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Toru Nui

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Everything posted by Toru Nui

  1. Being the Mask of Life, I curse you by splitting you into three. And they HATE each other. Myself.
  2. Being the Mask of Life, I curse you with a desire to marry a statue. You may kiss the Onaku! Myself.
  3. I leave Onaku's good clone as he is being eaten by squids. I possess the mask. Myself.
  4. He then kills you and I possess his body. My Mask.
  5. Since you do not have an evil clone, you have a good clone instead. Who kills you. Good Onaku's Mask.
  6. OBJECTION! If a statement is a lie, and the statement is referring to itself as a lie then it must be true. The statement must be a lie. Because it is saying that it is a lie. Which is true. Oh and I kill VahkiDane. My Mask.
  7. Since I am Logic, I decide it makes sense for you to slap yourself five hundred times. Groot's Mask.
  8. I take over Logic's body, I now decide what makes sense and what does not. So my Mask.
  9. IC: Navuru (Onu-Koro) The stranger appears to be leaving. Never mind, he caught my attention and brought me to my house. I enter.
  10. "Matoran Hero" by Takua. "Red vs Blue" by Trocadero.
  11. Out comes something that is not a turnip. In go the people who somehow enjoyed Hero Factory.
  12. I use a BAN-HAMMER to knock off Gukko Lord's Trollface. Who's Mask is it again?
  13. Your evil clone kills you. Your evil clone's Mask.
  14. I summon evil clones of everyone. My Mask,
  15. I am also alive, since that makes sense, and throw you outside this topic. My Mask.
  16. I take over the Gukkos and become the Lord of the Gukkos. I then strand you on a desert island. After a few brief escapedes concerning human innocence, you- No, you probably won't get that reference, so instead the universe explodes. Which of course makes perfect sense. Nobody's mask since everyone is dead. (Again)
  17. I become the confetti and kill you via papercuts. I then push the confetti into every orifice of my body that was killed earlier by the Gukko guy, allowing me to retake control of it. My Mask and Body.
  18. That makes sense. It also makes sense that the pear stops eating my face (Which immediately grows back) to go down and play poker with dogs. In the mean-time, I revert back to normal and kill you. My Mask.
  19. Since logic is dead, that makes perfect sense. I then turn into a giant mobile fortress and start killing everyone (again). Which also makes perfect sense. My Mask.
  20. Out comes the singing squid from that bonus 2007 short. In goes the twisted abomination that is Hero Factory.
  21. I take over Logic's dead body and force you to solve incredibly complex and boring arithmetic. My Mask.
  22. My spirit escapes from my body and possesses yours. Our mask.
  23. I re-gravitate my screws, killing all of you. Nobody's mask because everyone is dead.
  24. I screw gravity again. But still your mask.
  25. No, because you had those eye lasers before and you used them to shoot back the acidic spine and melting spork back at me. So by this reverse logic, YOU disintegrate. My mask.
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