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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by T-Hybrid

  1. I meant to say right, but I got the info I was looking for. I like the one on the right more...but mostly because I was never a fan of the chibi look in FF9. As far as the FF girls go. Nothing beats Rikku.
  2. That's her on the left too eh? Never seen that pic before. Makes her look a lot older than I remember her being.
  3. T-Hybrid


    And various spirited beverages.
  4. KIE, you're Annoucement/Lesson is probably the single biggest piece of advice ANYBODY going into college should be aware of. If I may second your opinion, I do so.
  5. T-Hybrid


    I'm aware of that. What's upsetting to me is that I'm going to have to shell out $250 to play two games that I should've been playing already on a system I already own.
  6. My Homecoming game memories are terrible. Shakopee football is shameful...at least up until I stopped caring (read: graduated).
  7. Much like KIE, I'm carefully following the events of the last three days of the MLB Regular season. Our teams in a similar posistion. Both are trying all they can to win their respective divisions. I don't know if Houston has the cushion of the Wild Card, but I'm cheering for them just the same. The Twins in the meanwhile... For the Twins, it's sweep or play the Yankees in the first round. And even then, they have to hope the Kansas City can win at least one game. So, fellow Twins fans, cross your fingers. And throw in some support for the Astros. Because Santana vs. Clemmens in the World Series would be the coolest thing ever.
  8. Admit it, Schiz. No matter how many things 919 ended up standing for, they were all accidents.
  9. Updates to Rebirth are going to be quite sporadic possibly for a few months. This is because of a few things. One, I managed to land a new job. It's an internship with a software consulting firm that promises me 20 hours a week and counts towards graduation (at least I think it does). The other (and far larger) problem is my Systems Analysis and Design course. We've got a semester-long group project that's sucking up a significant portion of my computer time (ER diagrams, Use Cases, programming...all that fun stuff). I'm about a semester out from graduation, so at this point it's basically me putting my head down and charging into the fray. Thankfully the fic is at a point where it can take a break and not leave too much hanging. The Inuva are close, but thankfully they won't appear and then sit around for a month while I finish up my course work. So stick with it, and keep an eye on the Haven and my Library thread for updates.
  10. KIE, I'm pulling for you buddy. May our two forces meet on the battlefield that is the World Series.
  11. My only concern is if mass-shifting would be in effect. Otherwise I can't imagine a cell-bot being of much use in battle. (Infiltration however...)
  12. I figure regardless I'll spring a Hu-Day on you all soon enough. Spontinaity (as well as poor spelling) are my trademarks.
  13. I don't see how any of you can expect to celebrate "___ Day" when you're all stuck smack dab in the middle of "Year of the Hu."
  14. I'm pumped for it. Though I don't like how some of the robots look, I'm more excited for the overall concept of a TF movie after all these years. I was born a bit late for the original movie (which is a classic of course). Don't listen to some of those that get crazy about the flames on Optimus or Megs eye-color or what have you. Just remember that it's a TF movie. I'm going to it for the giant robots...really not much else I'd go with that name on the MST3K reference alone.
  15. Why am I showing you a picture of a grey cellphone? And why does it have so many weird lines going through it? Well, I'll tell you. That isn't any old ordinary cellphone. That cellphone can do this... Ah yes, the Transformers are back...and if you though the Alternators/BinalTech series were cool. Just wait until you see what they have instore for Classics. Though I don't know the whole story behind this guy, I've heard rumors of him and others on various TF boards. Digital Camera: Alt | Bot PSP/GBMicro Hybrid: Alt | Bot I hope these are TF. The source site on this one lists them along with other TF in the Classics line (including the remade Nerf Megatron). I for one will get at least one of them. Depending, of course, on how well they blend in with the real thing. But if Alternators were any indication, that shouldn't be a problem.
  16. I wish I were cool enough to declare a whole day dedicated to myself.
  17. FMA? It went 50+ episodes. That's a long healthy life for an anime. The movie isn't quite as good as the series as a whole. There was a lot of talking comparred to the level of action. In the series, over the course of 50 hours, that works. In the course of about two hours it gets a bit wearing. I did like the conclusion, and how it fit in with the story of the series...but something just seemed off.
  18. Well, Square had to get its inspiration from somewhere. Obviously
  19. That'd have to be one heck of a lighter. Now a flamethrower...
  20. PirOnicles? Sounds promising to me.
  21. T-Hybrid

    Playoff Fever!

    14th row. Not bad at all really. And for only $15 a piece it's pocket change comparred to playoffs for other sports. (Heck, comparred to regular season for some sports)
  22. I dunno...Hahli appears more than capable of taking care of herself.
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