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Everything posted by Max_Nui

  1. I completely forgot about that detail, but now that you mention it I recall it being extremely important in the Toa Metru's fight against the Krahka.
  2. I am working on an animation project right now, and I need to build the canon Kanohi Dragon model. I was unable to find instructions online, so I was wondering if any of you had attempted the model. If so, what difficulties did you have/do you have photos of the build from other angles? I have had little luck finding images of the model from any side except for the official image, so any assistance would be beneficial. Thank you!
  3. Yeah, agreed. As a side note, if anyone has one and doesn't want to sell, I would love to speak to them about getting a 3d scan of the root. There are so few of them left, and to my knowledge none have been scanned into a 3d printable stl file. So, if you have one and you don't want to sell, please let me know!
  4. In the Legend Reborn, just before Tuma fights Mata Nui he tells him, "I'm going to enjoy tearing that fancy mask from your face." Now, I know of many other discrepancies included in the lackluster film, but I was wondering if you guys could come up with a canon reason why Tuma would have said 'mask' instead of 'helmet' like most Bara Magnians would. Did he recognize some semblance of the kanohi from the remains of the Great Beings? Who knows?
  5. Counter argument though, They felt like their sales were down among their demographic (6-12 y/os) and refused to adapt with their market. They could have found easy success and sales by learning to market to older individuals (which they finally figured out over 10 years later). However, I do understand the sentiment that LEGO was trying to push in a different direction away from complicated stories and adult marketing. I believe the feeling of "selfishness" comes from the feeling that Lego only agreed to Bionicle for the needed profits and as soon as they were financially stable abandoned the Bionicle name. This abandonment appears to come from the stance that Bionicle was too mature for younger generations, and that the constraction system was not marketable in this way, something that many members of the company had felt since the inception of Bionicle. It felt like Lego told us in 2010, "your interest in our brand doesn't matter. You aren't 12". Perhaps if we had reached this Lego renaissance of adult branding in 2009, Bionicle may have remained with us. However, we did not, and this has led to most of the animosity that plagues our relations with Lego to this day.
  6. Nice! Which ones do you have? I got 3 recently from that large ebay lot that was sold. I think I got two with Vakama combining the great disks, and one that marks how the vahki transport moves.
  7. I don't really have any rules for this thread. What makes your bionicle collection unique? Is it a rare part you have, or perhaps specific memories with the sets you own? Or maybe you have mocs that no one else does? Why are you glad you have your collection and not someone else's I've been officially collecting Bionicle since 2007, and I've spent a good amount of time rounding out my '01 rahi collection. One thing that I have that not many other collections do are mnog-only rahi like Mahi and Brakas. I also have a custom resin vahi crafted for me by ZiosCustomLego on Etsy. What do you all have that's unique?
  8. I too, would cherish this sacred knowledge...
  9. Hello, I have a complete Roodaka and complete Maxilos (minus Spinax) and I am looking to trade them for the silver versions of the kanohi Pakari, Hau, or Kakama. For clarification, I would prefer to trade one mask for each set (One Roodaka for one mask, Roodaka & Maxilos for 2 masks etc.). Please message me if you're interested, want to see photos, or if you'd like to work something else out! I'm very flexible. Thank you for looking! Unity, Duty, Destiny!
  10. The Exo-Toa armor is worthy of Holy Grail status, especially if you get your hands on a Toa Mata/Nuva.
  11. Jaller Mahri reminds me of when I seriously got into Bionicle. He was my favorite set as a kid and I took him everywhere.
  12. 2005 was a necessary year, and contrary to Greg's opinion it would not have been as powerful for Matau to become the villain as it was for Vakama. Farshtey's novelization of Vakama's decent into madness was incredibly compelling in my opinion, and was a natural progression for the character. 2001 Turaga Matau never struck me as a traumatized individual who carried guilt about protecting his friends, whereas I always saw that weight in Turaga Vakama's presence. The movie did rush Vakama's arc but I certainly don't think 2005 could have been skipped over and forgotten. The titan sets were also brilliant, and Voporak walked so Kardas could run in terms of official combiner models.
  13. This is such an obscure fact about the production! I agree that it would have been completely unnecessary, and it is shocking (but not surprising) to hear how many studios insisted on human characters. Thanks for sharing!
  14. I do like that marbled green Rau though... The one that's on.... Titto... Oh boy
  15. I need to know so that I can ask him for a recording of him saying, "It's time to wake up. You're going to do great things today. Success is forthcoming. People love you." And then I can set it as my alarm in the morning.
  16. This isn't something I want LEGO to do, but I would love to see the community pull together for this: I've always thought it would be cool to create a museum of sorts that has a (reasonably) to scale island of Mata Nui inside of it. Get the community together to donate mocs and funds to it and recreate MNOG builds, hide the 36 kanohi, and maybe have a shop/makerspace. That's a very simplistic explanation, but even on a smaller scale I think it would be awesome.
  17. I agree that it seems overly hyped. However, I think that the corruption of the Hordika went deeper than just a fall from being a toa. To me, Hordika is a complete corruption of the values the matoran hold (unity, duty, and destiny) and in that case Hordika is infinitely scarier than just a Power Rangers: Jungle Fury rip-off.
  18. Wow, I'm actually shocked that Greg was never asked this question, lol. To be honest, I figured that I would post this and instantly be told that I hadn't read one of Greg's ancient lore tablets and that I needed to hand in my fan card. I like this theory. It aligns with what we know.
  19. Yeah, exactly! But it seems like such a huge oversight if it was never brought up in the canon. They took the time to light Metru Nui, what about everywhere else?
  20. I'm sure there's an answer out there, but for the life of me I can't find one. Metru Nui was of course lit by the twin suns that doubled as Mata Nui's eyes. But how were the lower islands lit? Were there artificial suns?
  21. I certainly find this idea intriguing. I recently acquired enough of the Titans to build each of the four combo models you mentioned, and I was very disappointed there weren't more. I like your suggestions, especially the Rahi Nui of 2001. I've always desired a physical depiction of the creature, and that would have been a perfect opportunity. I think the 2007 combo could be for another prisoner of the pit. There was a contest that meant to add more prisoners, but it was never fully canonized.
  22. One thing I did really appreciate about Gen 2 was how the Toa Mata were handled. They felt like true lineage sets in ways that the Nuva (and certainly the Phantoka/Mistika) missed the mark.
  23. I totally agree with that assessment. We do need to be able to reconcile the character, and in comparison to many other stories and themes Teridax really isn't that paradoxical of a character to relate his versions to. I believe many of these answers hit very close, and there really is no way to know for sure, but I think it's important to work "inside of the lore". It's true that the Bionicle theme is a product of the time it was written in, but I believe that the differences in Teridax's appearance should be used to add more depth to him, not take it away. I really like where this thread went. Thank you all!
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