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Everything posted by Bonkle

  1. IC: Kultax I explain the poison arrows to the nurse and they take me off to a room against my protests.. I'd rather go see Ayna..
  2. IC: Kultax I pass by the Po-Koro force on my way inside. Brave guys. Once back in the Koro I look for a hospital as I limp around. I would assume they would have gone to the nearest from the walls.. There's one. I step inside quickly and scan the room, spotting Selos.
  3. You may think Onua is about to smash a lever, but in reality it's the final existing copy of The Legend Reborn.
  4. IC: Kultax "Alright.. See you then.." I watched the pair, okay let's be honest, I watched the Toa go, for a moment before turning around. As soon as the Koro came into sight my injuries came back to me. I began moving as fast as I could towards the walls.
  5. IC: Kultax Makuta? I narrow my eyes almost involuntarily at the name. Anything to do with him was big time bad business. Not rogue Araka and treasure hunting type stuff. "It might even be a plus three. Or four. Heck, in better days it would have been plus seven. But yes, that sounds like a good cause. Once my friends and I are ready -which will hopefully be very soon- I'll find you."
  6. IC: Kultax A situation? That made my injuries seem.. Not.. very important. "I haven't heard much of anything about Ko-Wahi, good.." Don't say looking. Were you really about to say looking? "Hat... Man. Why? Is there a need for Toa up there?"
  7. IC: Kultax "Oh, I can take care of myself. You two have done enough. I can walk back to the Koro. I have a friend there anyways." I give a quick nod to reinforce what I said.
  8. IC: Kultax "Some kind of power spheres. I can't remember the name. Thank you so much by the way. I would have done more but.." I glance down at the pair of arrows still embedded in me. "Yeah."
  9. IC: Kultax I limp back to the others, breathing hard. I had been so useless in the fight, maybe I can make up for it by filling them in as best I can. "That's his style. He's one of those people to be taken dead or alive. And now he probably has the rest of those spheres.."
  10. IC: Kultax Selos, Biotron, and those two newcomers.. there's no need for me to worry about Konihi at the moment. "Yeah.. but not as bad as Ayna. Follow Biotron to the Koro, make sure she's okay.. I'm gonna stay here a bit longer."
  11. IC: Kultax "Don't know actually. He just showed up out of nowhere. I'm not complaining though. What do you think, do we stay and help or get Ayna to the Koro?"
  12. IC: Kultax There's a face I thought I'd never see again.. "Biotron?! What are you doing here?" Despite all the pain I was in I couldn't help but smile behind my mask. Then I remembered our current situation. "Uh, Konihi attacked her. He's trying to hunt every species he can and he wanted to start with me and Ayna.."
  13. This looks exciting. I'd be interested in playing if it happens.
  14. IC: Kultax I felt awful that I couldn't join in the fight. Then again, I just felt awful in general. As I kneel down by Ayna, I can tell she is indeed unconscious. What now? Do I take her into the Koro? Or stay here in case our savior needs help?
  15. Star Wars but whenever someone's hand gets cut off it gets the magic pencil from Spongebob and draws itself a new body

    1. Toa Imrukii

      Toa Imrukii

      I can think of at least one thing that can be related to that....

  16. "Lewa, I never knew you looked so sad.." "That's because I MASK my pain!"
  17. I'm very pleased to see that after a season of basically no interaction Nato and I go back to our roots of co-conspirators. I really like all aspects of the ending, it almost reminds me of the Subspace Emissary what with the massive final battle with every known piece of the game. Thank you so much, Tex. This has probably been my best BZP experience.
  18. IC: Kultax I was beginning to black out as well. This poison was getting to me very quickly. If I were to die, my only regret would be my inability to let Ayna walk unharmed.. I wanted to help this newcomer, but I'd probably just get myself killed even faster in the process. No, my words rang true after all. On Mata Nui we kept each other safe. And now I'll do it for Ayna. I stumble to my feet, maybe for the last time. I give the newcomer a hearty salute and then limp to Ayna.
  19. IC: Kultax There was no chance I was dodging that. His leg hits me hard and takes my own out from under me. I hit the sand with a muffled grunt and manage to sit up a bit, slashing at his same leg with my sword.
  20. The true spirit of Bionicle is to leave the story unfinished.
  21. IC: Kultax Thankfully I was running fast, but still slow enough that I didn't charge right into Konihi. Plus I was kind of expecting another teleportation attack. I manage to sidestep his blow, but I know I'm not gonna last much longer. "T...his.. is pointless.. even if you do kill me, you're going to be locked up or killed by those Toa. Just stop now and they'll lighten what ever sentence they might give you.."
  22. Did you forget the part where we plunged into an eternal darkness with no sun?
  23. Somewhere in the distance I can hear Burnmad laughing.
  24. IC: Kultax I could faintly hear Ayna. Great, she was still alive and fighting. I do my best to go even faster, blasting myself closer to the scuffle with my air powers. I'll be there soon..
  25. Good game, all. Maybe someone can write a story that rides it out to a logical conclusion. I had a ton of fun while it lasted. Thanks Tex.
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