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Everything posted by Bonkle

  1. You're weak. Similarly, that gif becomes weaker with every use
  2. In my defence, Timelord betrayed me first.Fair point but you shouldn't go poisoning whole region to begin with.Yo, don't blame Nato for that. Any blame and repercussions should land on my shoulders.
  3. "And this is what happened to the last guy to set foot on my lawn!"
  4. I hope someone makes Episode 3 the big one like the last games.
  5. Episode ended before I could do anything. Toru and I fall in line. (I tried to continue the new rhyme) feels bad man
  6. America is weird.What? I can't hear you over the sound of all your friggin tea splashing into the harbor.
  7. Onua: I actually prefer the 2015 reboot of Bioni- Lewa: Hush, child. You know nothing.
  8. I can't know everything now can I.*Raises vote to Exile Vox for raising a vote to Exile TimeLord for not knowing something rather niche* *raises vote to exile Imrukii because bandwagon*
  9. That's almost as bad as being named capMARVELOUS.*Looks up at my own username*
  10. Hi I'm Terrorsaur, my achievements include mass genocide, co-ruling the combined Water and Ice regions, and shooting one sixth of the Great Spirit Mata Nui
  11. Happy America Day

  12. You're thinking of Monster Weenie Wednesday.
  13. "Mask Maker.. You've been asleep for thousands of years..." "And now I'm awake! I can't wait to see all my good friends.. Kulta, Basher, Slicer.. Surely they're alive and well!"
  14. I like how this time around the other tribes are angry about NOT getting water.
  15. IC: Kultax I wheeze a little from the force of my best friend's hug but quickly recover and return the favor. "I was so worried about you.." I'm indescribably happy she's okay. I've lost friends before.
  16. it was made for fun texAccuracy outweighs fun (-Greg Farshtey probably)
  17. Just put Tevant Rayne in all the remaining spots
  18. IC: Kultax I climb out of bed and leave my room, not waiting for permission from any staff. "Ayna?" I call out.
  19. Remember that time you thought I was Asian because I just "seemed" that way

    1. Bonkle


      It was pretty funny.

  20. "Why are we down here again?" "We were trying to find Tahu's sense of humility."
  21. IC: Kultax An hour later I'm all patched up. My body aches, but the puncture wounds have been filled and the poison dealt with. I sit up in my bed and groan as I look around. Ayna must be here somewhere.
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