Best answer being onua with his silver/gold/purple/black color scheme.) Getting used to his mask, not my favorite as its the least similar to the originals but its pretty good for what it is. Definitley much better than the Nuva version. I really like his 'back pack' look he has, of course it sacrifices neck movement but that isnt a huge deal to me.
  16. That rumor would also perfectly coincide with the lack of Tahu and Gali as transparent masks. It would also make a lot of sense, 6 new bad guys and one special set would be equal to the six new toa and the LoSS.
  17. That's what caused G1 to flop in the very end. It's what been said millions of times. You can have a sophisticated storyline (and, maybe some character development here and there....) while still being accessible to a wider audience. They just handled it badly towards the end.
  18. Skull Grinder looks amazing. I love the use of the turbine pieces as shoulders. Super clever. Ekimu's pretty cool too. Definitley gonna get that set. Not really sure about the others though.
  19. I would have liked skull basher a lot more if his horns didn't have giant gaping holes in them. It makes them look soooo tacky.
  20. Nah I'm getting it for Skull Grinder. I think he looks awesome, even better than Ekimu.
  21. Alright, changed my mind on a lot of these sets after finally seeing clear pictures of them here. Skull Grinder looks amazing and seriously menacing. Ugh, august is gonna be such a long wait.
  22. I really, really don't like the color schemes of the bad guys. Its all over the place with the scattered red and overabundance of transparent pieces. Also scorpio is kinda iffy. Besides that they're pretty good. I'll probably get Skull Warrior
  23. I think people are misinterpreting what he's saying. He's not saying he's upset the webisodes are progressing too fast, he's saying he thinks its being rushed since ALL we're seemingly getting is these micro 90 second shorts and possibly a book in December. That's quite a step down in terms of story, even compared to Hero Factory.
  24. Was that screen of all the toa from a leaked episode? I noticed it said #7, but if I recall correctly the latest officially released was #5 or 'The protectors fight back'
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