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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Arch-Angel

  1. In before you or Shine.


    Politics and religious discussions are forbidden. Not because there is anything wrong with discussing these things, but because 99% of the time those topics turn into flame wars. NO exceptions! If you want to discuss these things then there are plenty of messageboards out there that focus on serious topics like politics or religion where you can go to discuss these things. Please keep debates like this off BZP-- there's little reason to bring it up to the audience here anyway.


    There will be NO exceptions here. Yes, even new president discussions are forbidden, unless there is a News Article and/or Official Topic about it. Thanks being understanding about this rule.



  2. In before Shine.


    Politics and religious discussions are forbidden. Not because there is anything wrong with discussing these things, but because 99% of the time those topics turn into flame wars. NO exceptions! If you want to discuss these things then there are plenty of messageboards out there that focus on serious topics like politics or religion where you can go to discuss these things. Please keep debates like this off BZP-- there's little reason to bring it up to the audience here anyway.


    There will be NO exceptions here. Yes, even new president discussions are forbidden, unless there is a News Article and/or Official Topic about it. Thanks being understanding about this rule.



  3. Really. I can here them. Probably mostly college kids. (I live right near Pitt) There's a police helicopter hovering around.


    There hasn't been a riot in these parts since the Steelers won the Super Bowl, so I guess we were due...

    Are you sure it is a riot and not a celebration.


    They both sound the same, at least in Boston.

    Well, there was the Boston Massacre...



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