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Toru Nui

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Everything posted by Toru Nui

  1. Here's your bagel! The secret ingredient is snake venom! I wish I was a triangle.
  2. An underground city inhabited by the undead. Yeldan.
  3. I do not need to see to kill Onaku! My Mask!
  4. "Take over the world using Kojol's virus? Screw that!" Hordika Matau.
  5. IC: Navuru (Onu-Koro Bar) Ah, the bar. The terrible taste of what these reprobates have the gall to call a drink, the nauseating smell of the food coming out from the kitchen, the irritating sound of those accursed Le-Matoran drunkards singing their quote sing-song unquote in the corner. Mata Nui, I forgot how much I hated this place.
  6. IC: Navuru (Comfort Sector) Well. How was I supposed to know they had a brochure? Apparently this is an inter dimensional arena that pits randomly selected individuals from various universes to fight each other simply to amuse two Brakas called the Host and the Queen. That would certainly explain that rude female Ta-Toa in the library, she was simply from another universe. Still doesn't make her any less of an abomination. I can work with this. Apparently there are these things called Infinite Gems. There is one for every power in the multiverse. Or in layman's terms, a lot. There's a reward for bringing them to the Queen. But I have a better idea. I don't know about most people here, but in MY universe a Toa's lifetime spans countless millennia. I will amass these gems over time, get as many as I can, and when I am sure I can get no more I will- Well, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's just say NOTHING WILL STAND IN MY WAY. "Nyahahahhah! Ahahahaha! AHAHAHAH!... Did I just do that out loud?"
  7. IC: Navuru (General) Well, it appears it IS one of those days. I'm going to be stuck in general confinement for a while. Hopefully the food here will be better than in solitary. If you can call that food. Wait, why am I hoping for THAT? If what happened in solitary is any indication, I won't have wait centuries to get out. The monster will reduce the asylum to rubble, with not even two bricks left stacked together. The end WILL be soon. VERY SOON. I CAN WAIT.
  8. IC: Navuru (Solitary) While messing around with the shotgun pellets, some... thing burst through the wall, got it's foot stuck in the door, tore it off and started melting it. "It appears it's going to be one of those days."
  9. I'm going to assume you mean Cahdok. "STOP WRECKING STUFF!" Nidhiki.
  10. I point out to you soon there will be a hundred pages of Steal the Mask 3. You are distracted so I take the mask from you. My Mask.
  11. IC: Navuru (Onu-Koro Bar) I slink away into the shadows, he (Hammerlock) doesn't appear to notice me. So what now? Well as everyone knows, usually exciting jobs can be found in a tavern. Onu-Koro doesn't have a tavern, so I just go into the bar. OOC: Open for interaction.
  12. IC: Navuru I was woken by the sound of that worthless guard. "Ma'am, you're required at the courtyard immediately. I'd get moving if I was you, this sounds big." Idiot. Strike one was threatening to kill someone he's paid to PROTECT. That would have cost him his job. He wouldn't dare. Strike two was firing a shotgun at point blank range to my face and MISSING. And I don't care if he did it intentionally. He has just supplied me with pellets to play with. And strike three was telling someone to exit a cell which he hasn't OPENED. Now I'm going to make sure his death is meticulous. Right after I tell him all three strikes. I pretend to continue sleeping. I don't want to see that brakas anymore than I have too.
  13. IC: Navuru Odd, I could have sworn I heard something. Probably just some idiot screwing around with telepathy. I thought to myself.
  14. I beat you to death with your own profile icon! My Mask.
  15. IC: Navuru (Comfort Sector) Can anyone hear me? "Who said that?" Silence... Well. I heard him at least. OOC: Interacting with The Puppetmaster. THROUGH THE POWER OF THE MIND!
  16. IC: Navuru (Solitary) "HEY, I NEED HELP HERE!" "WHAT?!" "What's happening out there? Did the monster return?" "Oh, in case the screaming, bloodshed, tearing, ad fighting sounds weren't enough to get through your thick head, yes it came back! Have I satisfied you most earnest demands?" "...yes, thank you." "What the karzahni are you babbling about Vortixx scum!? You are a guard. You can go outside this room. I cannot. I have heard nothing but these two for the last twenty minutes. I cannot hear anything else through these accursed walls! EXPLAIN YOURSELF YOU WORTHLESS COWARD!" OOC: If you haven't guessed, Navuru has better reason to be in the asylum then anyone else. Interacting with the Vortixx guard.
  17. IC: Navuru The guards outside were talking about the asylum monster. I had heard rumors about it from Noguti. How stupid of me to ever consider her a friend, constantly telling everyone lies. It's like it was a hobby to her. She once said you could survive a drop down Archive Tunnel 6-C4 if you were wearing iron boots. Naturally, that was how I killed her. So, like everything she said I assumed it was a lie. Either these guards are as gullible as a Le-Matoran or it's real. Probably gullible though.
  18. IC: Navuru (Solitary) "Lana... *growl*" "How's food in general confinement? The food here in solitary is not...good." "Well...it looks like actual food in general confinement." *CLANK* Some sort of blue goop on a tray just slided out of a hole in my cell. By the sounds of it, the same happened in Nakton and Lana's cells as well. "Don't chew it, just swallow. That way it doesn't taste too bad." "I don't feel particularly hungry..." BLAH! If the chef was trying to create something universally disgusting then my compliments to the chef. However since he is supposed to be feeding us rather than poisoning us then my insults to the chef. This will be my only source of nutrition for centuries, at least. If I don't eat it, then I will starve. "Ah Karzahni."
  19. IC: Navuru (Solitary) I hear voices. The first time in a long while. I hear two. One (Nakton) sounded as though he was in the cell adjacent to mine. The other (Lana) was fainter, probably in the next cell. "*sigh*" "Hello?" "...hi?" "Hi, I'm Nakton and you are?" I decide to continue listening. There is nothing else to do. OOC: Listening to Nakton and Lana.
  20. IC: Navuru (Commercial Sector) Walking out of that labyrinth of doors I find what appears to be a shopping centre chock full of races and Rahi I didn't expect to act peacefully with each other and... a dead Ba-Matoran in the centre and a... what the Karzahni is that (The Host)? I immediately back away into the other room (Comfort Sector). OOC: Open for interaction.
  21. IC: Navuru (Comfort Sector) Coming out the other side of that surprisingly-longer-than-I-thought-it-would-be corridor, I find some sort of housing block, with rows upon rows of doors. "I appear to have walked into a Ga-Metru music video." OOC: Open for interaction.
  22. IC: Navuru (Solitary Confinement) My cell. Decaying walls, two previous owners, needs a little work. The guard shuts the door and leaves hastily. I wonder what exactly goes on in here. If they are being completely honest and are genuinely trying to rehabilitate the Toa then they clearly are terrible at it. Or they're deliberately keeping all Toa here for all eternity, for some ridiculously over-complicated master plan. I may not understand their motives, but they may never understand mine. The Matoran race needs me. Someone to forge strength out of weakness, cowardice and doubt. That is my destiny. That is what I mean to this world. Or giant robot, whatever. And I'll be back. There is no other logical outcome. The asylum is already showing signs of weakness. Give it a few pokes and prods, a thousand years or so and this place will crumble. My time will be here soon. Very soon. I can wait.
  23. IC: Navuru (Knowledge Sector) "Well she was of no help whatsoever." I open a door, hopefully to somewhere where they aren't any paranoid abominations of nature or giant police robots. OOC: Moving from Knowledge Sector to Comfort Sector. Open for interaction.
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