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Posts posted by Vorahk1Panrahk2

  1. I appreciate the wrap up, I just have a problem specifically with all the fade outs.


    Were there, though? Maybe it's because I only ever watch the extended edition, but the only fadeout I can recall is the one when Frodo and Sam are on the rock on Mount Doom. And I can't imagine anyone saw that fadeout and thought "Well, that's the end of the mov- oh wait no there's more."


    I can see why people might initially interpret the pan up from Minas Tirith as an 'ending shot,' but I dunno, to me it was always a natural scene transfer. Even on my first viewing I never felt like I was mislead into thinking an ending was coming, only to be tricked. It ended exactly where I thought it would, with Sam's final words.


    I've heard this criticism enough times that there surely must be some merit to it, but I've just never felt that way myself. :shrugs:

  2. Anyways, watched The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King a few days ago. It's still good, but the action and fake-out endings kinda suck

    As a 12 year old kid watching it for the first time, and still to this day, I cannot understand this 'too many endings' complaint. I never once felt 'faked out' by anything in the third act, and feel like the third act playing out any other way would have been a disservice to the movie. There's almost 9 hours of storytelling that needed wrapping up, and I'm glad it wasn't done quickly. I'm glad all the main characters had their stories wrapped up, and still I would have preferred seeing what happened to Legolas and Gimli.



    Finished Zodiac. Fincher's masterpiece - so glad Ellroy recommended it. RDJ and Mark Ruffalo were brilliant, and Jake Gylanhaal was pretty g


    Zodiac does not get the love it deserves. Easily Fincher's best film, no question.


    The last movie I saw was Eye in the Sky. Loved it. A very taught and well acted thriller.

  3. Dang, that merchant house is brilliant! this might be the first IDEAS set I actually buy!


    ...Addams Family, however, doesn't seem acceptable for children in most of its areas, and I'm getting real skeptical of how LEGO judges worthy sets and themes.


    These sets just receieved 10,000 votes, which means LEGO will consider making them official sets. Neither is guarenteed to make it into set form. And while I'm not super familiar with Addams Family, the show seems harmless enough from the little I've watched. :shrugs:


    I'm pretty bad at judging piece count by size, but I'm wondering how closely that mansion gets to LEGO's new rule about size.

  4. Uprooted from Naomi Novik. It was terrible. I'm hoping to have a review written for it soon, but basically the plot is too dense and the story progresses too quickly which results in unbelievable characters and plot progressions.

  5. Can't wait until we get a review of that X-Wing. I really want to know if the thruster attachment got fixed from Poe's X-Wing. The build looks darn near the same (though maybe a slightly shorter fuselage?), so maybe not. But maybe. I also wouldn't mind seeing a comparison between that Turbo Tank and the one from 2005. I like the vehicle and wouldn't mind an updated one, but not if it's going to be smaller. This one looks like it could be but it's hard to tell.

  6. ^ I too am disappointed by the choice to include dialogue from the film. I admit I have yet to play a LEGO game that includes voices, but judging from all the trailers it just doesn't work. I find that there's a certain charm in having the (relatively) mute characters.


    The additional content that's suposed to bridge the gap between 6 and 7 also sounds disappointing, mostly because they are answering questions I never cared to ask in the first place. But it's a LEGO game and those always have a certain charm to them, so I'm optimistic that I'll enjoy the game. I'll definitely get more enjoyment out of this than I did the movie.

  7. one note though: if you watch it, avoid the North American subtitled version at all cost. I started watching that one, noticed that the dialogue seemed very dumbed-down, did some research, and then switched to the UK subtitled version. apparently the North American version had all-new subtitles that were poorly translated and oversimplified, while the UK release retains the original theatrical subtitles which are vastly superior and more accurate. I've heard good things about the English dubbed version as well, so that might be the one to watch.



    Interesting. I watched whatever version was on US Netflix, couldn't tell you which one, and still loved the movie. I certainly didn't notice any dumbed down dialogue. But I am intrigued by this UK-English sub you mention.


    Probably wouldn't watch a dub.

  8. The last three:

    Jurassic World: I maintain that, although it's fun and has a few well directed set pieces, I'm not sure I can call it a great movie. It's better than Jurassic Park 3 by far, but I still much prefer the first two.


    Inside Out: Better than it was the first time I watched it. One of my favorite Pixar movies, and easily one of their best. Still my favorite movie so far this year.


    Roman Holiday: Cute, and charming, but also a lot more depressing than I thought it would be.


    I don't know what I will watch next. Probably One Day because it has a score by Rachel Portman and those are almost always pleasant to listen to. Maybe Interstellar because it's been on my watch list since I bought the DVD earlier this year. Maybe something else entirely.

  9. I went out on bought this the day it was released, and think it's a pretty cute set. My only real beef is the rotating spacer pieces right below where Rey sits. The texture on the pieces makes them believable as engine-looking parts, but the fact that they spin loosely breaks the illusion for me. Though I'm also probably the only one who cares about that. The other side of the set is also a little too bland, but it's pretty easy to not look at. All in all I like it.

    (Is she Han and Leia's daughter!?)

    I don't know if she's Han and Leia's daughter, but if she's not a Skywalker I'll eat my slipper.

    • Upvote 2
  10. I kind of feel like Fantasia is just one of those movies that you have to see but doesn't necessarily have replay value.

    As an animation fan I vehemently disagree with this statement. But, then, I guess that's why people have differences in personal preference.


    But as a non-classical music nerd I have no opinion on the ending of 'The Rite of Spring'. Although, from what I recall, Stravinsky himself agreed with you. Needless to say he had a few opinions on how his piece was used.

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