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Everything posted by Bonkle

  1. I think you mean that I am 1/3 of the way through completing one of my objectives for this game. Probably the farthest I'll get unless Terrorsaur is very kind, since Bone Hunters will gut me, but it's whatever. When have I ever been anything but a ray of sunshine in these games? Barring the whole genocide and assisted murder thing.
  2. Civil war will hit Tajun next and it will be split into the Northern and Southern Water Tribes.
  3. I think you mean Rock God - Agreed. "Rock Lord" is suspiciously close to "Timelord" and we know how being one of those turns out.
  4. At that point Voltex and I will rebuild the Ignika and Mata Nui will challenge Tuma, saving you yet again.
  5. IC: Kultax I turn to Selos and smile. "I'm glad to see you too, my friend. Is everyone else okay?"
  6. Basically everything Timelord does scatters flaming debris everywhere.
  7. You've said that so many times. You're like The Return of the King, no matter how many times you think it ends it never does.
  8. are you really gonna betray your allies like that No. I'm just giving it as a hypothetical. Despite how often people think I'm a backstabbing slimeball in these games I actually stick to my morals and friends very strictly.
  9. Tajun can just make you all die of thirst. Or we can just go swim somewhere else.
  10. I find it difficult to place my trust in someone who's legal full name is Mighty Leader Tuma. Granted, in another universe I worshiped a demonic skeleton woman, but that was mostly due to the fact she literally radiated insanity and brainwashing. His name is Mighty Leader Tumor. Because he must be removed.
  11. Despite being near the heat of the forge, Tahu can't help but feel cold. It's... A shiver down his spine.
  12. Isn't this the third Jungle tribe you've failed?
  13. Talking about it gets me really... hot and bothered.You should be fired
  14. For good reason. Just kidding. Insectoids were awesome.
  15. That is at least seven words. You lose.
  16. It's not even noon and SDCC already killed me

    1. Tahu3.0


      It killed me with the infinity war trailer.

  17. "There's something on your face! It was pain!"
  18. I'd like to have a chat with Voltex, question marks, and the Bone Hunters.
  19. Bad phrasing. I don't mean it's a clean cut political discussion, I just mean calling someone a racist is pretty clearly diving into politics.
  20. calling someone racist is pretty clean cut political discussion
  21. Yeah, we don't need this discussion now or ever on BZP..
  22. Uh, that gif clearly identifies the object as an "air horn". I don't know where this "MLG airhorn" nonsense came from.
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