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Posts posted by Vorahk1Panrahk2


    Not as many sets as I had thought. Also no pictures of the other TFA constraction sets?

    No, because those aren't due to be released until January. Chances are if those get a big, flashy announcement, it will be at New York Comic-Con or during the week leading up to it.



    Sorry, I'm pretty out of the loop: where was it said that there would be constraction sets for The Force Awakens?


    As for the first wave of sets, I have to say I'm kind of disappointed. Not necessarily with the builds themselves, but with the new ship designs. The snowspeeder, transporter, and shuttle all look quite bland. Hopefully they look better in the film.


    Poe's X-Wing is pretty cool, though. I'm in love with the Halloween color scheme!

  2. Not going to lie, I'm really interested in seeing how that shadow puppet theater works.

    They show it off briefly in the video. It looks like there are two micro figures and two transparent flame pieces on a rotating platform which you can turn with the crank. There's a light source, presumably a light brick, which projects the shadows onto the surface. I can't tell what the surface is.


    It's one of those features that looks cool the first time, but I can imagine it getting pretty dull pretty quickly (unless there's a lot more to it that wasn't shown off). The rest of the set is incredibly nice, though I'm not interested in it personally.


    I haven't really followed ninjago in years but I will say that temple is pretty nice, I'm impressed that it's a set without a conflict or vehicle (nice to see every once in a while). Also that thing the what I believe is Zane is using to fly is almost identical to this old set


    Intentional callback?


    The video implies that it is.

  3. I'm too lazy to write real reviews so have some of my one sentence opinions:


    The Hobbit - It's animation and music is a bit dated, but it's an appropriately whimsical adaption of the source material.


    Jurassic World - Not a very good movie, but it has a fun factor that makes it easy to swallow.


    Prince of Persia - A surprisingly dull swashbuckler with only a few stand out moments.


    Next up: I don't know. Maybe The Lord of the Rings (1978) or Atonement.

  4. I'm interested in LEGO Jurassic World, but it's bound to be cheapter in the future so I'll pass. And I'd buy The Hobbit except I'm not interested in a game which only tells 2/3 of the story. Unfortunatly the only other deals I'm interested in our the PC only ones. Guess I'll have to wait for an App Store sale.

  5. Wait, there's a comic? I loved the movie, but source material is usually as good if not better than big screen debuts so may have to check that out!

    The comic was inspired by the film's story rather than the other way around. For now I think the only one is Tales From Year Zero which functions as a prequel, but I wouldn't be surprised if more came along at some point.

  6. What drives me absolutely nuts about this set is that little sliding piece with the cookie print. It's a boring function, doesn't really have an aesthetic purpose, and I'm tired of it falling out every time I try to move the set.


    Other than that, I think the set is decent and I quite like it. Makes for a nice little desktop piece.

  7. I've been recently re-playing LEGO Star Wars which is reminding me of just how much fun these games can be. I'm much more fond of this franchise over some of the other TT Games that have been put out, so I'll definitely get this one when it goes in a reasonable sale in who-knows-how-many years. It's great that you can actually do things when you're playing as the animals in this game, aside from just moving around. I think another video of the gameplay even suggested that you can play some levels from the dinosaur's perspective. Now that should be fun.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I like the limitations placed on element use. It's a nice contrast to the usual combat-based stories which tend to use them offensively. Here it seems more like a relationship, I guess? The Elves can use the elements, but they don't outright control them. Also looking at that background art makes me fall more and more in love with the colors used in this line.


    Good stuff.

    • Upvote 2
  9. I'm guessing me saying the "raptor" in the Jurassic World level pack looks dreadful will earn me the same vitriol it usually does.


    It's not just the raptor either. For myself, at least, several of the non-minifigure builds leave a lot to be desired, especially that flying monkey. I get that there are piece count and mold restrictions, but I feel like LEGO has put out better small scale models than these. But since kids will be purchasing these for the stands (and probably minifigures) I guess that hardly matters.


    It's not that there all bad, most are actually quite good, but a few leave me scratching my head.

  10. The Babadook


    I'm.... actually not quite sure what to think.



    I just wish they didn't kill the dog. :( It's a horror movie, though, so the little guy pretty much had it coming from the beginning. :P


  11. Just fixed the links in my earlier post— I had copied and pasted the links from Facebook, and for some reason the last one didn't work. The links are now fixed to what they should have been when I made the post on April 1.


    Oh *facepalm*


    I can't believe I let that happen to me. I just got April Fool'd... 29 days after April Fools.


    And I spent these last four weeks thinking there was an MLP song I was missing out on. I guess I should have seen the signs when I couldn't find any MLP song with that title.


    Man how embarrassing.

    • Upvote 2
  12. there's still the fact that everyone is a teenager for some reason...sigh.


    I'm not sure why you say it that way- I don't know much about the DC universe, but I'm pretty sure all these characters had to have been teenagers at some point. And as long as the characters are well written, that part of their life can be just as interesting as the parts where they run around and kick butt. Maybe even more so since these are the years when they'll probably start to be become most accustomed to their abilities.

  13. I'm far more interested in what super heroes are like when they aren't being, you know, super, so this sounds like it could be pretty appealing to me. And at least two of those characters are (or, will become) villains and I'm a sucker for a good 'fall' story.  I do think the character faces are a bit too similar to each other, but hopefully their personalities will be unique enough.


    Sounds like an interesting experiment- I hope it pays off.

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