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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    Dear Lord,
    Thank you so much.
    My sister and my aunt, Lili, went into the town in Brazil. The night life is great there, because everything seems so alive when the high schoolers get out (its night school there) and they all go down the road and enjoy their social lives. My sister, wanting to take pictures with her digital camera having that photographing spirit, posed with my aunt and captured the moments. These are her last days there as she returns back home in Massachusetts the 28th.
    Three boys, the oldest probably 17, came up on their bikes.
    They held a gun.
    My sister was petrified. They demanded the camera and her purse. Obviously not going to argue unless she happened to have guns pointed to her often (I'm the only one that came close to death, and that was by switchblade) she gave up her purse and camera.
    The purse did not hold her passport, but did hold her license, credit cards, and the little money she had.
    My sister's in tears, and my aunt is still somehow headstrong.
    How do I know?
    Because though she didn't know about the fact my sister left her papers at home, she took off running after the boys on foot though they were on their bikes, petalling fast.
    She continously shouted to them to at least give back her niece's papers, which they didn't have, and she didn't bother with the fact that they had a gun.
    She, of course, failed to catch them.
    But isn't it wonderful that God is on our side?
    Two men on their motorcycles witnessed it all. They helped my sister to her feet as she collasped (not fainted) to the ground she stood, thinking the next time she'd see her aunt would be in a casket. They told them to call the police, and they would follow the boys.
    Swerving through town, stop and go, they kept a distant eye on them. They lost them at one point, and decided to split up. One found the eldest boy eating dinner alone with food paid by my sister's cash. He called the cops, who were reported by my sister, aunt, and others who were robbed, and they arrested him. Pretty sure he might've made a run for it considering he had a black eye that wasn't there before.
    The two younger boys went to one of their uncle's home who assisted in the robbery by knowing and supporting them in it. The second motorcyclist called the cops on them, and arrest the uncle, the nephew, and guess who?
    My second cousin. He's 11 years old.
    At the police station, they returned the stolen items to all who've been robbed, and my sister pressed charges on everyone of them except our second cousin. He only followed his friends. He said he was pretty sure the gun was a fake because a lot of thiefs like these were usually with a fake gun.
    Before giving back my sister's purse, she opened it to check if everything was there.
    There sat the gun.
    "Don't worry, it has to be a fake," said my second cousin.
    My sister had a panic attack and the boy had one so bad, he got a fever and was sent to the hospital.
    Because the cop emptied the cocked pistol of its four rounds.
    She can't even look at her purse.
    Thank you Lord. Thank you so much.
    I'm gonna buy her a new purse.
    Thank you Lord. Thank you so much.
    And please bring her back safely.
  2. Arch-Angel
    Today, I actually have many things to do.
    I know, right? I'm not trapped in my apartment today.
    I'm going to go to church in a few minutes as my ride comes by. He and I are going to the church in my hometown (we are members after all) and he's bringing his daughter with him. It'll be the first time I meet the little eight-year-old. She's gone through plenty in her life already.
    Think about how phychologically messed up this girl will be if her life takes too many turns now.
    1. Her parents are divorced. Its not uncommon, but still...
    2. They both have different beliefs. Her dad is a Born-again Christian, her mother is a Jehovah's Witness. Her father (my ride) is now bringing her to church. I don't really ask about the mother.
    3. She has Leukemia, but it was caught early on. She's on chemo, though I don't know if that has already passed.
    Truly, I think any of you out there praying for me, should instead pray for this little girl. Her name is Sarah, please remember that name.
    Due to the rules of this forum, I cannot have any images, discussions, or so much as a Bible verse for today.
    But still.

    What does this buck-tooth moron have anything to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
    This holiday needs a makeover.
    From now on, its will be known as...
    Big Ups For Jesus Day!!

  3. Arch-Angel
    Sabado is Saturday in portuguese.

    Today marks the day my dad said he'd get my sister what she wanted when she was a little kid. Everytime she asked, he'd not only deny her, he'd insult her. Sure, it was a joke. To him. She always remembered.
    She texted me from Brazil asking me what dad's cell number is. They don't keep in contact much.
    I gave it to her.
    He should be crying right now like he was last year.
    He made a promise he couldn't keep.
    Like the same promise twenty-one years ago at the altar with my mother.
    A promise he couldn't keep.
    To have and to hold, from that day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do them part.
    Hallelujah Saturday holds many sorrows.
  4. Arch-Angel
    Yes, you know who I'm talking about.
    He has been making a statement, and a rather large one, by insulting the BZP mascot and techically calling BZPower a dictatorship. Not really the best way to approach.
    You see, in order to change the system, one must have everyone on his side.
    Have everyone on your side, what can the ones in power do?
    Though going up as one person isn't right. One person can be easily flicked away, like the person who is depicted in his banner and avatar. They will simply get rid of you because you're disturbing the BZP communnity. What are you compared to them. Maybe thats why you're fighting.
    Of course, you have spent at least several dollars for the running of this site. You only benefitted it. Foolish I say...
    But consider this.
    What if you did make a change?
    What would that change be?
    I doubt we can change the way this forum is set and expect it to be right.
    Anarchy is a bad direction. But it is your direction.
    Unfortunately, you're going to be flicked away.
    Yet you know this?
    Well, my aqquaintence, I respect your beliefs, though not my own, as I do with others.
    Enjoy your life after this day. I believe you will... somewhat. Who's to say?
  5. Arch-Angel
    Money is earned through work.
    Work is made to get things done.
    Getting things done will leads to satisfaction.
    Too much satisfaction?
    No work.
    No money.
    No rent for next month.
    No signs of getting work.
    No chance of living in this apartment for another month.
    Signs of failure.
    Signs of disapointment.
    Signs in my mother of her sadness.
    Signs of us moving into my friend's basement.
    Signs of debt following us in there.
    Likelyness of pain.
    Likelyness of sorrow.
    I have to do well in school.
    I have to go to college.
    I have to earn a living.
    I have to get a job.
    I have to keep going.
    At least I won't go alone.
    Ye though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil.
    Because I know who's with me.
  6. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.

    July 25th, 1941 - August 28th, 1955

    This folk song was made in honor of Emmett Till, though never published, was still popular in within Protest Groups.
    Emmett Till, today song goes out to you.
    The Death of Emmett Till by Bob Dylan.

  7. Arch-Angel
    The day has come and gone. Many things happen. The winter has made its last offical attempt to doom New England with a wintery mix (and failed), I think I got maybe a 60-70% on that vocab quiz of Act 2 of MacBeth, the BBC contenders took their campaigning to the blogs, and Omi has left the building.
    BZP's doing pretty well, I'd say. Peaceful, calm, a bit boring in the blogs, but hey...
    Then I get news that my sister is taking a bus from Minas Gerais to Sao Paulo to see our family.
    A bus.
    'Whats the big deal?'
    You don't know Brazil.
    In Brazil, the chances of being robbed on a bus are high. Same with four cars boxing in a bus and forcing it to the side of the road, where the theives proceed into the bus and steal every onuce of cash the riders, including the driver, have. Not to mention leave them with the physical, painful marks to remember them by.
    She's taking one from Minas Gerais to Sao Paulo OVERNIGHT.

    She'll probably try to get as close as she can to Santos (basically our home)
    The thought of someone hurting her...

    EDIT: Sorry. Raw emotion gets to me. I've vented a bit. I'll be fine.

  8. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Come on people, I know you know that you have songs for this blog. Necro has been a real big help in this.

    Sunshine of your Love by Cream

  9. Arch-Angel
    WARNING: If you can stand to read a Bones Entry, then you can read. I just hope I keep your attention.
    Forgive me for not blogging when it happens on the same day. Its a problem I've been trying to work out.
    Last Sunday provided me with a final challenge before I was able to fall into a deep slumber to be awaken by JAM'N 94.5 with the Morning Show. The challenge?
    Getting to sleep.
    I truly am sleep diprived. I'm used to going to sleep by 11PM depending if I'm reading my book(s). Unfortunately, I wake up with the rising sun at 5:40AM every weekday. Due to this lack of sleep, I'm constantly being yelled at by my mom for taking 'naps'. Why won't she let me sleep to my heart's content?
    Because my biological clock believe in no naps. Its either 'out like a light' or 'hammer to the light bulb' (same conspect more or less).
    Because of this fatigue, I was plagued yesterday by memory loss. That day, my mind refused to dig through the files of last Thursday and beginning of Friday. I spent the day during my free time retracing my steps. First off, Friday Night Smackdown! was a memory I could start at. From there, I went back with TV shows, conversations, and other things. Notice that I have no blog entry on last Thursday for good reason. I missed the bus and my mom gave up on bothering to bring me there when she failed to lift herself from her bed because she was up until 4AM. What a role-model.
    The memory blank haunted me during my school day as I tried to see what I missed out from my education that my teacher(s) agree I won't need in the future.
    Though I had no idea what I missed in Geometry, that became my least concern when we got our latest test back from correcting. I was given an A+ for my effort with a beauty of a 96 per-freakin'-cent. Only two questions wrong because the first one was a trick question I almost got. The second I did again in my head, I found out. I was impatient with it at the time, because it was the multi-answer kind of question. The state test, the MCAS (would have a funny acronym inserted here but I failed doing so), have questions like that. Only on that test I take no joke towards. This is my final year taking it and I plan to get it off my shoulders once next week comes along and the pracitally considered holy test is taken.
    Its about as overrated as Hannah Montana and High School Musical. AND THATS OVERRATED.
    Right now I'm learning about the Civil Rights Movement. Rosa Park's refusal to go to the back of the bus, the N double-A C P (NAACP), Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, the Little Rock 9, and what captured me the most...

    During one of the sit-ins, the four above sat on the counter seats and asked for their orders, but immediately the waitresses rounded up and went to the back. Why?
    They knew what was coming.
    Prior to this, they called the media. News stations and newspapers were given news of a sit-in. They weren't complaining, they were about to get something big!
    'Why? A bunch of people sit where they are wrongly told not to be is suppose to be big?'
    It is when a mob of white people formed.
    They grew up in an environment telling them they were superior than African Americans, Latinos, and just about every race but white. They couldn't tell you why. When one tried, they admit that they fail to give a good reason as to why. Its a strange hate. Its what they've been told was right for years! It physcology.
    Well, during the sit-ins and the forming of the mobs, all around them were angry shouts, shoves, racist remarks, and just about everything in between but the serving of food. Soon enough, as the African Americans stayed seated without giving a word to them or turning around but only to see if something was happening other than the current harassment, it broke out into violence. The protesters were taken off their seats and surrounded by angry white men who took it upon themselves to kick, punch, and basically beat them to a pulp. After a while, the State Troopers who should outside the window watching everything came in and took his time to stop the violence. He rested the protesting African Americans, the ones who done nothing but refuse to move from their spots in the diner, and they were found guilty of disturbing the peace and were sent to prison for I believe 33 days.
    That kind of thing is amazing. Watching the video of them getting stomped, hit in the head, beaten, and not fighting back? I'm sorry, but if that were me, I would've died because I would've punched, kicked, elbow, judo-chop Austin Powers style everyone around before being overpowered and most likely shot between the eyes.
    The day of learning would continue on towards Health class where we are now learning about stress and how to deal with it. Physcial, mental, emotional, et cetera (<- thats right, no etc. because I want to show I'm smart!). Some healthy things to do under emotional stress is vent, talk about it, don't harm yourself (cutting yourself, smoking, drinking, drugs ((why am I taking this class if I taught myself this AND live by it since I was freakin', I dunno, 8?)) ) and one of the best ways is crying. Obvisiously I support that part fully in this entry. Find the purple-colored text where Nukora edited out a part. *Knuckles Nukora* We still cool though.
    During one of times as I talk to Josh who's next to me about the Chi in everyone currently, and the room in general with whats being discussed, I turn and see my friend, Kat. Quiet, still, looking straight ahead, and the sun from the window providing light in the dark room (using a projector on the board) reflecting off the trail of a tear on her cheek. This isn't the first time is cried in class. During my first days in there, she walked out of class in tears. I ponder in my head as to the stress in her life. It makes me feel quite sad, because I used to constantly be in her position. I cannot count the amount of times I started crying in class. Most notable one was back in the sixth grade, where my dad said, 'Its like you're not my son anymore,' before I walked out of the car without bothering with a goodbye and eventually the emotional bleeding in my heart couldn't hold any longer and it bursted. Didn't make it 45 seconds in English before Ms. Duseano helped me up and brought me outside to await a couselor. Reason I remember that was because that day I got the best emotional help to provide. A special ed. teacher whom's name was Paula just told me everything I had to hear. She explained that adults sometimes say things they don't mean. It helped me more than I can imagine. If she ever reads this, I hope she knows that I'm entirely grateful in what she did for me.
    Everytime I see someone cry, I remember that day almost vividly.
    Saint Patrick, Saint Patrick...
    Why are you a saint again?
    I only celebrate the Holidays I have off, and I'm Brazilian, I look good in green, but have nothing in green to where on a day with the wind chill about 15 degrees.
    Instead I think of drunk small men who I'd love to have a conversation with.
    I love them. They remind me of myself minus the green, small stature, hat and shoes, usual pipe, and a crotch filled with gold coins (and the price of gold is very high up! What is it like, an onuce is about a grand?)
    And they are considered male fairies mind you.

    There you have it. This should change that campaign around a bit.
    "Kiss me, I'm Irish!"
    "Stand still, I'm Brazilian!"

  10. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    I love this song. Belongs right in my soon-to-be-receiving 8GB Zune mp3 player I'll be getting from Pepsi because I entered at Pepsistuff.com every time I drank a Pepsi.
    The song has a positive, up-beat flow as well as the lyrics. It talks about moving along from all the things that makes your life difficult and saying you 'gotta find the future' because 'misery loves company'. I find myself whistling the chorus and whispering it under my breath when I walk the hallways of my school.
    It bears the all too common title of...
    When I'm Gone by Simple Plan.

  11. Arch-Angel
    Yang represents good in the symbol.
    With yang days, I find it hard to blog about them that day. These events took place yesterday.
    I woke up to the sound of laughter. The Remiro & Pebbles Hip-Hop Morning Show from 6AM to 10AM was on as they talk to their intern Problem Child (They gave him that nickname) about how he can't get a girl because he always messes up whenever talking to them. It was 5:40 AM, so they are playing a recording from yesterday's show. I get up, and get to the bathroom. Once back, fresher and more awake, I start dressing while continuing to listen to the soon to be playing morning show. Once dressed, deodorant and all, I my glitchy mp3 player that refuses to connect to the computer, nor have the playlist in the order I made. If I want to listen to some more rock, it'll go on to a slow love song (though that was before the malfuctioning). I placed it on the FM radio, never taking it off JAM'N 94.5, the station Remiro & Pebbles broadcast from.
    I break open a fresh box of Frost Flakes with a reduced amount of sugar (which has more benefits in it and less of the fattening stuff than the Special K Vanilla Almonds I used to get... yes, I'm trying to eat healthy.) I have my breakfast, got my things, and by 6:48AM, I grab a washed green apple and head out my door... into the corridor of the first floor apartment.
    Don't you hate the meaningless two paragraphs I put up there?

    As I walk towards the bus stop, I notice as I'm descending down the hill my apartment is on top of.
    Backed up all the way to the bus stop.
    I, of course, am laughing quietly. It would be a shame to come into school late for homeroom or the middle of first period because of Route 9 backed up more than a truck stuck in reverse.
    By the time I get to the bus stop, the traffic is further down the road. If the bus ends up in this, we'll definitely be late for school.
    Time goes by, and I mean it. The bus is usually here around 6:55AM. Never anything over 6:59AM.
    It was 7:00AM.
    I call Josh, a friend on the bus who is the first to get picked up.
    "Yeah, the bus isn't even here yet. Oh wait, here it is!"
    Fifteen minutes later (what should've been about five) The bus is itching its way around the curve of the road. Another two to three minutes pass before finally it got onto the thrid lane to come up to the apartment entrance where the bus strop is located.
    I talk to my friend Josh who is milking out every bit of fun he can from being stuck in traffic. As we close in on traffic lights, he noticed the Tracker Trailer behind us.
    "HONK THE HORN!" He started saying loudly. Of course he gets the attention of everyone on the bus, and they're thinking ,'Oh gosh...'
    After twenty seconds of giving the motion to honk the horn while saying it loudly, he gave up.
    Another five seconds...
    The entire bus started laughing.
    We get to school at about 7:45 or so, and first period was already starting. Of course we don't take the side-entrance so just imagine a bunch of kids coming in the front door and all the students turning to you as they walk... eyes on you...

    It was funny. Josh said we were VIP. (Apparently 'Very Important Pimps')
    As the day went on, everything went fine. Mr.McNeill was out today so even he couldn't bring me down.
    As my six foot seven, 320 pound African-American friend who's name is all too common... Josh (I know three or four Josh's in this school. Five if you count the one in my old town) would say:
    'The chi is pretty good today.'
    I'll talk about his chi thing in a distant entry.
    Today and yesterday have been peaceful. Got to love it...
  12. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    By the way guys, try to PM suggestions. COmmenting them ruins the suprise if they're chosen.
    Oh, and I don't know how to BOLD BOLD 'much obliged' up there. Must be a slow song season? *cough*not-in-hip-hop/Rap/R&B-currently*cough*
    Today's song (thats right, its morning), was brought to you by Dorek. Dorek, what I would say is the older Omi-side of Dalek.
    This song talks about looking through, not just your eyes, but your mind and heart. View the world not for what it isn't, but what it truly is. It gets me in that mood (plus you guys know I hate apathy). Its like a... refreshing song. It tells you that your mind and heart are parts of your body used to see life. Do that, and you've stepped into a whole new mind-set.
    Through the Iris by 10 Years.

  13. Arch-Angel
    Yesterday started like any other. I wake up, morning rountine, get to the bus stop about two and a half minutes before it comes, go about my classes, wish there would be something to blog about.
    Unfortunately, there was.
    In my English class, two people have the nack of saying 'Jesus Christ!' in vain. Its quite annoying as a Christian. I myself spent a year and a half trying to remove it was my speech. When one says it, its like they blame Him for whatever is wrong whether or not it is their intention of saying it. It also feels like a racist term to me. Its quite painful really.
    I try to explain it to them when I ask them not to say it, and my teacher, Mr. McNeill (mentioned here) comes out with this to cease discussion.
    "Get to work and stop talking about fictional characters!"
    That just stunned me inside. I truly respected this man. He had a strong opinion on many things and was techically against apathy of all kind. I always wanted to here his opinion. If he has an opinion on Jesus Christ, the Man that I worship, don't you think he could've at least done it a bit less offending?
    After we were done with our activity called clustering and writing a paragraph on it (I believe its called a vignette) I realized I should've walked out of class after that. I didn't get too far into my paragraph considering what he said still affected me greatly. I mean it whe I say I felt horrible inside, almost betrayed in a way. Like Julius felt when he saw Brutus as one of the conspirators against him. When Julius saw Brutus jump at him wih a dagger, he gave up on fighting back.
    Et tu, Brute?
    You too, Mr. McNeill?
    The one thing I can't stand is someone willing to hate any and all people because of their belief. You can believe in no God, but must you insult him in front of hs believers? Thats like me taking a leak on your mother's grave as you are crying over it.
    Yes, my respect for him dropped dramatically after that comment, but I'm still angry at myself for not leaving.
    NOTE: Remember to avoid religious discussion.
  14. Arch-Angel
    I'm sitting here in a school Library with AM Collaberation, which means school offically starts Lord knows when.
    Though, this has me a little steamed like the veggies I don't eat.
    I noticed the pathedic way we mimic the unexpericenced, txt talking members.
    AKA, noobs and newbs.
    The statements are the first factor.
    If you're gonna make fun of them, then do it correctly.
    A noob/newb doesnot take his finger off the shift momentarily. For example.
    I was a noob. and from that, I know how its done.
    !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    That indicates that the shift was released before the one, telling us the member didn't look over his work and is somewhat inexpericenced with the keyboard.
    Next, the caps.
    Noobs/Newbs only hit that cap lock or keep the shift down when angry or excited. Calm and normal mood doesn't bother with punctuation or correct capitalization.
    REALY LIKE THE NEWVA~! GREGF IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
    Sometimes the one is pressed longer. The ~ in the above statement was by my own mistake, though the fact that it was a mistake was why I left it.
    Noobs/Newbs make mistakes. Grammar and spelling mistakes.
    If you're gonna make fun of them, do it right.
    Ya noob.
    Oh, and I got the taste of bad milk in my mouth. Should've seen that coming this morning... <.<
  15. Arch-Angel
    First, confessions.
    Two things.
    One, I am a bit... jealous.
    I don't have a recent game console nor the money to have and play Brawl. (And yes, I lied. I never played Brawl. Forgive me.)
    Come on guys, after three blog entries, I know Botar died. No need to remind me.
    Though I ask, how did he die? Just out of curiousty. Can someone take the section from the book and put it on this beautiful, colorful, one-minded, happy blog?
    Oh, and Omi gets punk'd here.
  16. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    The song of the day today is a hardcore song, and really the only hardcore I listen to on a daily basis. If you need to be fired up, about to go into a fight, a rough sports game, or Halo for all I care, listen to it and let the adrenline flow through with a burning passion.
    This Fire Burns by Killswitch Engage
  17. Arch-Angel
    "The cold is only bitter... to those that cannot taste it..."
    -This wallpaper of Kopaka I had three or four years ago (that I wish I had the real verison).
    So my trip my old town was a bit... normal?
    Like I never left...
    Thing is, I want that, yet not this way...
    I dunno...
    Though there was one problem I faced constantly.

    Maybe not a moody spooky tale, but hey... it racks in the commentsmoney.
    Oh, and my name isn't Emily Blunt.
    The wind was like, "Hey... the sun is shining, its a peaceful Sunday, people are gonna wanna go out... Perfect."
    Then like a stab in the back of the heat-generating rays of the sun, crying out, "WHY?!", Wind comes to me.
    Now, the quote at the top is what I mutter when extremely cold and shaking crazy-like in my 60-dollar-birthday-money-on-clearance Hollister jacket with fake fur interior. NOT good in weather like this.
    At one point, me and Tom were so bored and cold we strted throwing rocks, big and small into the frozen Assabet river to break it (I kinda knew it was six inches thick, but hey, it was a fun 45 minutes of our pathedic lives.)
    I tried my best to get Tom headed into the freakin' direction toward warmth, though we did find nice spot next to the Library in the circle of benches to chil (no pun intended) and talk to his gay amigo Sam.
    Later on, I dragged him to MickyD's (which he convinced beyond a doubt no one worth talking to would be there) and we meet up with an old friend and her foster sister.
    I mean, sure, they were a bit high, but they're nice.
    Four o'clock rolls it, and I ditch them right there in Mcdonald's to watch '10000 B.C.' with the old group, The Amigos!
    It was... causal... We did movies all the time in the days I was there so... (only after I had to ditch them too because I had to go to my old church which my ride home would be attending)
    When I was outside my ride's car, the wind blew, I repeated the words, hoping to set my mind to stand resistant to cold better... and something magical happened...
    I dove behind the church to reduce the cold.
    So I come back, raid the blogs as usual, eat dinner, and start this blog entry.
    So, now that the introduction is over, I'll get to the point!
    Freakin' Brawl isn't the best game 'eva'. Its Tekken... with Nintendo-owned characters. Get over it.
    As much as I reframe from saying the word, it must be said.

    And I kicked the ball.
  18. Arch-Angel
    My dad is on his way here to my apartment to bring me to my hometown to visit. Got twenty bucks, decked out in American Eagle from Beanie Cap to Loose Jeans that were all on the clearance rack (Not all 'preps' are rich).
    I won't be able to post, do my blog attacks (going up the list of the latest blog entries) and post entries in my own blog until 8 or 9 PM (EST).
    Well guys, I'll be seein' ya. Hope to have a interesting day.
  19. Arch-Angel
    The last weekend before my Premier Membership and blogging rights came back, I slept over my friend's house. You could say 'fun'...
    If he didn't live far away from anything to do.
    Seriously, the only thing you can do is go to Blockbuster, Radio Shack, Sears, and Shaws.
    He lives on a small highway (not to be confused with a freeway).
    Anyways, I unexpectedly dropped by and uexpectly slept over. My mom had to pick up a package at a UPS Store and the delivery was coming in an hour... I fell asleep... and she didn't want to go home. So she brings us to my friend's house and n hour later, I reluctantly decide to stay.
    Half-hour later, I find out that I have the only keys to the apartment.
    And her only cell phone belonged to the company she was fired from and had to return.
    No way of contacting her, and I'm left to boredom and a computer slower than a turtle frozen in a stream.
    Now, to understand what happens next, read this entry.
    Guess who happens to be there for her when she can't get in?
    Yep! The lady from that entry!
    My mother stood in the lobby entrance for five minutes just waiting.
    The lady comes through the side door and walks to the lobby entrnce to get her mail. The instant my mom saw her face she thought, "Ah (dang)."
    The lady opens the door and as it slowly starts closing, and madre holds it before it closes.
    "Excuse me, but you can't go in."
    "Lady, I live here."
    "If you live here, where's your key-card?"
    "Its with my son. He's sleeping right now and I can't reach him."
    NOTE: So she lied... shorter than telling her the real story.
    "What apartment?"
    "122. I have the key to te apartment right here," my mom answers showing the key.
    NOTE: Seriously, does that question even matter? Like she knows everyone that lives here...
    "Do you know how many incidents there have been because of people breaking in since I've moved here? How old is your son?"
    NOTE: When she moved here, this must'e been her neighbor.

    "He's a teenager. You know how hard it is to wake them up when they sleep."
    NOTE: This is true. You could ring the phone six tims before I'm annoyed enough to get up, first brush my teeth to get the taste of dry spit out of my mouth, then look at the caller-ID to find the next victim of my rant and anger as to why they are awakening me from my slumber. (<- Big words make me feel more educated then the grades tell )
    "Why can't he open it for you?"
    "I'm gonna find out right now."
    And mom walked through the door, she kept yelling, and my mom walked causally up to her apartment.
    I'm gonna cuss this woman out next time around...
  20. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Today's (or tonight's) song is one that brings me to imagining a happy life with Bionigirl. Must admit I first heard it walking into Hollister, but still... its a great song to play when in love.
    On Top Of The World by Boys Like Girls
  21. Arch-Angel
    I don't even know why I'm bothering with my blog NOW.
    I'll just tell you to get it off my shoulders.
    Today started off as usual. My sleep is diprived as I'm reading the book 'Jumper' that the movie was orginally made from. Though I don't know the acccuracy from the two, 'Jumper' is a good book. Which is why I'm up until 1 AM reading.
    So I get up at 5:40 AM (clock is 20 minutes fast so it reads 6 AM to physicologically rush me in the morning) and I do my rountine. Bathroom, clothes, frosted flakes with milk bound to expire (that'll be a fun day), and all the things I need.
    I get to school and know I'll have work to make up from my absence yesterday. During lunch though, a friend of mine named Tito starts trash-talking about how he made me tap out in some playful grappling (basically amatuer wrestling without the style) and it was before Biology, I lefted him p with bare strength and could've slammed him down and chose not to. Considering the teacher would walk in and give me a detention right off the bat, I tapped.
    Now... he hasn't stopped talking about it. And continues to talk in lunch. So, with splitting headache and all, I challenge him. After school, meet in the front entrance.
    3 PM, he shows up, and the Aleve a friend of mine gave was helping quite a bit. We walked to the field arcoss the street from where his friends are playing 'Suicide' and others just hanging out.
    I take off my polo, empty my pockets, stretch a bit, and we start. After we broke up from the first round, my lip starts bleeding a lot. During on of his moves (possibly the DDT), my front teeth came down on my bottom lip, cutting it open. I suck on it a bit a spit on the ground.
    We go a second time, and when I found a moment I could take him down, I got on top of his back and into a headlock. After a few seconds of squeezing, he tapped. Though the tap was only viewed from my eyes, I know I won dispite what his friends didn't see.
    Right now we're even. No need for a thrid round to prove who's better. He's talking about how he cut my lip and all because he just can't come out saying he lost. Apparently thats too much for him.
    I just know I beat him. Not the biggest challenge, but I beat him. (expect a Rond Three tomorrow if he keeps talking)
    Before all this, in English class, my teacher wants to know whats up with my homework, and my failing grade. I simply told him, "I'll have my essay in tomorrow."
    "Good man."
    Fast forward presently to the story from before, and fast forward. 4 PM I get home in my not so cozy apartment and look around the blogs. I'm exhausted (sleep deprived and grappling, do the math) and I walk over to where my mom is on the couch and plant myself there for a nap.
    A four and a half hour nap.
    It was 9 PM, I'm a bit mad my mom didn't make an effort to wake me up. I have my dinner, come here, look at the latest blog entries from the one I left off, and get on my blog. I noticed Valenti's comment, and I thank him for his approval.
    I click the entry button on top, click 'Add Entry' and I know I should be doing that 4-5 paragraph essay on Brutus' character in William Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar'.
    The instant I click the button, my teacher (in my head) shouted, "Moron!" like he does to some of the students.
    No, he isn't a bad teacher, but he isn't stupid whatsoever. He likes to challenge you, which I like in a teacher. If he must use an insult (more like show who fits the description in class) he will.
    So right now, Mr. McNeill is shouting in my head. My conscience is right next to him, slapping me upside the head.
    Ugh... Better do that essay...
  22. Arch-Angel
    I've faced this question with my mom plenty of times.
    "Why do you have a blog? Can't you have a journal? Diary?"
    Thats tough to answer. Not because I have don't have an answer, but because it's complicated and emotional.
    Before I was going to type my first blog entry, I looked over other blogs. A lot of it is freedom of expression.
    And by that, I mean randomness. Exo and Spitty being the two front-runners. In my mind, they are the unoffical comedians of this enormous forum. Its amazing how I much I chuckle at their jokes as they see one thing, make it a joke the next. I remember after Chii made a topic sparking a huge flame war with him just dominating the members in the arguement using their own fire. It, of course, was closed. I go Chii's profile, I laugh with him. Then I see at the bottom where Exo commented:
    Could stop laughing.
    Another thing I saw were discussions on the sets and storyline. Plenty talk, but not my cup of tea. Why? I grew out of it, and I don't even like Ice Tea for that matter.
    Though I believe I saw one serious blog. I believe it was Lady Kopaka going on abot her life. A few comments, but I knew she was popular.
    So I made a choice.
    Either I make a blog on my life and the things that haunt it, or I decide to make others laugh.
    I tried random. I wanted to become a popular member, like Exo and Spitty. I wanted to fit in, I wanted to make others laugh.
    I couldn't feel it.
    The words that I typed weren't real. They weren't who I am. They didn't say who I was, what I am, what I wanted to be, what I was, what I've done, what I saw, what I expericenced, what I felt, what I had to let out.
    This is the outcome.
    Hey, I may not be popular, but I sure felt better after that.
    So to answer the question as to why I use a blog instead of a journal or a diary, is simple.
    A journal and diaries are written thoughts only accessable to the world. A blog is a journal or a diary that is given to the world to read. To release thoughts. To say what can't be said.
    Well, to me anyways.
  23. Arch-Angel
    During previous Premier Membership, I mentioned the new classes I got for the second school semester. The new electives are Transportation Technology and Lifetime Activities. I thought Lifetime Activites was Acting first of all. The guidance counselor got me confused and I forgot the class.
    Anyways, I decide not to leave the class on the count as it provides extra fitness for me. I need it since my knees have started hurting tremendously. So I've stopped goin to the gym and currently weigt in at about 228. Back to the previous weight I've had last year. Got to say I'm glad it doesn't show as bad as Tom told me If we were to meet today, he'd think I was 190 at most.
    ...Still wish I was back at 215...
    Back to the original topic.
    After we finished Ping Pong (or as the Chinese say: Ping Pong) we started playing Volleyball.
    Now, I'm Brazilian, and naturally growing around Brazilians, I love Volleyball. It the one sport where I can hit the ball with my hand and get some praise.
    Now around the time of learning how to play, my mom is able to by me a pair of knee braces (Praise the Lord!) and my knees feel better. Though it does sweat a lot underneath the fabric. And when the velcro loosens, it painfully goes up against my skin, thus having to adjust to my pleasure yet again. Its worth it I guess.
    Our team started strong, though yesterday started losing. It was hard to tell who was going for the ball considering everyone forgot the communication idea by saying "Got it!".
    And yours truly took a lot of crud from the team for the reason being that we didn't talk. So it wasn't until after gym we realized what we should've done to fix that problem.
    That got me steamed inside, outside I didn't show it.
    The last game, we went up against what you can say is a team that likes to taunt. Or the 'captain' of the team anyways. Started calling me Knees, Knee Pads, Pads...
    Many a time I wanted to grab the volleyball and give a threat no suitable for BZP. (thats right Nukora, I contained myself)
    Though I didn't get the chances, the last time he did, I came up to the net (being in the front row) and stared hm down. I think he got the message.
    The Monday continued to prove just as bad as I knew it would. The five hours after Lifetime Activites just showed me how much I truly hate high school education.
    Why can't I get on a plane and crash land on the Destiny Islands of Kingdom Hearts? They always looked so calm, carefree, and simple...
  24. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    The following song was suggested by my friend, Necro.

    I've listened to it, and its a good song to listen to to put yourself in a fine mood. Peaceful, relaxing, soothing...
    Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles
  25. Arch-Angel
    EDIT: Why didn't any of you tell me I wrote 'mentally' as 'metally'? I knew I wrote something wrong...
    NOTE: I hate my keyboards. They miss every other letter whenItype. Including thesace button. If grammar andspellng go wrongin this entry, I'll have to re-readitall when ts done.This statement isn't currently being looed at, bu Im slaming o the keys as we seak.
    For those of you that have read my blog, you know the emotion I put into it. The thoughts, the humor, the expericences. I've shared with you how I had a descent life at one point and how it all came crashing down starting in between the hours of 1 and 2 AM of January 2nd, 2007. If you just started reading this because of the title, then thats okay. My life story goes with this entry entirely.
    On that night, things were rocky. Dad wasn't home. We just came back from a late night showing of 'Night in the Museum' starring the funny Ben Stiller. In my head, I thought things would eventually fall into place where everything would be alrght in a few days. My dad wouldn't be with that woman, my mom wouldn't be sad, there wouldn't be another Christmas without him.
    That night would prove to me that I was wrong.
    My father came through the door, full head of steam. My sister parked her car in the position so that he couldn't get in the driveway. Again.
    He's had enough.
    He goes up the stairs, bangs on my sister's door with his angry fists, ready to unleash a storm. He felt disrepected. He was being kept away from his home. The house that he has worked had to get, worked hard to keep.
    My sister had a very good arguement to back up her actions against him. He spent Christmas and New Years with this woman and her two kids. He stayed with her after work. He came back home regularly at midnight since the middle of November. He indirectly dropped us.
    My mind set wasn't the best. I thought that God would bring this to rest. That He would show my pastor of a father the wrong of his ways. What was doing, what he was losing. I thought of this as short-term drama. I knew little of long-term drama.
    I was about to expericence a crash course lesson on the subjects of "Long-Term Drama" and "Unpleasant Life altering expericences".
    This entry covers it all.
    That was the day I was kicked off my mental placement of life.
    I believe that inside, we all have an idea of our placement in life. What we are used to. Who we are with. When life gives you lemon and all. But when your whole thought process is offically punted off the Empire State Building you orginally were on, you fall faster and faster and hits the ground with a heck of an impact. The things you were used to, gone. The day-by-day rountine, changed. Your eyes have opened. Congrats, life has opened your blinded eyes and you offically know what emotional pain looked like.
    Now, think of this. When you tell of your expericence and receive the comment, "Well think of the people that have it worse than you. The homeless, the starving children in Africa, etc.'
    Has that made you feel better?
    It didn't make me.
    'Why not?' you might ask yourself, 'Why does that not help whatsoever in making feel better? The people who have the worse life could give?'
    Because thats not the case.
    The homeless have found ground. They might have been homeless for years. The starving kids in Africa might have been born into this lifestyle, its been their ground, its been their lives.
    You have lost the ground beneath your feet. You have lost what you had. In my case, I have never known the emotion surrounded by a divorce.
    Now I do.
    You see, its not what we expericenced, but how far down the pit we fell.
    'Isn't that the same thing?'
    I know this girl. A Model Prep. The kind of girl that has had little to no turmoil in her life to change the way see looks at things. Her parents might have been divorced at her young age, but she didn't have the mind-set to care. Her life has ran smooth so far. Wealthy family, expensive clothes, friends just like her, and laughs and proudly makes fun of everyone 'beneath' her. And enough vodka mixed with orange juice in between. Right now, Tom told me that she is getting drunk at a girl's house who has probably bought half the tequila in Mexico. Probably near a toilet bowl right now vomitting. Maybe she's out cold. Who knows? Her way of having fun. Its her placement.
    What if that same girl were to lose everything she has? She has to move into an apartment complex, be in a school with no one like her (doubt it), lose someone as close to her as a sister/brother? No more wealth. No more close contact to friends. No more ground.
    Well, then life would've opened her blinded eyes, and offically knows what emotional pain looks like.
    Now many of you know exactly what I mean. Some of you have yet to reach this point in life, like that girl.
    Now comes the part where you grow.
    Finding ground in such a mess in like trying to find a piece of hay in a stack of needles.
    The first step is the step back. Look at everything. Review every single memory. The memories of your time when you were fine, before that dreaded day came. Look at that dreaded day. LOOK AT IT. The emotions, the pain, the sorrow, the agony.
    Now let it out.
    Cry. Sob. Mourn. Pray.
    You shouldn't keep it in. Countless will tell you not to hold in the emotions for good reason. Religious content removed. - Nukora
    If you have to cry, sob, mourn, or anything, then do it. Let it all out. Shout to the skys, shout to the world. But never keep anything in.
    When you do this, you'll know your placement. Its your rock bottom, and you must rise from it.
    Find ground.
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