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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by T-Hybrid

  1. If it helps you feel better...I think it's Schizo's fault. You just gave it all a name. And once named, it can officially become a fad.
  2. Omicron's a genius! It started with Schizo, then a few more had the same idea, and now this whole mess has a name. So go ahead and pimp out that blog of yours. I don't know if anybody's officially laid any ground work, so let's see if I can't offer a few suggestions: A Logo/Main GraphicCustom Content Blocks with Section ButtonsA Custom Title (____'s Blog is default) That's only the beginning. I'm sure people will come up with other ways to stylize their blogs. Heck, I've already noticed a few Bouncers begginning to pop up. HybridGreymon doesn't mind, though he asks that they keep off "his" turf. Speaking of HGM, he did a pretty good job on his entry Wednesday, enough where I think I'm going to keep him on the writing staff as well as security detail. He won't get paid double, but don't tell him that. I figure he's good to have on hand in case I get busy again. Other News: As HGM let you know, I've moved into the new place and everything's starting to get into motion. Everything except a job, and Internet. I never thought I'd get so confused about something regarding computers. But I am, and now we're trapped in this shoddy Internet service provider, while a better service sits at Best Buy taunting us.
  3. If I could figure out ImageReady, I could get a spinner on that O in there. Anybody care to do this besides me?
  4. T-Hybrid


    Sorry to hear that Schizo. Blog your heart out buddy. We're all here for you.
  5. T-Hybrid

    Pimp My Blog...

    One of us...one of us...
  6. I've been linked! Sweet! We at the Haven thank you for your support. Help yourself to this t-Shirt. *hands CF a virtual T-Shirt* Though, HybridGreymon is hoping that your Bouncer doesn't tread on his turf. -------- One suggestion, a truly pimped blog has a custom title. "______'s Blog" is default. Stretch your creative muscles
  7. I live by the same advice. Outdoor summer jobs are killer. Though, for the last week or so at my job this summer...the AC was out. So it was worse inside. Especially since we're fast food. Those ovens get hot. Makes you wonder what's up weather wise. Can't remember the last summer like this. Maybe that whole "global-warming" thing is more than we thought. Oh Al Gore! Why didn't I head the warnings? (Or learn how to spell heed?)
  8. Nah. Schizo and Smeagol will battle it out...but then out from the corners ole' T-Hybrid will come running out and belt both with a steel chair, claiming the belt for himself. HUZZA! Great idea Omi. Good to see the movement finally getting a name of some kind. Now we have a battle cry to go along with our trend-setting blogs.
  9. T-Hybrid

    Bouncer Blog

    T-Hybrid is currently getting situated in his new apartment. Due to this delay, today's blog entry is brought to you by a special guest writer. Hey everybody. HybridGreymon here. The boss said he wasn't going to make it today so he asked me to fill in. I don't know what he expects me to write about, seeing as how I was only created like a few days ago. But he pays the bills, so here I am. I hope y'all understand any typos or anything. After all I'm a 7 story dinosaur with a revovler for a hand. It's not exactly easy to find a keyboard I can type on. Not to mention I only have three fingers on the one hand. Things are going smoothly around the Haven since I came into town, though there's a MachGaogamon that's a bit jealous of my job here. He's all like "Oh I'm blue too! And my boss is a member of the Blue Vice, why can't I get in!" So I tell him because he's not on the list, and he sulks off. The place is bouncing, but it's not that busy. Two 7 story bouncers would just be rediculous. In other news, there isn't much other news. T-Boss wanted me to pass on that he ain't got no internet, and doesn't know when it'll be up, so for the meantime anything he's writing is going to be from whatever computer he can get to. I'm not going to tell him about this one, but that's just cause I'm greedy like that. So sit tight, and T will be back eventually to do whatever it is he's been doing here. I guess there's some contest he's taking part in that he doesn't want to miss. And I'm wondering if he'd want to know about this Mask one that just started. Well, that's all I've got today. Not bad. Wish it hadn't taken me an hour to write. But like I said, three fingers. Yeah.
  10. I'm writing this entry now, because my Tuesday is going to be hectic, and if you notice the time...I'm guessing my Monday is going to rank up there as well. Moving day is tomorrow, with about three weeks until classes start. That leaves me less than a month to hunt down something that produces income before I get wrapped up in classes during the week. Today is going to be spent packing, saying my good-byes, and making sure I don't have any loose ends back at home. Loose ends that include the Haven, BZP, and the upcoming (and recently previewed) Inuva fic. I'm not sure what we're going to be doing for Internet, so for the next week or so I may very well not be around. It's probably for the best, the Internet can often draw me in for much longer periods of time than I expected. This is especially true once I get going on some mini-project (the Haven's makeover is such a project). Speaking of the makeover, I've added a few new blocks. The first is the official Bouncer and un-official mascot here at the Haven: HybridGreymon (aka: RizeGreymon after a day in Photoshop). I don't know if the pic is final or not, as I may add a few touches here and there if I think something needs changing. The other section is a small memorial/dedication to The Alliance. Included is a link to the Profile of each member. For those that are wondering, I went with Torhu and LtJ as those were the names we had when it formed. They're also the names we know each other as, and technically I'm Torhu Hybrid...so it's all good. If you're wondering why I broke the Digimon theme for The Alliance section, it's because when The Alliance was formed, Matoro made the astute observation that each of us actually represented one of the original Toa. The custom avatar I had been using at the time was of the Golden Hau. Matoro used the Akaku and also took his name from a Ko-Koroan. Melvin had the Onua avatar, and LtJ of course was Lewa. I don't remember if Rahi Master ever used a Kakama in his avatars, but I doubt he'd have wanted to be Gali. So there's a little more of the story behind The Alliance. A nice bonus for anyone who stop in for today's entry. Though, I suppose I could give you an even bigger bonus. In Matoro's signature is a banner, clicking on that banner takes you to a thread. In that thread is this post which explains the history of The Alliance. *poors 40 Pixie Stix on the ground*
  11. It whatever the new topic is works as well as the "Nobody cares about me. I need attenton so I wanted to be annoying." reminder. Hopefully whatever problem it is will get nipped in the backside. *is also glad to see the number of people who point out a rule violation in the thread is decreasing as well*
  12. I like what you've done with the place. Cloud looks a lot better when his hair is only midly spiky. Now, let's hope more people start sprucing up their Blogs. We can get this place looking like a real city!
  13. I have an idea for your theme *points to next quote* Yeah, I am of the same mentality. After watching Pokemon for years...I made the switch to Digimon (even though at the time I thought it was a clone) It turned out to be infinitely better story and character wise.
  14. T-Hybrid

    My Cat Owes Me $2

    This has nothing to do with the current topic, but your Blog Description made me laugh out loud. Literally.
  15. Things are starting to feel more like home here at the Haven. As you can see, I've started fixing up the place with some new navigation buttons. It's a chance to keep my Photoshop skills fresh, and an excuse to watch Digimon episodes. So it's win/win! For those that are familiar with my choice of avatar over the years, as well as the sig I've only recently changed up (only temporarily while the Epics Contest runs mind you)...it should be no surprise I've gone with a Digimon theme. And honestly, I think it turned out pretty well. Almost every season is represented here, and I've come to call the group the Blue-Vice Squad. With the exception of Matt from Season 1 and Davis from Season 2, every character with a Blue Digivice is on here. It's for a good reason though. I can't find any decent pics of Matt that would fit with what I'm going with for the other four, and I'm not using Davis right now because...honestly...I didn't like him that much. If I had my choice, I'd use Ken. But then I'm cheating the theme. Yeah yeah, Takuya's in the MOC/Fic button...but that pic works really well for what I wanted with that one. But that's getting way off topic, and though this is a "General" entry, I'm trying to focus on the discussion at hand. You'll also notice the new logo included on the top-most picture. It took a while to figure out what combination of colors worked best, and oddly enough it was the obvious pairing of black and white. In case you're wondering, that is also a button. Clicking on it takes you to the "main" page, which is the same thing that would've happened had you clicked on the <All> link in the original Categories block. The MOC/Fic link is a dual button. In retrospect, it doesn't look that obvious as I've got it. But I really wanted to fit that pic into the theme somewhere, and that was the best place. In the upcoming days, I may whip up a few pics to sorta add the finishing touch to it. I was really excited about sprucing the place up, then I saw what Schizo did and was like "Durn! I wasn't first!" But I'm really liking what people have started to do with their blogs. A lot of them have slowly started to adapt their own look and style. I felt it was time the Haven got the same treatment.
  16. Yeah, I know. Just putting it all in perspective buddy.
  17. Dang you Schizo! I was thinking of sprucing up the ole' Haven (as old as I guess it could be) and then I stop by and see you've already started making it all fancy like. Oh well, I'm still going to do it. And it ain't copying...it's a coincedence!
  18. Like Omi said...at least the only damage was to your car. That's all monetary, and though it stinks...it's replaceable.
  19. Prolouge: After a few hours of lying on his back, Brutaka had finally managed to get himself to sit upright. Hakaan's attack had drained a significant amount of his power, and the Titan didn't know how long it would be until he would recover. That was, if he could recover. "How could I have been so foolish. I knew the Piraka to be as trustworthy as The Shadowed One himself, and yet I thought I could enter into an alliance with them." The thought made Brutaka chuckle. "They could barely hold an alliance between themselves." Looking around him, Brutaka could see the remnants of the battle between the Inika and the Piraka. Zaktan was gone, most likely scattered throughout the depths of the sea. Vezok had disappeared, lost in the chaos of battle. And then there were Avak and Reidak, who Brutaka had seen destroyed by their former "allies". Hakaan...Thok... the thought of those two and what they had done ate at Brutaka. "Those fools! Once I'm at full strength, they'll pay for their treachery. They will pay dearly." A firm voice interrupted Brutaka's thoughts. Stepping out into view, Axonn looked down on his former friend. "Treachery, Brutaka? Odd thing to hear you complaining about." Axonn rested his axe on his shoulder as he sat down beside the weakned Brutaka. The two shared a brief pause before Brutaka could find the right words. "You are the last person I really want to see right now," Brutaka groaned. "So take your lie-detecting carcass out of my sight before I decide I'm not as tired as I feel." To this, Axonn laughed. He swung his axe into the ground, letting it strike right beside Brutaka's head. Brutaka responded by knocking the weapon away with his free hand. "If you wish to fight me Brutaka, I will comply. Your betrayal of the Order must not go unpunished." "The Order," Brutaka laughed. "For somebody who's Kanohi knows only the truth, you believe in nothing but lies!" Axonn grabbed Brutaka by the neck and hauled him up to see eye-to-eye. Looking through his Roden, Axonn scanned Brutaka's face. Brutaka didn't flinch, returning the icy stare. "Loyalty may mean nothing to you," Axonn spoke through gritted teeth. "But it is the only thing keeping me from killing you where you stand." Brutaka grinned and swung with one of his hands. It connected with Axonn, forcing him to lose his grip. Brutaka slipped free and lept away from the silver Titan. With a call to his Olmak, a gate opened near his weapon, which fell through and landed in his waiting hands. "My powers may have been weakned, but they still surpass yours. If this is the time we settle our differences, Axonn, then so be it!" Axonn nodded and brandished his axe, leading Brutaka to strike his own battle stance. With a cry, the two Titans charged at one another. Axonn landed the first blow, a strike against Brutaka's right arm. Brutaka cried out and flipped his blade to his left. Forced to use his off-hand, Brutaka was put on the defensive, countering Axonn swing for swing. "Why do you force me to do this, Brutaka? There's no point in defending the Piraka anymore. They've left you to die and have gone to claim the Ignika for themselves!" "Fool!" Brutaka screamed. "My priority since Day One has been my own preservation! Once I leared of their true intentions, it became clear that allying with the Piraka was my best chance." Brutaka thrust his weapon forward, knocking Axonn back. With the opening, Brutaka opened a gate with his Olmak and jumped through. Axonn couldn't react fast enough as Brutaka appeared behind him, catching him in the back. "But now that they've turned their back on our alliance...I have no where to turn! The only person I can trust is myself! And if that means I have to kill anybody that challenges me...Order or otherwise...then so be it!" Axonn groaned as he turned to block the next blow, but instead found Brutaka standing still. He held his face with one hand, the glow from his Kanohi fading slowly. Seeing an opening, Axonn aimed his weapon at Brutaka. "You said the Order has been lying to us. You know that's impossible. I have been wearing this Roden for ages, and not once have I detected any falsity in its teachings." Brutaka could only shake his head, refusing to look at Axonn. Even with the weapon pointed at his chest, Brutaka began to step forward. "There are lies, Axonn...and then there are half truths. You only saw the what they let you. And now your loyalty to these lies will be your undoing!" With a cry of disbelief, Axonn let loose a blast from his axe. With a wave of his hand, Brutaka summoned one last gate, enveloping Axonn's attack. Axonn tried to avoid the next gate that opened, but the blast connected. Glancing off his side, Axonn felt the shot tear into his stomach. Hearing a yell of pain in front of him, Axonn looked up to see the attack strike Brutaka in his Olmak. The strength of the attack brought Axonn to his knees and tore a chunk from Brutaka's Kanohi. Axonn collapsed, dropping his weapon. Brutaka remained standing, though he had been significantly weakned by the damage. "I'm sorry old friend," said Brutaka as he lifted his weapon, "but survival is the only thing that matters now." As he watched Brutaka raise his weapon to deal the finishing blow, Axonn spat at the ground beneath the other Titan's feet. "Traitor," he said bluntly. "Botar will have your head." Axonn could see Brutaka grinning through the crack in the Olmak. "If the Piraka reach their goal," Brutaka responded, "Botar will be the least of my concerns." As Brutaka spoke, Axonn's Roden showed the truth behind every word. In the moments before Axonn's death, everything Brutaka had come to know became perfectly clear. Axonn would die feeling only regret, and a strange sense of relief that he would not be around for what lay ahead.
  20. Today's sort of an off-day in my life. The Twins are playing in about five minutes, and I've got some packing to do before the weekend. In the meantime, I've got some fic planning to do, and a bit of money managment to take care of. In short terms, today's entry is just a quick summation of what's going on. Fic News: After a few years, I've finally completed The Alliance. Don't think it's delays are indicitive of what another Epic would go through. I made the mistake of not taking notes of where I was going during The Alliance, so it sorta got lost a few times along the way and I need to take some time to get it back on track. In other fic news, I've entered Epics Contest #5. If you're interested, feel free to take a look at my entry. The requirements for the contest ended up sliding nicely into something I have wanted to do for a while. Inuva News: I've come to the conclusion that the Inuva is a story that must be told. And I've secretly been in the planning stages for the last week or so. What does this mean for you? Well, if all goes well...I should have a sneak peek at the fic by this Friday. If it's anything, it'll be a prolouge. I'm really excited by what's coming together as I'm jotting notes. As things get going, I may post scans of the writings I've been making...making the Inuva Section a potential author's commentary. Site News: My website hasn't been updated in a while, mostly because the system that lets me upload to the campus server appears to be malfunctioning right now. There's some stuff on my home PC that will get uploaded once I'm on campus (as in a few days). The comic has been sorta on a hiatus, as I've been strapped creatively trying to finish The Alliance and brainstorming for the Inuva. Expect it to get kicked off once I'm back in classes...as it's usually there that I get inspiration. Party News: Thanks to those who stopped by the house party on Monday. But whoever it was that used the bathroom last, thanks for not cleaning up. Makuta's still complaining about cheating during Tic Tac Throw, and Takanuva is starting to suspect somebod messed with his Ussanui. The rest went off without a hitch though. Schizo's Pirate Piñata was a hit, Lariska ended up breaking it open and was pleased with the contents. Though she did suggest next time to include some poison with which to dip them in. Well, that will wrap it up for today's...wrap-up. Stay tuned in the next few days for a potential exciting peek into the world of the Inuva. And also to see if I manage to come up with a title for the dang thing between now and then.
  21. T-Hybrid

    House Party!

    That's great! It's too bad it ended right as it was getting good. *goes into Pixie Stick overload*
  22. T-Hybrid

    House Party!

    It was a pleasent surprise to log on Sunday night and find that the Haven had been named Blog of the Week. And because I'm such a super guy, I'm passing the fun right on to you! That's right, for one day only...it's a Hybrid House Party! Since they're currently taking a break from being in the storyline, I've managed to get the Nuva to make an appearance. Kopaka pretty much knocked everybody down on his way to the DJ table. Lewa's currently showing off his rendition of the worm, and Pohatu is apparently trying to convince us all that it doesn't take a Mask of Life to bring Disco back from the dead. Tahu and Gali.....I haven't seen them around. I think they're off doing the things couples do. Walks in the park, moonlit picnics, you know the usual. Meanwhile, Macku is in the corner worrying about Hewkii, while Onua tries to cheer her up with his best beatboxing. It's quite impressive really. I don't know if Takanuva is going to show up. He's been having Ussanui troubles as of late, and you know how it is with vehicles. It sometimes cost more to fix it than it's worth. On the other hand, Makuta is apparently on his way, and I heard he's bringing Tic Tac Throw. Gotta love a party that has Tic Tac Throw. The rest of the guests will be arriving throughout the night, so make sure you stop by and say hey. I'll be tending the bar tonight, with all the pixie sticks and other niceties you've come to expect from my parties. If the Manas out front gives you any trouble, just drop my name...they'll step aside.
  23. T-Hybrid

    The Name Game

    I could include that as a side-effect of Hahli's Kanohi power. However the idea of Manipulation instead of Mind Control is that Luali would actually be inside the person she's controlling. Not just standing outside controlling it with her thoughts. It's basically a power similar to what people thought Matoro would be able to do.
  24. I'm starting to feel that spark again. It was a spark that I felt when the DTotA first started to grow, a spark that wasn't even present when I began writing The Alliance. But now it's starting to return, and I'm feeling that need to start writing something again. So then, what's holding me back from just kicking an Inuva fic into full gear? Well, it's a combination of dying free time and fading ability. The Alliance didn't go as well as I had planned, and I think it was because I didn't wait long enough between idea and execution. So naturally when I was hit with this idea I wanted to lay back and wait until I was sure of what I was doing. At this point, I'm somewhat sure I've got a story here. I've got my villians, my heroes, and my origins. However, I don't have the knowledge anymore. There are characters I want to use in the fic, and events I want to reference. There are things I want to make happen. But after a two year "break" of sorts from the storyline, I don't know if I have the knowledge to use some of the characters properly. I could begin the fic anyway, and just go with what I want to do. But then I'd risk missing a few key character elements...the kind of stuff which I may not even realize wouldn't/shouldn't happen. One way to counteract this would be to invent some newer character, but this would pull the fic further and further away from the actual story. There's also the risk that I could go into another 2 or 3 year funk and leave the fic unfinished for who knows how long. The readers of BZP were very patient with Te Mutunga, and I am recieving comments regarding The Alliance after all this time....but I dunno if the same would be said if it happened a third time. What can be done? Well, I've already got a few ideas. 1. Plot the fic out better. From the point of view of the writer, Te Mutunga worked because I knew what I was doing. Towards the end, I actually had potted out chapter by chapter what I was going to do. This kept the story from getting lost or messed up as I wrote. 2. Use storyline characters regardless. I haven't read many of the books, so I don't know who's been used or to what extent. So there's a good chance most of the names and places I reference haven't been used much...so there's room to weave them into the story without risking a continuity mistake. 3. Lock the story in now, before the official plot gets moving. If I can start writing the fic now, there will be less official events to have to work around. If I start the fic in the planning stages, but don't start writing for a few months, it's very likely my facts would be outdated. ... Hmm, I'm starting to get some confidence back. And I've gotten some good suggestions from the people who have been sharing their thoughts in the S&T thread as well as the blog entries. This'll probably be the last one for a while, but keep an eye out for the fic. Hopefully it's something I'll successfully kick off.
  25. T-Hybrid

    The Name Game

    They only look like animals. The motif would be more human warriors wearing animal-like armor. Look at Enko's description for what I'm going for. The reason for their appearances would be saved for a potential fic. Which is actually becoming more and more potentially potential.
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