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Posts posted by Vorahk1Panrahk2

  1. I think Grievous's chest could stand to be a little bit beefier, since it's basically the most heavily armored part of his body in the films, but he's got a very creative build for sure.


    The live action character is armored on the chest, sure, but it's really not all that bulky. The animated version is slightly more beefed up, but even then not by that much. I think the problem is more that his secondary arms are attached out away from the body rather than at it, leaving a gappy area. That aside I think it works as a representation of his torso. I can see why others here are critical of the design- the arm connection is a little awkward and the upper legs look too bulky, but I'm loving him overall.

  2. I was expecting the Lord of Skull Spiders to be more of a primary villain, but if the 2001 Rahi sets can get away with being arbitrary obstacles then I guess he can too.


    I have to say that I'm surprised no one's gotten Skull Spider'd yet. I know we aren't at the end, but it can't be that much longer before the story shifts over to the skull villains. I wonder if they'll cary over as obstacles that come up once in a while?

  3. Well, we already know of ONE unique mold we're unlikely to see again (the Back to the Future hoverboard). I would think that Bionicle masks, being based on Lego's own original IP, would have even more chance for reuse. I'm not saying that there will NEVER be Bionicle playsets, after all—but if we were going to get any this year, we'd know about it by now. Heck, minifigure-scale masks could even potentially be reused in other Bionicle sets themselves, perhaps as decoration on a villain like Hero Factory's Witch Doctor.


    You know, the Toa's masks aren't really that large in proportion to the body, nor do they have excrucatingly small details. So would the masks have to be a new mold? Couldn't they just be a face print instead?

  4. Titanic would be nice as long as it's the smallest variant- the other two are just too big to be feasible sets, judging by how things have fared in the past. The Corvette is also a very nice build.


    It's nice to see such a variety of projects getting into this review period. There's both licenses and original ideas, vignettes and larger models, things made for display and others made for play. I don't envy the task the reviewers have!

  5. Elves seems like the best candidate here for a theme. It has it's own unique world with a variety of characters and elements that would be fun to interract with. Ideally all the main Elf characters would be represented, but if there can only be one then I guess it would have to be Azari. While she isn't necessarily the leader she is the first character Emily Jones meets and she has a color scheme that makes her stand out more from the others. She could be paired with a brick built fire fox, similar to how the Wicked Witch of the West is paired with a flying monkey. The game could even make a mini doll world which contains Friends characters as well. They're all much more normal compared to what most of what the game is introducing, but that could be what makes them kind of fun and different to play with, depending on what the game mechanics are.


    Any other contemporary or upcoming non licensed themes, like agents or BIONICLE, should be fair game as well.


    I would also not be opposed to older themes making an appearance, although I also realize this game has to be marketable which means, if they appear at all, their presence will be more minimal. Themes like Adventures, Exo-Force, and classic pirates/castle seem like shoe ins for world exploring. And each of those themes have unique vehicles and locations that would make for fun play. Johnny Thunder could come paired with a mini air baloon or blimp, pirates with mini ships, knights with mini siege weaponry, and Exo Force characters with mini mechs (obviously). Lastly, there was a LEGO Dinosaur on the shelf in the extended trailer, so that could be a sign that the 2012 Dinosaurs might make an apperance, with mini brick built vehicles and dinosaurs.


    Finally, the game is being published through WB so some licenses are a given. So I'm just going to put in a plug for Pacific Rim characters and designs.


    I'm torn on whether Collectible Minifigures would make a good addition. While they are all really cool, there is no real 'minifigure world' for them to populate or explore in game, and with limited props playing with them would require using props from other themes. Also it would kind of suck to have to spend money rebuying the figures with a stand just to play with them in game.

  6. It's sort of a shame that you have to buy these packs despite the minifigures being already available, but I guess that's how these things work. Hopefully there's nothing special about the figs themselves (like glue) that make them hard to integrate with standard figures.


    But even though I don't have much interest in the game I'll definitely be buying up those Wizard of Oz packs if we don't end up getting regular sets.

  7. I think the rapid fire pace and iffy voice acting would have been more tolerable if the animation wasn't so dang choppy. Assuming it was a stylistic choice, I hope it's abandoned for the next episodes (if there are any). In spite of the beautiful backgrounds it wasn't very pleasant to watch.


    I did like the humor though!

    • Upvote 1
  8. I did- and I'm surprised there isn't more commentary on it in this topic, though partly that has to do with said commentary being moved to some blog entries instead. I guess I'll spoiler my thoughts?



    I really liked the episode, parituclarly for it's departure from the "big bad" antagonist used in the last four. It felt more like a slice of life episode and those where always my favorite. I also liked it's use of dystopian story tropes as I don't recall the show ever going in that direction before. It felt new. It also did a fine job setting up the goals for the season as well as it's larger antagonist who will hopefully return every so often... or at least at the end. I would have preferred to have gotten some backstory on Starlight in those episodes, but I guess (hope) that that's being saved for future episodes.



    Also, being the fashionably late person I am, I finally watched Rainbow Rocks- do I need spoilers for a six month old movie? I thought it was okay, though definitely a step up from the first film. I loved it's take on the Sirens, and how they modernized them as villains with a battle of the bands approach. But the music was overall pretty bland, which is disappointing given how important music is in countless stories and mythologies involivng Sirens. The Sirens' songs had an appropriately seductive sound with the vocals, but beyond that I found them lyrically dull. The actual 'battle' at the end was probably more over the top than it needed to be, and the use of the DJ pony during that sequence felt not only forced, but it also made it seem like the Sirens lost because they just weren't as loud... which seems like a lame way to lose a magical singing battle. But that can probably just be boiled down to my own personal preference.


    The other thing I loved was how Sunset Shimmer was handled. She got a pretty raw development deal in the last movie so I was glad to see her getting a fuller arc here. I would definitely not be opposed to her joining the show.


    "My Past is not Today": https://youtu.be/4eTef5Iqe0Y

    I actually kind of liked that more than anything else from the movie. Do you have an alternate link to 'teach your heart to sing'? Yours doesn't work for me and I can't find the song on Youtube or anywhere else.

  9. Not sure about Discovery Family, but new episodes might go up on MyLittlePony.com since there's already episode-streaming infrastructure there.


    I'd keep an eye on fandom sites for the Youtube/DailyMotion mirrors for same-day watching, otherwise you'll probably be able to find new episodes on MLPstream.org.




    Thanks for those- I haven't heard of either of them (though I suppose it should have been obvious that the first existed). I'll keep an eye on both, specifically the latter, and hope for the best tomorrow!

  10. From what I could tell... nothing. Unless it's going to be a day late, or something, or was restricted to a section of a forum I don't generally visit.


    This topic is also discussing it, though, so that'd be the best place to go to.

  11. This is actually pretty cool. The only thing that seems unspecifiied to me is: what do they consider a mask? In the video it seems to be anything that slightly resembles a face, so I guess I'll just go with that? Oh is says right in the video text: anything that gives an impression of a face or mask.


    Anyway, this is really cool, and a great way to get people to go outside and take a closer look at things around them. It also requires no purchasing (unless one has no access to a camera) which is a plus. I know what I'll be doing this weekend!

  12. Well The Muppets was fantastic so if Segal can bring that energy and love to this movie... seems like a win to me.


    Though I have to confess that even as a LEGO fan I can't see myself being too interested in so many movies thrown at us at once. Though oversaturation hasn't stopped super hero movies from being box office gold so I'm sure everything will pan out.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Adding in dialogue straight from the movies completely destroys the goofy, slapstick atmosphere that was so perfectly mastered in Lego Star Wars, Lego Batman, and Lego Indiana Jones.



    Pretty much this. The dialogue is just too out of place. : /


    I haven't played any of the TT games since LEGO Star Wars 2 so I imagine I won't be giving this one a spin either, but either way I hope it's enjoyable for those who will.

  14. Probably Adventures. They weren't among my first sets, but they are probably the first group of sets that I consider some of my favorites. I hope that LEGO gives us a return to an Adventure based theme... and that it lasts longer than Pharaoh's Quest.

    • Upvote 1
  15. It was, and I loved it!


    ...reading those IMDb reviews hurt. :(


    Well there's your problem!


    Unless you mean negative reviews rather than poorly written ones. In which case... just ignore them. Not everyone is going to have the same tastes, but most importantly you don't need anyone's validation in order to enjoy your movie. Once you realize that, it actaully becomes kind of interesting to read negative reviews of films you like. If you can read those criticisms and argue against them (mentally or with an actual person) then it just enhances your appreciation for the movie. Also, every movie is flawed, and it's better to understand those flaws rather than pretend they don't exist. I even wrote a whole blog post detailing the issues I have with one of my favorite movies, though I never ended up posting it.


    And so this post ends up being on topic, I rewatched Big Hero 6 the other day and found that I enjoyed it much more. I still stand by some of my criticisms, mainly the one that the supporting characters could have been utilized more. I know the focus was supposed to be on Hiro and Baymax, but I don't think the film would have lost anything by giving the other four more screen time and dialogue. I did see, however, that the film's themes of dealing with grief ran a little deeper than I thought, and it did feel slightly different than some comic book adaptions. Even so, the film blatantly embracing now tired comic book tropes did it no favors, and the fact that Fred called out those tropes at least twice only made it more grating. But despite that I liked it. I'd happily watch it again.

  16. I completed the mobile app yesterday! To fully clear the game you have to play through each level at least five times. Each time you play through a level one of the objects you have to find is a "secret item" that will be added to the corresponding character's profile page, which you can then click on to read more info about the characters. Other than this extra info, there is no special reward for clearing the game, but it certainly felt rewarding for me since I rarely have the patience to reach 100% completion in a game (even a simple one like this).


    I tried to download the app, but given that my phone is a few years outdated most modern apps require newer software I can't install on my phone. This one was no exception. Doesn't sound like I'm missing much, though, assuming the "extra info" is just stuff that's already found on the website or in any of the promotional materials.

  17. I never really liked applying stickers, and generally haven't applied any since about 2002. Although there have been a few exceptions: the T1-Typhoon, the 2005 Droid Tri-fighter, 7623 Temple Escape, and (some of) 7627 Temple of the Crystal Skull. Why I applied those stickers I have absolutely no idea. But you know, I do think they look better with them, even if the Typhoon's '!' sticker on the green round 2x2 keeps peeling.


    So basically I have a whole container filled with sticker sheets that have gone unapplied. I primarily display my sets rather than build my own creations, so really there's no reason why I shouldn't. I guess I'm just really scared that I'll put them on crooked and they'll forever look weird, even though that has only yet happened to one piece in Temple Escape. I'm not really the best at applying sticky things...

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