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Kal the Guardian

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Blog Comments posted by Kal the Guardian

  1. Yeah, games aren't perfect, some games in particular. Alan Wake is a game I would only get if it were really cheap.


    I went with Khajiit. Quests completed? Ugh, so many. Although major quests, only the College of Winterhold. I have chosen to do all I can before I go to Solitude, so most of my major quests "dead end" there.


    Yeah I had difficulty with that mission on Normal, I don't know how I'm going to do it on Veteran.


    Check, and well, I haven't even made many houses in minecraft yet. I need to get cracking!

  2. I was just kidding, dude. The attack on Lyxek, as it stands right now, makes him look so tough and indestructable it isn't funny. Look at my face, I'm not laughing. It also makes him so cool of a bad guy. And now I want even more for Brother to find a way to kill him. As far as I'm concerned, things are fine the way they are.


    Dumb Constructs. :(


    Wow, good luck with all that stuff.


    Yes! *chugs root beer with ToD*

  3. Yeah, I know that its more like a playable movie or something like that, but I love the story of games first and foremost, so it being "linear and cliche" probably won't bother me if the story is good.


    Yeah, I played the second one first, not knowing it was a number two, and that one was fun.


    Did I say I didn't like those games? No. Do they freak and creep me out, yes. The more I play Deadspace, the less scary Bioshock gets. Although Bioshock, mostly the characters, remain freaky, not to be confused with scary. I think I'm receiving mental damage from this game. :P


    Lol, these are just the games I'm playing right now. I have way more I've already finished. You see, I go crazy finding good deals on games so that I can buy them. Like half of my games I bought for under $15. Halo 3 and Reach are different in that I bought the legendary version. Both times.

  4. Aaaaaaaaand that was waaaay better than my blog post. Oh my goodness I never realized how huge Day Run really is. And yes, my characters sure have had fun changing things even though at the time I didn't know I was changing anything. :P Although Brother not being able to harm Lyxek or the Construct in any way really bugs me. I mean it bugs Brother, not me, that would be silly. Lyxek will DIE!.


    Thanks for the support as well! It's weird to hear you say that you probably won't be able to host an RPG after this season. Hopefully that prediction won't turn out to be true. I really want to see what kind of RPGs you could cook up besides Night Ride and Day Run. I know I have something planned that will hopefully be unique for next contest. Can't wait to try it out.


    Here's to hoping Day Run comes first this contest! *raises glass of root beer*

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