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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by T-Hybrid

  1. Those mounties have to do something in their spare time. >_> *runs*
  2. I should down-vote you. Just out of spite I've only recieved 9 votes, yourself 7. Things will balance out as more votes come in.
  3. When I started blogging on BZP, I didn't really know what to expect for activity. So then it was really a surprise when I began finding ways to blog on something every couple of days. To the point even that I had a M-W-F pattern going. It was working for a while, but today I can't think of anything to blog about. This will most likely remain true until Monday or so, when the Twins playoff picture starts getting a little more clear. Until then, I'll be away. Patio work is almost finished on the Haven, but HGM's got a while before he's paid off his debt. In the meantime, I'll be watching the Twins/Tigers series and perhaps getting my butt over to a game or two this weekend. Enjoy yourselves!
  4. T-Hybrid

    Bye Bye Pluto

    Science majors across the world right now are moaning a collective sound of disgust. Think of how many of their texts have just been rendered worthless because of references to Pluto as a planet. I bet if you watch in the next year, the amount of money spent on textbooks for any school will sky-rocket because of this. And you know, that was probably the plan behind this all along. If sales start dwindling again...watch out Neptune.
  5. T-Hybrid

    Bzp Speed

    We writers appreciate the work Bink. The lag and Board Messages are getting a bit stressful for those of us trying to keep our stories on a regular cycle of updates. ...Not that I've had a chance to lately. But that's more my own schedule.
  6. I have a friend who's more into RPGs than I'll most likely ever be. He played the third one while I watched. The story seemed interesting up until this one point...at which time EVERYTHING about the story was dropped in favor of some meta-twist that really just seemed dumb.
  7. I'll be man enough to admit that I've never actually been one to participate in fantasy sports. It's tough enough having to stomach the season of my actual teams...let alone having to witness my hastily assembled and shoddily researched custom team get their collective butts kicked. If only I could somehow combine my ability to assemble a Pokemon team with the knowledge I carry regarding professional sports. Does TO know Thunderbolt perchance?
  8. I know it wasn't new. But I hadn't played anything like that before. My first RPG was FFX, my second Xenosaga. So there was a special place for FFX and it's sequel. Xenosaga was just cool enough to follow through.
  9. As a fan of X, I loved X-2 as a conclusion to the story. It got a bit Powerpuffy at times, but otherwise it was enjoyable. Plus I had never played a "Job System" type of game before, so it was an interesting change.
  10. I'll await news from you on that one. I'm on the fence of that. Next up, Digital Devil Saga. If I can find it.
  11. 75 Copper Huna! I really am jealous. ...All I have is 74.
  12. It isn't that ALL college is bad. Just once you get going into the upper years. Freshmen and sophomore year are fun. It's mostly generals, so you have time to enjoy the college experience (I'm referring to the whole socializing and finding yourself thing...not the party until you're arrested thing).
  13. Well, as you may have caught from my Wednesday entry last week...I've not only been busy with work and classes, but also with a certain game that came out. I'm talking, of course, about Xenosaga III. The final game in what turned into a trilogy on the PS2, "Also Sprach Zarathustra" brings the series to an explosive finale. For now anyway... I have to say, it definately sets itself apart from it's predecessors. Apparently knowing that they were going to be ending the series at three instead of six encouraged them to go all out on this game. The battle system is streamlined for quicker battles, the graphics look incredible, and the story is gripping from start to finish. Well, okay...I lied a little. It drags at the beginning, but after the first few hours it kicks into high gear. Everything pretty much gets wrapped up, and all questions are essentailly answered. Not to mention it pulls a few nice surprises out of its hat. Why am I writing an entry about this game now? Because I just beat it on Monday. That's right, 50 hours in under a week (truth be told it was like 4 days because of work on Thursday). It was that fun. My only regret is that there wasn't more sidequesty stuff to do after beating the game. Xenosaga's I & II had that in spades (in fact I havent' finshed some of it). But the important thing I want to get across in this post...support this game. Go out and play the three of them. The first two are now both greatest hits, and can be found used for under $15 in most EBs and GameStops. The final chapter just came out, but spending a total of like $60 on a trilogy isn't so bad when you get a good 200 hours combined out of it. The soundtracks in the first and third are great, don't really know what happened in the second. And each game has a unique battle system that allows for a different way of playing for each chapter. I'll let you form your own opinions, but I will say that the middle game is pretty much agreed on as the least favorite (though that's usually the case with most trilogies). In writing this, and encouraging gamers to go out and give the series a try, I hope to perhaps send a message that we need more of this story. Everything gets wrapped up in the third installment, but there had been plans to kick start a new arc for the final three games (I guess an apt comparison would be to the Star Wars saga). So if you enjoy RPGs, go out and try this series out. Though if you're an RPG fan you've probably played at least the first. I have to say the third is great, so if you feel like the second is dragging, you've got something to look forward to.
  14. Frisbee golfing is one of those pasttimes that more people need to enjoy. I'm glad to see at least one person who shares that interest.
  15. Wow, I didn't realize until today that I haven't had an entry for nearly a week. It's not by choice...rather by a combination of work, classes, and a long string of "Board Messages". I think part of me needed a break for a little bit. It was getting frustrating to only have a few hours a day to check the forums, and having those hours essentially negated by server overload. But that's not what this entry is about. Mostly, it's about the Inuva (hence the placement in that section). The fic is up and running, and I like where it's been going so far, but with this messed up schedule I'm working (which includes the occasional close at 3:45 am), I'm finding myself incredibly short on time. This means Rebirth could see a bit of a delay. I want to post at least a few more chapters to get the fic to a more natural pause, but if I can't find the time it's going to be difficult. It won't be like The Alliance, I promise you that. I'll try to get this finished by the end of the school year. It's just a matter of finding free time.
  16. Now, if the dream were cell-shaded and played out in comic panels I'd say you read too many. As it stands, I wouldn't worry
  17. Most professors will at least try and sound upbeat when introducing the class on the first day. But not this one...not the professor teaching Systems Analysis and Design. The title for this entry is from her own words, a less than encouraging message for a guy who's just now getting up the gusto to work while still taking classes. "Everything you've heard about this class is wrong..." she started. "It's worse. If you're carrying 18 credits this semester and also working, then maybe you should consider dropping this class." Talk about a slap in the face. This is one of five classes between me and momentary freedom from courses (I haven't decided if I'm going for my Masters quite yet). If I quit now, it throws me back at least another semester, if not more. I don't want to be here until the spring of 2008. I've got places to go, and a life to get in motion. There are a few pluses, mainly that I've only got two other classes...both of which don't appear to have the same kind of workload as Systems Analysis, and the majority of the work is in a group. So hopefully I can focus on getting a good group and won't have to worry about getting everything dumped on me (as tends to be the case when I'm in a group scenario). But that's downbeat. Let's cheer things up. I'm still going to post additions to Rebirth, as it's getting some decent feedback and appears to be fairly popular (it's got a significant amount of views for it's short length). Also, Xenosaga III comes out today. And though I'll have to tolerate Ziggy in a thong, I'm looking forward to the finale to what has been an entertaining game series. Once things settle down, I may invest in Xenogears to get some backstory. I'm still dreaming of a future in the gaming industry...and I've been told it's very possible. Also, repairs to the Haven are going smoothly. The south side was going to be rennovated anyway (there's a indoor-smoking ban in Mankato so I have to add a patio) and while it wasn't quite the way I wished to go about it, HGM saved me a bit of time in the long run. So things are hectic but not impossible right now. Time will tell...especially with Systems Analysis. You know, I really don't want to hear the word "system" again. For like two weeks, if possible.
  18. KIE...I'm going to have to find a way to make it out there myself. I think SK's plan of 2009 is a good one right now. Considering I've got a year of classes and a need to get my career-rear in gear.
  19. I saw that drop in rating your poor quarters suffered shortly after the celebration. Methinks a jealous rival of yours may have tampered. Perahps he who has taken over the number 10 spot? But 4.2 ain't so bad. Tis where I've been resting my anchor for the last few weeks.
  20. T-Hybrid is currently preparring to start both his classes and new job on Tuesday. As such, he has once again asked his guest writer to fill in for today's entry. Whazzup, crowd! HGM here to do my best and get something written today. I suppose the best thing I could do is fill you in on the events of a few Fridays back. As you all remember, T-Boss stopped in to Snakes On A Plane. And because I'm such a hip happening dude I couldn't help but check out a screening myself. So as you know, I left my post for the first time since being hired. And go figure it's the one time some package gets dropped off. T gets back and starts going on about how I left the Haven open and who knows what could've gone wrong while I was away. I reminded him that there's really nothing of value here and I don't even think we've charged anybody an entrance fee. So there's nothing really worth stealing. ...Come to think of it, why does he even need me? But that's beside the point. Boss kicks off the Snakes afterparty, and we decide to break open the first crate. Inside is this massive pinata, and we hang it up. It gets cracked open, and BOOM...a massive snake drops in. I don't know how familiar you are with Digimon, but this guy called himself Santiramon. Personally, I woulda just called him mud. But I found out a bit late that he was a Perfect Level, just like me. So we throw down, and the place goes NUTS! We busted up the second crate in the process, so I really hope that there wasn't anything important or anything in there. But when you've got a massive snake Digimon trying to stab you with a trident, you're really not paying attention to your surroundings anymore. So I let loose with a few Rizing Destroyers, and without thinking I fire off a Trident Revolver. I manage to blast Santiramon into oblivion, but in the process I actually blew out the south wall of the Haven. Remember how I was wondering what exactly I was doing working for a guy who isn't paying me? I found out now...I'm paying him back while he repairs the wall. It was nice of T to not say anything, but he was pretty upset about it. He's got enough to worry about, and now there's a chunk of building missing. Not to mention that yerk MachGaogamon is still whining every once in a while. I tells ya, the work of a bouncer is never done.
  21. T-Hybrid

    Fan Fleet!

    Awww heck. Sign me up Captain!
  22. Suddenly those seem far more intimidating...
  23. T-Hybrid

    Sweet Victory

    Well, I got the phone call today. I'm now gainfully employed at the Buffalo Wild Wings near campus. And I'm so glad. This puts to rest the last couple months of worrying what I was going to do to make ends meet. From the sounds of things, I'll be the door guy...which means I'll be checking IDs at the door and what not. The hours are going to be evenings, which will actually blend well with my class schedule. It'll be late/early (sometimes as much as 2 AM), but that's alright. I don't have class until 10 during the week. So there's always time to sleep in. And I'll have to get used to napping. But...whee...I have a job again!
  24. Traditionally....one wants to pour the contents out prior to consuming them. Unless you enjoy the taste of glass
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