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Everything posted by Bonkle

  1. Ahoy matey, and welcome aboard the S.S. BZP!

  2. I feel more accomplished this round than I did the entire last season.
  3. Hey, I guess that is pretty funny.

    1. Electric Light Gunhaver

      Electric Light Gunhaver


  4. Bonkle


    Is straight. APRIL FOOLS
  5. Bonkle


    G3 isn't back, Bionicle is. G3 can't be back because it never left.
  6. I didn't know you had speeches that lasted five days.
  7. 2/5, I hath seen your blog many times.
  8. "Photoshop my hand so it looks like I'm holding the sun."
  9. Welcome aboard, matey!

  10. "Without the Toa to protect them, the neighboring island is free to launch nukes at Okoto."
  11. That final scene though.
  12. Nah, as a bunch of Skeletons the faith has a 54% greater chance of becoming lava-bones.
  13. well I guess the scene will be on time, because these puns are all great.
  14. I hate to be the bearer of bad tide-ings, but the water puns are here to stay.
  15. Are you shore? I mean, I think we'll coast to something else eventually.
  16. Geez I only made one pun, while the rest of you made multiple each. I feel like I'm on an island.
  17. That, and well, it rains all the time in Seattle.
  18. The only acceptable name for the Water Region if it becomes independent is "Seattle."
  19. I love how this post makes me seem like an omnipotent lord of death. Aren't you? Let's compare you with another. Terrorsaur: -Ruler of his region, leader of men, etc. Who's that sound like? Kulta. -Has commanded armies. You know who else commands armies? Kulta. -Has a very small military compared to the rest of the island. So does Kulta. -Occasionally kills people. Kulta? Kulta. -Has considered allowing an external power invade and annex them, in order to increase his own influence. Kultaaaaaa. Honestly, how do even know for sure that you aren't Kulta herself, in disguise? Has anyone ever seen the two of you at the same time? I don't think so. Check and mate. (don't kill me pls, lord terrorsaur) - And we're both genocidal freaks who are hollow shells of what we once were.. Oh my god I'm Kulta.
  20. I love how this post makes me seem like an omnipotent lord of death.
  21. Dagnabbit, my region's record is broken.
  22. Quick recap, only Irteza has died so far, right?
  23. But you fled the topic afte your secret was revealed. Therefore Burnmad, the player with the most power, (who isn't under the control of an external force, anyways) decides the fate of Tekulo and TMD. Plus, you're fake news so we should do the opposite of what you say anyways.
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