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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by T-Hybrid

  1. In my experiences, "lite" on anything usually ends up being the same amount. Mostly because people are creatures of habit, and will usually mess up and put the usual amount on. I worked in foods for a long while, and made the same mistake enough to know that it's usually easier to tell them to just hold it. That was more in a reference to mayo, which falls under the same problem as sour cream. Having a vegetarian for a mother, I came to appreciate the spreading of peanut butter on bagels. And now that I'm buying my own food, I've come to further appreciate it as a low-cost alternative to meats as a daily source of protein.
  2. In the comments for yesterday's entry, I recieved an unusual suggestion from one Pohatu: Toa Of Electronics. Being the kind of guy I am, I decided I'd follow this advice for today's entry. Personally, I can't stand sour cream...or mayo for that matter...there's something about the texture that just doesn't sit with me when I'm trying to enjoy my food. This is probably also caused by the fact that no restaurant is able to include this type of condiment without lathering it on as though it were some kind of meal in itself. There's something so wrong about biting into a sandwhich, burrito, or taco and feeling the innards slide out on a bed of white dressing. Because of this, not a fan of those. However, Cream Cheese (as used in cheesecakes) is alright in my book. And, oh boy, fruit-filled pastries. I have to tell you, the highlight of my school lunch at least twice a week was the little pocket-pie that they included as a dessert. There was a light glaze, and usually they had strawberry or blueberry inside. Those of course are my two favorite berries. I wish I knew what they were actually called, as then maybe I'd be able to buy a few to include with my meals at home. Other fairly delicious fruit-filled delights would include strudel (not to be confused with strussel as I came to understand), actual fruit-pies, and jelly doughnuts. Well, that about wraps up today's entry. Sort of an interesting aside into an otherwise pretty casual blog. Maybe I should do stuff like this more often.
  3. T-Hybrid

    My Own Room!

    Well you introduced a new factor into the equation now.
  4. T-Hybrid

    My Own Room!

    Dude, I would've kept the futon. Otherwise, congrats on the single living space. I'm currently sharing a room in an apartment. Was NOT a good idea.
  5. *Steals idea back* Trust me on this one. There are certain sites that have videos with subs available to view. Last I checked these went up to 20, though I'm not certain if there are any more (haven't had a chance to look) I've been staying fairly caught up on the action (best I can with about 7 episodes of subless material to take in). Kouki is just too good to pass up on though. I'm quickly making the finishing touches on his button, though it's meant making a few changes with the others.
  6. Interesting suggestion. I"ll take that into consideration for future entires.
  7. The Blue-Vice is relunctantly proud to introduce its newest member: Name: Kouki Digimon: BioThunderbirmon Evolution-Style: Hyper Bio-Evolution (Self) First Appearance: Digimon Savers: Episode 27 Backstory: Little is known about Kouki, the apparent leader of Kurata's gang of Bio-Digimon. With his two allies Nanami and Ivan, Kouki fights against Masaru and his team of Savers. His custom iC allows him to take on his Digimon form, though at this time it's unknown which is Kouki's true self.
  8. Now, to pay back the favor and finally finish that button for KIE's blog link at the Haven.
  9. T-Hybrid

    The End

    I've never sat down and read this series, but it's always been intriging hearing about it. Now that I know the series will actually conclude...and not just fizzle out...it may worth taking some time to check it out.
  10. Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories was on the GBA.
  11. If I were working at the store you were buying it from, I wouldn't get you one until you called it by name. And Omi, if the reserve's in your name, that makes it yours. So...you can kinda not let him have it if you end up wanting one. And if that's the case, I'm going to need your home address and list of Top 5 fears. For something completely unrelated.
  12. Wii reservations became available today. It started at about 10 am CST, when I was sitting in class. I would've skipped, but I decided I've already used up my leniency on Twins games last week. Whatever the case, they aren't available anymore. The stores in my area are all out. The local Gamestop, for example, sold out of their 14 essentially before the store opened. Fortunately I wasn't the guy who stood in line for two hours after being told he wasn't getting one...only to go "Hmmm..." like some half-wit when the guy at the counter told me the same thing people had been saying for said two hours. Essentially, this makes up my mind on the Wii, at least for now. I've put feelers out to see what my odds are of picking one up as a holiday gift. My birthday's out of the question as that's about two weeks prior to release. Unfortunately X-Mas comes about two weeks after the release of Twilight Princess on the Gamecube. Basically that leaves me from November 19th until December 12th to decide if I want to get a Wii or not. And how I'm getting one for that matter. Otherwise I'm going to run into some hassles with which version I should buy. Also, I've got a Gamecube that I won't be needing anymore. Once I figure out what I'm doing Wiiwise, that will be available for sale. Don't know if it'll be to Gamestop to make up some cash towards Wii, or if I could make a few extra bucks by selling it used online. I figure somebody out there still wants one of these. If I can sell it to them and save them a few bucks comparred to Gamestop's price, while still making a bit more than the store would give me...I might as well cut the middleman and do that. It's how I swapped my DSPhat for a DSLite. So I've really only temporarily made up my mind. Fortunately the whole sell my Gamecube thing is still good for a few more weeks. At which point I probably will have to pay them to take it away from me.
  13. Step 1: Good Job Step 2: .... Step 3: Profit.
  14. T-Hybrid

    Tally It Up

    Three people splitting a two-bedroom. It's a little over $200 a month, not including utilities.
  15. T-Hybrid

    Tally It Up

    A Nintendo Wii, spare controller, and six games. Three months rent. Half my yearly car insurance. My share of tuition for a semester. A semester and a half year's worth of books. Dinner at Chipotle every night for more than 3 months. ...What are all these things you ask? To me, they are a list of things that I could potentially buy for the price of one Playstation 3. Why do I bring it up? This past week, stores began to take preorders for the system (set to release a few days prior to the Wii...don't recall the actual date) I hate to sound like a Nintendo fanboy, but from a stritcly enconomic standpoint this is not the system for me. $600 smackaroos, and that's before I even get games to play on it. I'm barely scraping together enough guts to buy a Wii at some point this year. I really hope that the consumer sends a message to Sony that they've stretched the pocketbooks of gamers just a smidge too far this time around. A few years back, I wouldn't have thought twice about it. But now that I'm in college, looking at the price tag and seeing three months rent is just...well...a rude awakening. Sony has essentially priced me (a guy supposedly in their target demographic) right out of the market. Will Sony's system have pretty graphics? Of course. Will it have the franchises I love? I've only seen screens of FFXIII and I'm in love! But looking at that list I made. There are so many others things I could have instead. Things that would last me a lot longer, and do me much more in the long run. Because there's one thing I haven't put up there yet. I go grocery shopping once every two weeks. I usually spend around 8-10 bucks. I shop cheap, and don't eat much of the fancy or snacky stuff. You can see the math. For $600, I could spend $11 a week on groceries on myself. That'd be almost twice what I spend now. That's right, I could eat for two years on what it would cost me to buy one PS3. It sounds riddiculous, and people don't believe me. But it's the truth. And that is why I wasn't lined up outside Gamestop a few days ago. Unfortunately, it's also why part of me wants to see Sony fail this time around.
  16. If numbers determined All-Star appearances, there'd be a lot of guys who wouldn't have been there. (Mark Redman comes to mind) Frank Thomas and Justin Morneau were not in the All-Star game, and both are very strong MVP Candidates.
  17. Clemens and Hafner would've been good picks. Who'd have thunk that Clemens would hold out and Hafner would go down with an injury? The guy was putting up MVP numbers before that happened.
  18. T-Hybrid

    Now With Patio

    It's going to be tough to track down the two most recent appearances, most of the people I knew weren't able to catch the 2nd game. The Cuddyer homer, however, is somewhere on MLB.com. You'd be looking for something from the late 2005 season. August or so. I'll see if I can find a link and put it up.
  19. I was surprised as well. Especially considering he was second behind a character from one of the..."lesser known" FFs. At least as I've seen it discussed. It'll be interesting to see who's next.
  20. I'd say make a ball crawl in your basement out of all of those, but I don't think parents would appreciate you enslaving their children.
  21. T-Hybrid is currently in the middle of a SAD group project and review for a SAD Exam. His guest writer has 'volunteered' to fill in. Good evening all, HGM back in the game after what feels like an eternity! I've been worked a bit extra as of late to make up for the damage caused my little bout with Santiramon. But the good news is I've worked off my debt to that extent and now the Haven comes complete in patio. Plans were to celebrate the Twins postseason success...but as you know that fell a bit short. The boss is still a bit sore on that so I'll leave it go at that. I don't know if T-Boss knows this, but he made it on ESPN a few days back. Game 2 I think. Some girls were waving signs about Boof and there he was sitting in front of them. Red cap, blue jacket...maybe you saw him? This would be the second time he's gotten on TV at a Twins game in the past year. Last year wouldn't have been as closeup, but was still pretty cool. Micheal Cuddyer hammered a ball into left-field. It went over his head, but you can see him clear as day standing with his dad and celebrating. He was pretty excited about it. He was talking about something similar happening before Game 2. Same sorta situation. Some people got interviewed because of their "Punto For President" sign and he thinks he may have been in the background. My life, however, has been anything but exciting. Like I said before, T's been off with classes while I worked my debt off. The place hasn't been as bouncing as before, most likely because he hasn't written anything that exciting. (Well, not in my eyes. But I'm a ten-story dinosaur, so it takes a lot to get me paying attention). That's about all I got for ya today. Now I gotta go back and cover the patio. I'm hoping the boss will be hiring some new help soon. Ten-stories or not it's still a pain to cover two places at once.
  22. American League Divison Series Game 3: Oakland A's 8 vs. Minnesota Twins 3 As a Twins fan, I've got to take this time to apologize for anybody that tuned into ESPN the last few days expecting to see some baseball. Instead, you were treated to an embarrasing display of the kind of game that the Twins played back in April and May. The league's best-hitter...with only two hits in the series. One of the leading MVP candidates...bobbles an easy grounder which ended up costing them three runs. A perennial Gold Glover...falling on his face as what would've been a routine single rolls in for an in-the-park homer. I really don't know how to explain it any better than just...I'm sorry. Everything that you had heard was this team's strength going into the postseason (the bullpen, the offense, the defense) ended up being it's own undoing. Perhaps it would've been better to face off against the Yankees, because at least then the excuse would've been there that they were facing one of the toughest teams in baseball. But the Twins/A's were supposed to be evenly matched, and instead I saw the most one-sided series in my postseason memory. My most sincere regret is that Brad Radke ends his career on this note. The guy pitched through pain, and was there when his team needed him. They were unable to repay the favor this week. And what was supposed to be a magical season ended with a routine pop-up. There's always next year. But just once it'd be nice if it were this year. Hopefully whatever spark was there for the past few months (prior to the last few weeks) will return next year, and who knows...maybe this will teach them a very valuable lesson. Congrats to Oakland for pulling off an impressive sweep, and good luck to them against whichever team they end up facing. No offense intended though if I end up rooting for Detroit.
  23. American League Divison Series Game 2: Oakland A's 5 @ Minnesota Twins 2 For a moment, it seemed as though they were going to do it. Cuddyer and Morneau go back to back...and the Dome explodes. And then the bullpen stumbles, Hunter makes a bad judgement call, and the game is back out of reach. I've got my fingers crossed that I get a chance to go back there Sunday, but right now I just hope that Radke can go out there and repeat the excellence that Santana and Bonser put out in the last few days. Friday may very well be the last game of his career...
  24. The way this season has gone, I don't know what to think really. It's only one game, and this team's gone through too much this year to let it get the best of them already.
  25. American League Divison Series Game 1: Oakland A's 3 @ Minnesota Twins 2 It wasn't until Thomas's second homer in the top of the ninth that you could feel the crowd starting to feel the game slip away, but nonetheless...I was still able to enjoy my first ever playoff game. The atmosphere is almost impossible to describe. 55,542 people all cheering in unison, living and dying with every pitch. They stayed rowdy up until the very end, and I'm looking forward to the Twins second go tomorrow. Would it have heightened the experience to walk out of the game with the win? Of course. But I'm not going to look past the fun I had just being in the crowd. I think "deafening" would be a good word.
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