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Everything posted by Bonkle

  1. IC: Kultax "We have to be careful how we play this. This place would make a pretty cool secret base or something, we don't necessarily want everyone to know it's here. And I think we shoukd keep at least one orb."
  2. IC: Kultax "Safety concern, that's all.." I say, looking in Konihi's direction but addressing Ayna as I lead the two of us towards our more threatening comrade.
  3. OOC: Thanks a bunch. IC: Kultax "Careful, Konihi.. let's go together.." Slowly, almost subconsciously as I slowly start to step forward, I reach back and grab Ayna's hand.
  4. IC: Kultax "No idea what they're called or what they do.. if I remember correctly they have something to do with Rahi..?"
  5. IC: Kultax A long, low whistle escaped me. It felt so strange in here... the air had an incredible feel to it that I doubted I would ever experience again. Once I had gotten used to the sensation I took a careful look around the room. "This is.. wow.." I say, my voice quiet and tempered with awe.
  6. Kopaka: You're FIRED! Tahu: That's not very ICE! Gali, off screen: Water!
  7. IC: Kultax I chuckle quietly. "Oh dear.. I was only kidding. Leaving the brooding loner bit to Konihi."
  8. IC: Kultax "Or you would anyways, if you could reach me.." I shoot up a blast of dust playfully, making sure it isn't high enough to hit her face.
  9. IC: Kultax I was feeling a bit more jovial following our survival. "Can you handle the danger up ahead? Or should I carry you?" I tease, looking down at Ayna.
  10. IC: Kultax Still hacking a bit, I relax my limbs. Turning my head, my mask illuminates Konini passing me by. "Be careful. I'm gonna grab Ayna."
  11. IC: Kultax "Alright. But speak up the second there's a problem, okay?" I take a breath, not as deep as I would like but the air is kind of, well, full of dust right now. I close my eyes and focus, clenching and unclenching my fists. Slowly, and then all at once, twin blasts of air emerge from them, pushing some sand towards the entrance.
  12. IC: Kultax "....Good point. Are you all good, Konihi?"
  13. IC: Kultax. "Alright. Are you trapped at all? I can try blowing away the sand.." I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and gets everywhere.
  14. IC: Kultax I smile involuntarily as Ayna speaks. "Okay, can either of you see my light?"
  15. "Yeesh.. THIS is what happens when your theme is untouched for five years?"
  16. IC: Kultax "Ayy, I can use this mask for once!" I say with a triumphant grin, switching on the Ruru. I'd already heard both of my friends, so this is all gonna be okay. "Ayna? You're in one piece right? You too Konihi?"
  17. He was online today, probably just needs time away from the game.
  18. Medieval medical procedure used to "cure" Okotoans believed to have performed magic. (403 AE, colorized.)
  19. "Hello, Terrorsaur, I am going into the Long Night and I want your strongest poisons." "My poisons are too strong for you, Nato the Traveler." "Terrorsaur, I tell you I am going into the Long Night and I want only your strongest poisons." "You can't handle my poisons. They're too strong for you." "Terrorsaur, listen to me; I want only your strongest poisons." "My poisons would kill you, Traveler. You cannot handle my poisons." "Terrorsaur, enough of these games. I'm going into the Long Night and I need your strongest poisons." "My strongest poisons would kill you, Traveler. You can't handle my strongest poisons. You'd better go to a Protector that sells weaker poisons." "Terrorsaur, I'm telling you right now; I'm going into the Long Night and I need only your strongest poisons." "You don't know what you ask, Traveler. My strongest poisons will kill the Stone Region let alone a Skull Warrior. You need a Protector that sells weaker poisons, because my poisons are too strong." "Terrorsaur, I'm telling you I need your strongest poisons. I'm going into the Long Night! I'm going to the Long Night and I need your strongest poisons!" "You can't handle my strongest poisons! No one can! My strongest poisons are fit for a Mask Maker let alone a Protector." "Terrorsaur, what do I have to tell you to get your poisons? Why won't you trust me with your strongest poisons, Terrorsaur? I need them if I'm to be successful in the Long Night!" "I can't give you my strongest poisons because my strongest poisons are only for the strongest Protectors and you are of the weakest." "Well then that's it, Terrorsaur. I'll go elsewhere. I'll go elsewhere for my poisons." "That's what you'd better do." "I'll go elsewhere for my poisons and I'll never come back!" "Good. You're not welcome here! My poisons are only for the strongest and you're clearly are not of the strongest you're clearly the weakest." "You've had your say, Terrorsaur but I'll have mine. You're a rascal, you're a rascal with no respect for the Knights. No respect for anything...except your poisons!" "Why respect the Knights...when my poisons can do anything that you can...?"
  20. "Am I ready to face Vader now?" "NO!"
  21. "I TOLD you this would be a great first date."
  22. My Ricola is too strong for you, traveler. You need to find a company that sells weaker cough drops!
  23. That's because nothing won.
  24. Have a bowl, Mr. Squidward!

    1. Zacian


      *Squidward looks into the bowl.*


      Get a job.

  25. "Hey look! I made a bridge! It took me, what? ten seconds? Eleven tops!"
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