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Everything posted by Bonkle

  1. A continuous downward trend, nice Has there been a single faction that has consistently done well, though? Don't think so. Stone and Earth had their chances for that record ruined right off the bat. Jungle went the same way too. Fire, Water, and Ice started taking a turn for the worse in- Wait, why am I telling you this, you wrote it all. Just wondering who to beef up in S3....Beef up Kulta's bones and people might not be so scared of her
  2. A continuous downward trend, nice Has there been a single faction that has consistently done well, though? Don't think so. Stone and Earth had their chances for that record ruined right off the bat. Jungle went the same way too. Fire, Water, and Ice started taking a turn for the worse in- Wait, why am I telling you this, you wrote it all.
  3. Water Tribe GOT1: Completely untouched, goals completed Water Tribe GOT2: A few lost to the tragedy of war, but overall came out okay Water Tribe BM: Jed and Manducus lost to war. Underscore: ey b0ss i habe seizure
  4. You can't really be in a pickle when Nato is next to you. what if nato is also in a pickle? Doesn't matter, because he has Rollor. Now if ROLLOR is in a pickle, we're all in trouble.
  5. You can't really be in a pickle when Nato is next to you.
  6. I've learned a lesson about mice and men.
  7. What's with the prejudice against trees and the constant desire to burn them down? They're only one of the most important sources of oxygen in the history of ever.It's just that burning the forest is really the only option for mass destruction other than a direct war. Poison was kinda a one time deal.
  8. Fire doesn't burnStone doesn't burn Earth doesn't burn Ice melts but it can freeze again Water evaporates but it can condense again Trees? They burn very nicely.
  9. I think the only villages with available armies are Tajun - who besides Terrorsaur have basically been inactive the whole game - and Vulcanus, who have been active but haven't really done anything but sit in their hole. Good luck getting either of them to help. Iconox might help, at least half of them hate Skrall.Also I guess there be some NCP in Tajun that is a high up General character that would hear the message and send aid. After all we do have a treaty stating we help each other if needed. I AM the General.
  10. This is basically applicable to anyone at this point.
  11. My character knows that Tesara was on fire. So that's something.Hopefully, if my mini-army survives, the unity of the tribes found in it will be a message for everyone. Can your mini army vist Tesara first?If we survive, it'll definitely be a stop on my list.
  12. My character knows that Tesara was on fire. So that's something. Hopefully, if my mini-army survives, the unity of the tribes found in it will be a message for everyone.
  13. You could create NCP Roles to control there characters or do what Voltex dose and kill them off. Also I find it ironic that the two tribes that filled up the quickest and thought my tribe would never get filled are now mostly inactive. He DID start killing them off. That's what happened to Manducus. (I was there! I would know!) The problem is,(I'm guessing) the players check in or read the PMs every once in a while so they're technically active. They just don't do much of anything.
  14. Twenty what? Seconds? Minutes? Elephants?
  15. Bonkle


    *squawking of a new breed of pterodactyl in the distance*
  16. You can't put "Do it" over an image of Palpatine saying "I am the Senate". That's treason.
  17. Stop making me want to burn Tesara. I usually don't do destructive acts for the sake of destruction but you're pushing me in that direction.
  18. We will as soon as you stop making jokes about us.So, never
  19. IC: Kultax "I'm sure you're completely competent, Doc, but I think she'd prefer to not be hurt in the first place." As I return, the back of my hand brushes against Ayna's. "Nevertheless, if the situation does arise, your help would be most appreciated."
  20. You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
  21. Of course memes won't stop the Skrall. Just as you can't fight fire with fire, you can't use jokes to stop another joke.
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