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Lip McKalmah

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Posts posted by Lip McKalmah

  1. IC: Vrokdann - The Aquarium [New Atero - Parking Lot/Sector/whatever]


     Vrokdann recieved a thorough tour of the Aquarium, the very wet airship she would indefinitely call her home from now on. If only she'd paid attention... All she got was that there's a lot of water, what her quarters were, and something about the freezer.

     All the while she'd been on the murmur setting with "Drendakk", that cursed personification living inside her mind.

    "Do you like it there, Drendakk? Because I hate it here. It smells like a swamp full or squids or something."

    -It's okay, I guess. Bit of a mess. Whoever lived here left their mark...-

    "Yeah, 'lived'. If they want it back, too bad for them. Good thing I never slip because boy is this place slippery. Betcha the blue guy slips daily."

    -Yeah, probably. Now, what did he say about the freezer again?-

    "I don't know, how about we go see it?"

     That was a dangerous idea,

    -...nah, it's probably not touching it or something. Why would he tell us about it otherwise?-

    "So we're well-informed about the ship's features?"

    -If I were him, I'd rather not tell us anything at all...-

     Vrokdann tried the bed. It was hard and cold, just as she liked it.

    "We'll get used to this someday. I'm pretty sure about that. And just think of all the money we'll have!"

     Money... now that was a word she hadn't come across in a while.


    "Yeah, that's what jobs give, right?"

    -Yes, if they give it to you...-


    -...he never talked about money.-

    "...wait, you're right! We're gonna hunt some mutants for life and receive nothing in exchange! Now that's interesting!"

    -Wow, you're taking it that well?-

    "OF COURSE NOT, YOU FOOL! It's terrible! But how am I gonna tell him to pay me? Isn't he keeping us from getting arrested and all?"

    -Wait, where did he go?-

    Vrokdann just noticed Waveahk wasn't there.


  2.  I'm usually logged in all the time, too, but my dad cleaned up the PC and wiped the cookies, so I had to log back in.

     Did any of you know about CN's dead website, as I mentioned? It's probably irrelevant to you right now, but it's still worrying that a media player hack had such massive consequences. I mean, it's Cartoon Network's websites, worldwide, dead! Because the media player got hacked!

     Think of the children! Think of your childhood there! Just so you know, they still had all of their Flash games online, so because of this they're all lost now, officially at least. It's bad however you see it.


    This sounds interesting. Will a video be provided on YouTube?

     Probably, if YouTube's still around a millenium or so into the future. Remember we're not doing it just yet...


    Once this topic dies I say we give BZPower a viking funeral.

  3. IC: Vrokdann - New Atero [Parking Lot]


    "OKAY THEN! IN THAT CASE I'M DONE HERE, LET'S GO!!" Vrokdann yelled back. This is the moment where any decent ship owner would bid farewell to their beloved vessel, since one never knows when they will see it again, if ever. Vrokdann wouldn't describe herself as a ship owner if she had a choice. "Cumbersome siege device" would fit her better.

    -You're getting us kicked out of that ship in a week tops. I hope we're over the toxic water when that happens.-

    "What? You wanna swim with the mutants?"

    -...let's just get on the ship, shall we?-

      The tall blue being who she now worked for was drinking from his usual cylinder of water while she walked his way, so her sudden appearance in front of him was unexpected to say the least. After some seconds, they headed for his airship, the Aquarium.

    Fully armed and at least mildly aware of her situation, Vrokdann was now on the way to becoming a working member of society. This would be difficult, but there was no other way she could find her destiny.

  4. Once this topic dies I say we give BZPower a viking funeral.

     How, though? Do we like, go to Andrew's, put the computer(s) hosting BZP on a boat and burn the whole thing?


     You know, one of these days I woke up with a feeling of unease, what with Cartoon Network's website recently dead, I felt like I had to check BZP, just to make sure it was there.

     I forgot until next day. It was there.

     Did anybody have trouble logging in this morning? I was worried...

  5. IC: Vrokdann - New Atero [Parking Lot]


    She hurried towards her ship, the one with an ugly paint job and no actual name. She didn't hate that ship, she just didn't find it useful in any way, shape or form almost always. That she asked whether it would be necessary for her new job was an impressive showing of mercy for the poor ship, most certainly influenced by "Drendakk".

    "Where is my weapon? Where is it?"

    -I don't like how the guy's looking at us, Vrokdann...-

    "And I don't like having to come back to this stupid thing but here we are! I'M LOOKING FOR IT!" she yelled at the tall, blue being that was most surely seizing this time to reconsider his decision of hiring her...


    -Wait, there it is!-

    "Huh? Where?"

    -On the seat...-

     It was on the seat, unscathed.

    "Oh right, I never use the storage space." she said, merely brushing aside the temporal blindness her rage brought upon her. "Here it is, just as when I used it way back when..."


    "No, wait, it was not this weapon what I used for that guy. Whatever, let's go!" she started running back to the being but then stopped. "Wait, how about...?"

    -I see what you're thinking, and let me tell you: it's dumb.-

    "HEY DUDE, I GOT THE WEAPON! BUT I WANT TO KNOW IF YOU'D LIKE THE SHIP'S AMMO TOO! THEY'RE CORROSIVE SPHERES!" she yelled at the tall, blue being again, only aggravating his endless irritation. "I CAN TAKE THEM IF YOU WANT TO! DO YOU?!"

  6. IC: Vrokdann - New Atero [Trading Sector > Parking Lot]


    "Okay, no big deal. Not that I cared about it anyway. Want to know why I call it the Stolara?" Vrokdann was quite content that the job offer went through despite taking so long to reply. "Drendakk", of course, was more aware of what had happened.

    -Okay Vrokdann, we're in something now. Not only we respond to somebody else now, we're leaving the fortress we barely found a spot in for the first time, to go hunt some potentially killer creatures in a place that, if what I'm reading here means what I think it does, is related to us, somehow...-

    "And we avoided being kicked out of it by doing so! Honestly I see no problem with this, I don't get why you're so worried about it."

    -Did I mention that you left the good weapon in the ship you're so gleefully leaving behind?-

    "Huh? No way, Drendakk. My fists are here, and my claw-things are here, and my dual-action holemaker..." she went to her right hand and was surprised by its bareness. The Stolara meant nothing to her, but the weapon, she loved that thing.

    "Um, dude? I need to go get my weapon in my ship. It's right there!" she pointed at the worn-down silver and lime coloured Axalara she'd stolen a good while ago, an eyesore among the other ships. "You can see it from here."

     The being was righteously suspicious.

    "I'm not trying anything, I swear! You can watch me from here if you want to! I'll be right back!"

    -Maybe I should've let you lose it...-

    She started rushing towards her neighbouring ship hoping the being wouldn't forfeit his offer because of it.


    OOC: This girl's just looking to get in trouble, isn't she? Her weapon could be useful for her new job all right, if she gets to keep it...

  7. IC: Vrokdann - New Atero [Trading Sector]

    The tall, blue being waited in very visible annoyance as Vrokdann stood apparently frozen in place. Vrokdann was apt for some things, yes, but making decisions, big decisions specifically, was not one of them. So what for the tall, blue being was simple blackmail disguised as a job opportunity, for her (and for her mind and its "archivist", most of all) was an unprecedented ordeal of processing. So she was there for minutes, staring at nowhere, murmuring to   "Drendakk"   about the offer, about Aqua Magna, about the reasons why she got into this trouble, about the being's unusual and frequent thirst, about the sudden mass movement towards the Residential District... weren't she a Skakdi, and were the other being somebody who cared, all this would've elicited at least some worry. He, however, would just go inform the authorities.

    -Vrokdann, he's telling on us! Aren't you going to say anything?!-

    "I don't know! Is Aqua Magna a good idea? I'm sure there was something bad to it-."

    -THERE IS something bad to it! THERE'S A LOT OF THINGS BAD TO IT! But we HAVE to go!!-

    "Let's go then! Don't you see we're almost alone here?! And he keeps drinking from that thing and it's STARTING TO GET ON MY NERVES!! THAT'S IT I'M NOT TAKING THE JOB!!"


    "FINE, I'M IN!", she finally spoke in an audible volume. Surprisingly, the being stopped his preparations. "I'll go with you to Aqua Magna and help you hunt those toxic things with those laser-guided whatevers, just don't tell on me, okay? Please don't tell on me. Do I get my ship?"


    OOC: After way too long, Vrokdann, the blue-screener, has just accepted Waveakh's, the blue fish-guy, offer in exchange of him not telling the authorities about her accidentally almost-hitting his stall.

  8. IC: Vrokdann - New Atero [Trading Sector]


    Vrokdann was keeping an eye on the (surprisingly kind) little guy from earlier, making sure he wouldn't notice her turning around to the parking lot. Sure enough, he changed his attention towards some other unusual female, giving her a chance to finally stop walking towards market stands without any currency on her.

    -You know, maybe you shouldn't have opened that door for him. He doesn't look like the kind of person you want to associate with right now. We're trying to enter society, remember?-

    "I don't know, he looked like a good person, that little guy. And he looked professional, too! Imagine what we could make him owe us!"

     Suddenly her name was pronounced. In a blink she was almost face-to-face with the pronouncer: a tall, threatening, amphibious being, of blue skin and carrying a massive cylinder. The being had inquiries, and pretty bad humour. Fortunately, Vrokdann was in a good mood.

    "So, someone shot at your stand, huh? Well, I'm pretty sure it wasn't me..."

    -Actually, Vrokdann, it was very much you. You know, during our little argument?-

    "shush drendakk i'm trying to get us out of something here"

    The being wasn't eating it.

    "Okay, it probably was me. But, it was just an accident! And as you can see, nothing happened to your stand!" She pointed at what she assumed was the being's stand. It was wet and full of animal-based products in varying degrees of attractiveness. Laser vision couldn't have done any of that. "Trust me, if I'd wanted that stand down it'd be a burning husk right now."

    The being was not eating it.

    -You probably shouldn't have said that last part, now he'll see you as a threat. Try to give him something.-

    "Ugh, come on man, what do you want? Is it an apology? Sorry. There, you're fine? Can we move along?"

    The being was not going to eat it anytime soon.

    "Do you need any help? Huh? I have a bunch of armour in the back. Want some? Huh? Want me to punch somebody? I can do that too. I have a ship, too. I can make deliveries. Want that? Huh? Is there anything I can do to compensate FOR NOT DOING ANYTHING TO YOUR STAND?!"

    -Irnakk, please take her away...-


    OOC: Vrokdann's having a healthy one-way conversation with Waveahk, whose stand just happened to be on the way of her Laser vision. She's in trouble.

  9. IC: Vrokdann - New Atero


      "Well you see, my archives up here aren't the cleanest, if you know what I mean-", she tapped the top of her head with her left hand, the arm of which was fitted with pointy Protosteel claws. She paused to assimilate the minor pain, and then continued as if nothing happened. "...and I just appear to have yelled the archivist up there into an indefinite leave, so I'll have to dig through all that myself... Good thing you're sitting already."

     She stood still for a bit, processing the questions made to her. Thinking and recalling things was quite the ordeal for Vrokdann, especially without "Drendakk" at the helms. She'd have to be honest in her uselessness.

     "Okay then, one: unless one of them is a short fool who leaves people talking, I don't know them. Two... it's that weird place with the crazy light thing, right? I went there once to see a tournament, it was fine, not much to see otherwise. Three..."

    That was a tough one.

     "...it used to be big and wet. Now it's big, wet and dangerous. Look, I'm not the one for recalling and talking and taking notes and all that, but if you need some people intimidated, some doors brought down, a mountain moved, the entire fortress lifted... I'll be at the parking lot."

      The figure's patience, or at least its self-control, was impressive. All that time she had been digging through her wrecked mind, he had listened thoroughly and taken some notes. Vrokdann would be willing to collaborate with someone like that. She hoped he caught on the invitation.

    " And it's Dren...", she felt her mind heavier all of a sudden. "Drendakk" was back. "...Vrokdann, by the way. Keep "sweetie-pie" for your little friends or the offer's gone, okay?"

    She left the place in a straight line, attempting to leave a good impression.

    - Uh... Vrokdann? The parking lot's the other way around...-


    OOC: Vrokdann's in a good mood. If anybody wants to talk to her, now's the time.

  10. [OOC: What the shell happened here?! I left for one day only! Also, I took K I N G 's skip of my rant as it being a Mahiki-induced illusion, hence why I didn't follow through with it... Oh well, let's see what I can do...]


    I park my motorbike near a pristine lake of Energised Protodermis. "A force of rebirth... and corruption", I think, harkening introspectively to my inner dilemmas. "Beautiful".

    But an elderly figure at the other side calls my attention. I park my bike and go check on them.

    "Anything wrong, geezer?"

    •they're gone... the mask... is gone... why did all this happen?• He was distraught.

    "Calm down, sir. Could you tell me what happened?"

    •I could•, he looked up, and his purple Noble mask revealed all. •if I knew it myself. it started as a game...•

    The narration was unnecessarily long, so much so that anybody with common sense would skip it and get to the questions. What made it important was that I had lived it before.

    It was clear: that Cryoshell-scored illusion I experienced was more than it seemed.

    "Okay then, so the mask gave you a team, then you lost your team AND the mask is alive now? That's it. This is out of control. If we want the universe to survive we have to stop that mask."

    •but how do we stop life itself? we can't just destroy it, even less so with a body of its own.•

    "We'll need a new team. Do you know what happened to the big guy that brought you here?"

    •he probably portalled away. I wasn't friends with him anyway. But I am friends with somebody else, if she's still around...•


    [OOC AGAIN: This is gonna collapse on itself so hard...]

    TL;DR (it's in the rules!): Turaga Lipuret came from somewhere else. I'm gonna help him stop the Ignika, somehow...

    Toa Ignika's on the loose.


    What? I don’t see anything relating to Cryoshell.


     Cryoshell's upcoming second album is called Next To Machines. He uses it as a hashtag in this post, right before the #14B2020.


     Also I went to check the post and he corrected the typos...

  12.  That new post has me worried. He name-dropped Cryoshell's new album, which as far as we knew tied into his Rebel Nature thing, but this doesn't really look the same style as that. Also those "typos". If they mean something or it's just his keyboard messing with him, I don't know. The description also seems more real-world historical this time, and we know Rebel Nature is set "in a near-future world where technology and nature has joined forces and humanity has become the endangered species…"

     Could this be closer to his current project than we thought? Is Cryoshell involved in it? What is Mr. Faber's great vision? Questions abound...


     I'm loving all this uncertainty!

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  13. IC: Vrokdann - New Atero


    "AND THAT! WILL BE! ALL! UGH!", she yelled with a finishing move that must have scarred the flesh of her intangible opponent. Then as the echoes of her cry settled into the civil air, she put herself back in a neutral position, with a calm and a speed that must have made all the bystanders doubt the free combat display they just saw.

    "And for the record, I DO remember that Toa's last words, but since you care SO much, you'll have to hear them from him WHEN YOU FIND HIM IN THE DEPTHS OF-"

    Someone called at the distance. She was quite sure it was directed at her, and even if it wasn't, she had already made a scene, how worse could it get?

    "ENJOYING THE SHOW, LITTLE GUY?" she called back. "WANT A CLOSER LOOK? 'CUZ I'M BRINGING IT TO YOU RIGHT NOW! Unless someone has something against it? Hmmm?"

     It was at his moment that "Drendakk" would provide a responsible counterargument, but after all that, it would appear Vrokdann was on her own for a while.

    "That's what I thought. OKAY LITTLE GUY, THE SHOW'S ON THE ROAD!"

     Pushing through the semicircle of bystanders, she leapt over to the visibly disgruntled figure on the small vehicle. There was a bunch of papers and stuff strewn about, and Vrokdann miraculously caught on it: this guy actually was in the middle of something. "Drendakk" would've backed off in embarassment. Unfortunately for all, "Drendakk" wasn't on duty.

    "Hey, what's all that junk? Your homework?" she said, finding amusement in the figure's handwriting. "May I give a hand? I've got enough!" she gestured at the two additional arms she could never find an actual use for.

  14. [iC]: Vrokdann - New Atero


    " So there I was. I had him at my feet, trapped under a rock the size of a Muaka's head. He probably had the most pathetic face ever put behind a mask. And while I've got my gun against his face I think 'let's give him some last words just because', and what do you think he says before I tell him? He says..."


    - Vrokdann!-


    " Oh come on, Drendakk, I was inspired! Are you seriously cutting my inspiration like that?"


    - Vrokdann, there's been nobody there since about an hour.-


    She looked to her side and indeed, whoever it was, they were gone now.




    - And how are you going to kill him if he didn't even tell you his name?-




     She shot beams from her eyes instead, almost hitting a marketstand.




    - Okay, enough! First, you don't have X-Ray Vision! Second, you're making a scene in a public area!-


      There was a lot of people around. If nobody was listening to her for at least an hour, somebody sure was now.




    " Except I do! He said... um..."


     She didn't. And if it wasn't clear yet, Drendakk's words were inside her head, but all of Vrokdann's words were at a very audible level. In other words, she was screaming to herself.


    "...go throw yourself down a well, Drendakk."


    - You wouldn't say that if I was the one outside!"


    " So that's what you wanted all along, huh? HUH? COME HERE YOU PIECE OF-"


      Now she was punching the air. She would get the authorities' attention any moment now.


    [OOC]: Does anybody want to stop this crazy lady? She's very visible and might break something (also probably help you if you use the right words)!


    NAME: Vrokdann

    SPECIES: Skakdi of Iron

    GENDER: Female

    POWERS: Limited control over iron (w/another Skakdi). Laser Vision, which she frequently uses for precision cutting. An enhanced sense of balance, meaning she isn’t particularly prone to tripping, falling or getting dizzy.

    GEAR: A dual-action weapon she took on her way out. One side blows open a neat square hole in most surfaces, large enough for her to squeeze into. It includes a knob to adjust the deepness. The other end looks like a saw, but shoots a slew of sharp iron needles. On the other arm she carries a set of claws, which can slash through Protosteel when properly sharpened. Some of the “armor” (scrap) on her back could probably make another weapon if she knew how.

    PERSONAL AIRCRAFT: The Stolara, a stolen Axalara.

    ALLEGIANCE/ROLE: Each and every aspect of Vrokdann appears to yell “CLIFFSIDE!”, but nope. She may be angry, forgetful and lacking in purpose, but Vrokdann isn’t foolish. She’s stable enough in New Atero, civil unrest notwithstanding. Vrokdann doesn’t really sit down and think about her purpose, and she doesn’t need a lot of resources. In other words, she’s up for anything. Especially if it allows her to blow things up.



    Bulky, of gunmetal and burnt orange coloration with some artificial copper accents. Her spine has decorative rings across it, and accommodates a modest collection of “armor” (scrap). She possesses two additional mechanic arms on her, product of an experiment (presumably by “Drendakk”), although a critical lack of following with it renders them mostly inoffensive. She’s usually seen with at least one weapon on her hands.

    PERSONALITY: Having a conversation with Vrokdann is like crossing a wooden bridge over a canyon. You can make it through, as long as you get over the relentless sense of danger that every new word, both yours and hers, brings to the table. For Vrokdann’s patience is brittle, and the wrong word will bring her whole rage crashing over the entire building. Fortunately for the common citizen, there's little reason to talk to her beyond usual formalities, which she can manage well enough. Vrokdann tends to care too little about things, and she enjoys destruction as much as the next Skakdi. The only thing keeping her from wrecking her ship is how vital it is for her existence right now (and how much she loves blowing things up with its bombs).

    BIO: Vrokdann’s every action is constantly judged by an inner voice, which she unconsciously addresses as “Drendakk”. This name, if her memory is to be trusted (it's not), belonged to a colleague of hers back on Zakaz. This other Skakdi would have been a frequent partner for power activation, resulting in a relatively positive relationship between them (for Skakdi standards, at least). If all this is true, then it’s almost certain they didn't make it out. All that remains of them is a voice in Vrokdann’s head. It serves both as a moral guide and a fascinating reminder of just how messed up the average Skakdi’s mind is.




    NAME: Vrokdann stole this ship. She doesn’t know its name and doesn’t care about giving it one, but she officialy refers to it as the Stolara (as in Stolen Axalara), truly a landmark achievement of her imagination.

    MODEL: Axalara.

    WEAPONRY: Dual Midak Skyblasters, loaded with highly corrosive spheres.

    CUSTOMISATION: A Kanohi Sanok is visibly attached to the ship’s front, conceding its pilot near-perfect aim of its weapons for a brief amount of time. The seating area features an added set of harnesses to keep the pilot in place, which deploy automatically when said pilot is detected. Unfortunately the detection system is faulty, and most of the time they may not deploy at all. Vrokdann doesn’t know how to fix it.

    APPEARANCE: The Stolara’s plating is more silver than usual, with garish lime green stripes across. It appears to have some symbols engraved by the controls. The landing gear is blunt at its tips, and the whole thing looks quite used. Beyond that, a fairly normal Axalara.


    [...and that's it. I just wanted something simple to start, and to give my MOC a backstory in the process. It's probably a bit too dull...]

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