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Kal the Guardian

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Blog Comments posted by Kal the Guardian

  1. http://www.moviedeskback.com/wp-content/up...1920x1200-3.jpg

    Surely you can't be serious.


    You just wrecked my RPG aspirations.


    Look at my image. Now back to yours. Now back to mine. Sadly, yours is too big, but if you understood that you have to link huuuuge images instead of just displaying them, you could be using a perfectly fine small image like mine. Look down. Now up. It's an edit in the comment you made. Anything is possible when you're the blog owner. I'm on a horse. -EW

  2. Okay, one "let's get everyone in COT in a single RPG" coming up. :)


    (I can see it now! Cloud palaces, rainbow ponies, and flying walruses!)

    Ok, now that's just too weird. Look at the opening of a RPG I was thinking about writing.




    You are lost in your dreams. You don't know how it happened or why it continues, but you do know that it isn't right. You are sure this continued slumber was forced upon you through some unholy means. But why it was done in the first place you do not know.


    For years you have dreamed only one constant dream where you are a god, crafting all you see before you. But one day that dream abruptly ends, and you find yourself on the steps of a grand palace in the sky. Peering over the edge, you find the large, white granite structure to be supported only by clouds. You find with disbelief that your former god-like powers are gone, only to realize they were replaced with measly abilities.


    Heading up the steps, you are surprised to see a large mass coming your way. Whatever it is, you know it holds your former friends from the real world. As it comes to a stop in front of you and you board it via wooden ladder, you realize it's a giant walrus. The walrus huffs and begins to fly under its own propulsion. Your mind remains unblown, however, since you had flying hippos in your god dream.


    Flying up and up, you come to the top of a spire. Getting off and patting your new walrus friend on his hide, he flies away, leaving you standing before two guards. The guards, decked out in stately armor, are, well, horse-men or something. You can't be sure. And squinting at them doesn't help. One second they are men, and the next they are horses. The only thing you do know is that they are the color of a rainbow.


    One glares at you for squinting at him, but leads you and your friends deep into the castle. You only find that it's larger on the inside than on the outside. Once again, this is familiar territory for you. But what is not is the shifting walls everywhere. You don't understand how anyone could navigate the place.


    Finally, after many hours of ponderous walking and backtracking (Apparently the guards also don't know the palace as well as they could), you find yourself before the queen and king, who look suspiciously like apples. You can't be sure on this, but you have an undying urge to walk over and take a bite out of one of them.


    They say they have gathered you to go on some type of quest. You're still busy wondering how they could be fruit and figure your friends will tell you the quest later. Meanwhile, all your friends have the same idea.


    Finally, you are randomly teleported to some dark realm, with nothing to fend for yourselves. You are basically doomed. Good luck.


    This is Daydream.


    Nice opening, aye?



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