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Everything posted by Bonkle

  1. I would read a spinoff series from Pulse with nonsensical spotlight chapters for each character.
  2. I'm actually more hyped for this than any other Marvel movie this year.
  3. I had this little headcanon that R.E.M. was a Water Region band started by my father. (It stands for Rayne's Excellent Music.) Then if I ever got the mask off of Pulse's face I would get to ask, "Are you in the corner and/or the spotlight?"
  4. NOO! You've ruined my whole plan..
  5. "Wait, that's NOT what you meant when you asked for a lit party with a fire mixtape?"
  6. >dead rising in every region >kamuk isn't a region SV, you evil genius.
  7. By any chance are you related to Imrukii? Cause you're doing an awful lot of mouth-foaming.
  8. The actual Kulta ain't exactly a god either.
  9. No no no, I'm not actually Kulta. My name is just Actually Kulta. There's a difference.
  10. So you admit death is a bad fate.
  11. My stuff gets streamlined sometimes too. Like my vague mention of maybe joining the Knights got converted into me actually doing it.
  12. Mine is pretty safe too. What with the whole anti-zombie wall.
  13. Good, my OCD was hoping we'd get 12 instead of 11.
  14. IC: Kultax "..I trust you to make the right choice.. if something bad happens I can always try air-pushing you to safety." I lock eyes with Ayna.
  15. *Evil Mask of Ultimate Power's wishes Pulse is probably internally screaming throughout all of this. Mask Maker S1: I HEAR JERUSALEM BELLS ARE RINGINGMask Maker S2: CRAWLLLING IIIIN MY SKIIIIN
  16. Yeah Burn, I kind of understand your salt but, what's happened has happened. At the end of the day we're all playing a game about children's toys.
  17. or one died. Pretty sure Nato, FF, Jed, Pulse, and Terrorsaur are all still alive I mean granted, Pulse is currently kind of in a limbo, enslaved-by-a-god-of-death state, but still =P e: how is this game at 43 pages, this is nonsense TFW you prematurely confirm Smoke and Burn dying
  18. We all deserve a turn as him.
  19. I hate to be *that guy*, but any idea of when we might see the next chapter?
  20. It's disturbing either way.
  21. What if I like, punched you in the back of the head in the doorway to an empty room. The mask falls off inside and then we jump back and shut the door.
  22. At the moment I *technically* am.
  23. By that I assume you mean joining Timelord I in death?
  24. This post game discussion is going to be wild, and rightfully so..
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