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Posts posted by Vorahk1Panrahk2

  1. Despite the ARC-170 not being in this poll, because it should be, it's still super cool of LEGO to do this. Even though there are already three perfectly good models of it, one of which I own, I voted for the LAAT. Does it need it? Maybe not, but it's one of my favorite Star Wars ships, and its been ten years since a prequel ship was added to the UCS line.

    The Escort Frigate is the obvious choice since it has yet to make it to set form, but I let my bias sway me in voting here.

  2. It's a good question. I think, though, that more important than the animation style is the character design. Without having seen the fourth Direct-to-DVD movie, I do think the character designs used in Miramax films make sense from the standpoint of having expressive characters, but also looked a little too organic for characters that can literally build themselves. Maybe something between the Miramax and set accurate style would work for a 3D CGI animated film.

    An animated movie inspired by the art from the first few comics could be a fun experiment, though.

  3. That said, if you don't go IV, V, VI, I, II, III, VII, VIII, IX, you're wrong. Correct me in the Talkback and share your own thoughts on the game!


    I see nothing to correct here. This is the only correct order.


    Looking forward to this one. I'm assuming they'll change up the levels for episodes 1-7, but I hope they do so without adding gameplay elements that hurt later TT LEGO video games. I'm thinking specifically about the running and other 'on track' levels seen in LEGO Lord of the Rings and LEGO Jurassic World. Always the worst part of these games.

  4. This is actually a bit disappointing. I get that the gate is the most iconic (non dinosaur) image for the franchise, but it's just not very interesting as a structure and has no play value. I appreciate that they built vignettes into the back, but they're so tiny. And what's the point of having a toilet in the vignette if there's no Gennaro minifigure? Or maybe that's the joke and I'm just being a stick in the mud.


    The brick built T-Rex looks great, though.

  5. I don't recall a BIONICLE (or LEGO piece for that matter) ever drawing blood, but I always found the original Onua's claws to be on the "dangerous" side, particularly since they naturally rest in a 'pointy part up' position. Don't want to step or fall on those.


    Never did get Krika but I'll have to trust the replies here that its head would also be an unpleasant piece to step on.

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