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Electric Light Gunhaver

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Status Updates posted by Electric Light Gunhaver

  1. You know, I read the entire thing, but I still can't seem to find the panel you took your profile icon from.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      My summers are only about eight weeks long. Time well wasted. How long are your summers usually?

    3. Tarn


      From June 'til August. It always ends up feeling like one very short month in retrospect.

    4. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      Mine start around the last week of may and then they end on the first week in August.

  2. You seem to change your avatar quite frequently, like I do.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      No. My hard drive crashed somehow. It's all right now, but I lost some of those pictures.

    3. Tahu3.0


      At least it works.

    4. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      Yup. At least it works.

  3. Hey, Arzaki! I played the demo (finally!). I had a lot of fun with it after I got used to the controls. They were a bit wonky to me at first, as I don't usually play the kinds of games like Monster Hunter. I'm going to play more or it to practice, and if I feel like it, I'll pick the full game up.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      Sorry, but I haven't.

    3. Arzaki


      Narga is my favorite monster. Even without adept or evasion skills, you can evade through each of its attacks if you time them just right, since every evade has i-frames. Fighting him with adept bow makes him a cakewalk once you learn its attacks.

    4. Arzaki


      Have you fought Malfestio?

  4. When you've been on TVTropes for hours just reading article after article.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Tarn


      Surprise, I'm actually Michael Bay. I stalk this slightly obscure fansite to comment on explosion realism.

    3. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      "Would you sign my Bitcoin, sir?"

    4. Erasmus Graves

      Erasmus Graves

      Remember kids, there is a section on TV Tropes that is called: Tropes Are Not Bad. Ultimately, you can never escape the tropes. Never. Unless you write something so original that it is trope-free... and then everyone steals off you and it eventually becomes a bunch of tropes. Tropes are everywhere.

  5. Ask Lan: Have you ever had alcohol?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      It does. And its meaning is even more significant to me, because St. Patrick evangelized my ancestors.

    3. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      Many people forget that bit of history. Glad to know someone else knows about ol' Patty!

    4. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      I'm going to be honest with you, the only reason I even know about it in the first place is because of a VeggieTales skit.

  6. Are we doing this, boy?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      You're right. I like how we're coordinated. I just hope someone doesn't steal Gunhaver or Inary.

    3. Tarn


      i don't think someone will, and if they steal both separately you can still use both in combination somehow to work around that

    4. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      I do think that that's what people know me as, so I doubt someone'll take it unless they're new. You're right, though. I could figure something out.

  7. Ask Lan: How old do you think I am?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      So how'd I do? Was my guess accurate?

    3. Electric Light Gunhaver
    4. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      I'm not gonna reveal my true age! Ahahahaha!

  8. "Nanomachines, son."

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      That sure is a lot more than I know. Whaddya mean "sundowner" line?

    3. Tarn


      one of the villains is named sundowner. said line is: "like i said, kids are cruel, jack. and i'm VERY in touch with my inner child."

    4. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      Oh. What an odd thing to say.

      "Male... female... what does it matter? Power is beautiful, and I've got the power!"

  9. Ask Lan: Do you do birthdays?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Eiji Hino
    3. Electric Light Gunhaver
    4. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      I once got a bus crammed full of people to laugh at one of my jokes for twenty seconds. That joke proceeded to spread throughout my whole youth ministry in a week.

      So, pretty well.

  10. Agh, this was a tough week.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bonkle


      Yeah, I'm in the Pre-AP/AP classes as well. Pretty fun stuff most of the time.


      And, it's gotten so bad that half my teachers had specific rules in their syllabuses (is that a word?) not to play Pokemon Go in class.

    3. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      Ah, the rampancy of Pokemon Go. It isn't as bad a problem here, though. I just need to get used to my classes and I'll be fine in a jiffy.

    4. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk


      I have the problem with AP homework. :3

      And as for Pokemon Go- it is really popular here, just people don't play it during class.


      However most of the people I know in high school and college band I know play it, I've noticed.

  11. Two weeks off. What to do? What to do?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      I guess that's my destiny.


      (They do if you copy and paste. Do you take me for a fool?!)

    3. Tarn


      i meant bit.ly links lol

      i remembered literally right after you linked a clip from jjba to me once

    4. Electric Light Gunhaver
  12. "Freaka me, freaka you."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The 1st Shadow

      The 1st Shadow

      My brother and I went and watched both seasons a couple years ago. It's really dumb, but some of the jokes and gags are too perfect that it makes up for everything.

    3. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      It sounds like a fun time.

    4. The 1st Shadow
  13. Ask Lan: Lan, how come you don't dance no more?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      Kick off my Sunday shoes.

    3. ToaTImeLord


      Lose your blues, everybody cut footloose

    4. The Hip Historian Iaredios
  14. Ask Lan: What is a man?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill needs a savior such as you!

    3. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      It was not by my hand I was once again given flesh. I was brought here by humans who wished to pay me tribute.

    4. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      TRIBUTE?! You steal men's souls! And make them your slaves!

  15. What's prison life like?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      Where did the name "Crossing the Frame" come from?

    3. Tarn


      it's one of my favorite coheed and cambria songs, and the second choice for a url after my other favorite song by them, junesong provision, didn't work (and i tried literally every variation)

    4. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      It's always interesting to see where usernames come from.

  16. CHAPTER 3, PAGE 40, PANEL 11

    1. Tarn


      at first I thought, "what does this mean" and then I realized

      you found The Source

    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      I didn't expect to find it so soon.

    3. Tarn


      Heh. There are even more avatar-worthy expressions comin' your way.

  17. While Rohan Kishibe from the anime is voiced by the same dude who voiced Meme Oshino, he's voiced by the dude who voices Koyomi Araragi in Eyes of Heaven. This greatly pleases me.

  18. Ask Lan: How many pizza rolls can you eat in one sitting?

    1. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      Either 21, 42, 69, 420, or over 9000, depending on how hungry I am.

    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      What about 1337 of them?

    3. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      Yeah, that many, too.

  19. Ask Lan: How many ghost friends do you have? And how did you know I like Lintu's work?

    1. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      Do the voices in my head count as ghost friends? If so, I have five.

      And it wasn't really hard to tell that you like Lintu's art, seeing as you've used some of their pieces for your own avatar in the past.

    2. Electric Light Gunhaver
    3. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      They don't have names just yet.

  20. Ask Lan: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

    1. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      What do you mean? African or European swallow?

    2. Electric Light Gunhaver
    3. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      <tosses you into the Gorge of Eternal Peril>

  21. "If you lace your dope with rope, the pope will give you soap. And if you find rope beside your soap, the dope pope will give you hope. And that way, you can cope."

    1. Eiji Hino
    2. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver

      Don't you do this. Not after all we've been through.

    3. Eiji Hino

      Eiji Hino

      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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