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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by T-Hybrid

  1. I really wish I could be there. This is something I'll have to work on for next year. Most definately. But why'd you have to go and tease us all, now you've got me wondering!
  2. Causing one heck of a mess for our beloved hero, Sammy J. I wasn't paying much attention to the plot, though there is one. But it's something to do with an attempt to kill a witness to a crime. It's convoluted at best, I could've honestly just gone with a bunch of snakes in the cargo hold getting loose.
  3. My friends and I literally just got back from the first showing here in town. And I'll let you know there's no point to stay after for the credits, except for the music video. The song is catchy, but aside from that there's none of that extra scene stuff that movies have liked to do lately. I don't know to what extent I'd be allowed to discuss the movie here, so I'll just make it quick....it's a classic. If you're able to see it (as in, of age) then do it. It's hilarious. The story takes itself serious, and the biggest surprise involves one of the flight attendants. But otherwise it's just one of those movies that'll go down in legend. SoaP is going to be our generation's Rocky Horror...without all that other stuff that goes with that movie. But I can't get over how hilarious the whole event was. The crowd was into it, and the overall attitude made the movie that much more enjoyable. To those who honestly want to see this, go soon. Otherwise the crowds will shift to those that are going expecting to see an actual movie, and they're not going to be like the ones I saw this with. SoaP is going to be a financial success...and I have a feeling it's going to be number one for at least it's opening weekend. It's just that kinda movie. And who knows what to expect come the DVD release. This is already a cult classic. One minor nitpick. Technically, there are no snakes on the plane. They are all in the plane. But to paraphrase a certain comedian...forget getting on the plane, I'm getting in the plane. Let Evil Kineval get on the plane. Besides that, I've got no complaints. Now, the after party was another story. After getting back to the Haven, we found a few pinatas had been delivered to the doors. Now, HGM was supposedly in charge of checking them out, but from the looks of things that wasn't what happened. I guess there was an advance screening of the movie in the Digital World. So go figure he left his post just long enough for these to get dropped off by an unknown caller. But you know, we were pumped up from the movie. So we brought them in, hung them up, and started fooling around. Well, wouldn't you know...the first one gets busted open and out falls this big snake thing. Well naturally, the guests start freaking out. And since I don't have Sammy J's number (at least not handy) I do the only thing I can think of and call out HGM. One thing needs to another, and the next thing you know there's a full on Digimon assault in the lounge of the Haven. An hour later, I'm still cleaning up. I didn't bother breaking open the second pinata, but that's mostly because it was obliterated in the brawl. If you haven't seen to Perfect Level Digimon duke it out in person, you haven't lived. But that's another story, and to sum it up quickly I'll say Sandiramon is still out there. And really, that's all I need right now. I've got classes, a job, finances, and now two rival Digimon who have their eyes on moving in. But really, all that's not so bad. Because I saw Snakes On A Plane, and nothing can take that away.
  4. Definatly do that. The description provided was just enough to create the character, but vauge enough to leave her open to many different interpretations.
  5. This is going to be a quicker entry, as I have a few places I'm going to stop by in regards to work. The school year is fast approaching, and if I can't find something soon who knows how much time I'll have once classes start. Not to mention the expenses I'm already incurring...let alone book fees. Fic News: Well, the results are in, and I'm proud to say that my Epic Contest entry has been named winner. I'm so excited! This is my first ever contest win in the 5 years I've been at BZP. I've made it to the finals in a few BBCs, and I scored runner-up in the first two Comedy Contests...but never a win until now. It was such a tough competition, with a lot of good entries, I would've felt lucky to just get an honorable mention. I'm eagerly awaiting more writing contests, as the last one really got my creative spark going again. If you'd like to read the Entry, now named "Proving Grounds", feel free to click the appropriate links. Inuva News: *dun dun dununununun* Some of you may have noticed the new link in my sig. After finishing The Alliance and getting pumped up by writing my Contest entry, I've gone ahead and began the Inuva fic. I thought about the title, and I thought that "Rebirth Of Fusion" would be perfect. So far it's only the prolouge, but expect more chapters as I figure out my schedule. I'll let you know if there's going to be significant down time. I really want to promise it won't be another Alliance as far as delays go...but I can't promise it'll be added to on a regular basis. Haven News: As you can see, I've added a few more buttons and changed the position of some of the content blocks. Every appears to work on my screen, but I'd be willing to make a few changes if there was some appearance problems with other users. I don't mind some feedback, so let me know if you're having problems with any of the links or if the format is messing with your navigation. I'll see what I can do on my end to make things work. Also, thanks to those who have rated the Haven. It was a pleasant surprise to log on and see some stars next to the name. I'd also like to thank HGM for another fine entry in my place. He's definately shown the enthusiasm we look for in our crew here at the Haven. Other News: As HGM let you know, no good word on the job front yet. I had one interview yesterday and another one that's up in limbo (I've been playing phone tag for the last few weeks on this one). Another place isn't hiring for a few more weeks but did take my application and contact info. I've got a few places left to turn, and then I'm sorta stuck until the Job Fairs start up here on campus. It's Part-Time or Internships that I'm looking for right now, as the Intern position is all I'm missing before I can finish up my four-year degree. That's should do it for today. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be off. There's jobs awaiting...I just need to find them.
  6. Something witty eh? *ahem* A man walks into a bar...says 'ouch' *ba-dump-sha* No?
  7. Regular season? Could be as soon as next year...or as long as 10 years. Who knows what those schedulers do. But hey...if all goes well, the two will meet in the World Series this year
  8. So what happens next? I'm assuming the two insurances are going to get into a "whole's fault is it" yelling-match before finally deciding that both you and the girl could probably do to pay some money both ways. (Insurance companies LOVE money)
  9. T-Hybrid was up a little later than anticipated. Now left with a late start to his job hunt, he has asked his guest writer to fill in. Hey all, HGM back with another opportunity to blog my to my 7-story content. The Boss is a bit tired after spending the night getting to know the downtown area. Rest assured that all he had was a few waters and a taste of somebody's chicken wings. But staying up till 4 takes a lot out of him, so he'll be back whenever he's rested. T's new apartment life has left the Haven unatteneded for longer period than I'm used to. I'm not bad as a bouncer, but you can imagine things get awkward when the manager isn't around. So usually I end up splitting time between the front door and somewhere inside, breaking up a fight between two people who have had one too many pixie sticks. I swear they should license those things. But that's not the biggest problem. There's still always some punk that tries to break down the doors and enter. Even when I say no. Most of the folk round these parts know me, and they respect me. But not that dang MachGaogamon. He still feels like he's due some spot in the place because his boss knows mine. But that ain't how it works. I tell him there's no opening for a second bouncer. He don't get it though. The job market here at the Haven is about as rough as the stuff around T-Boss. And if the boss can't find work, I ain't going to let some other guy take an opening. And I don't get why it's so rough for a guy with 3 year's of college to get a job working anywhere. If I had my way, I'd bust down the door of the nearest establishment and put in a "good word" if you know what I mean. But the Boss is honest, told me that he wouldn't want to use his Bouncer for something like that. Said it wouldn't be fair. I honestly don't care, might do it someday and just not tell him. But eh, he's still out there looking. I wish him best. And who knows, maybe once he gets that job he'll open up a few positions at the Haven. Then that MachGaogamon will maybe shut up and leave me alone. Well, thanks for stopping by, T-Boss should be back in the next few days. HGM out.
  10. So...what happens if you happen to finish an entry during a song you've already used. *dun dun dunununununun!!!!*
  11. Can't say I've heard of this...however I - Hey, what is that in the distance? Oh no. It can't be! Aqua Mouse Attack!
  12. My 87 Acura will teach every last one of you a lesson. That is...a lesson what kinds of cars NOT to race. *patches up the rust patch on the door...watches bumper fall off* Okay, hold on...this make take a while.
  13. I've gotten a few messages from people wondering when the Inuva fic is actually going to begin, and though I can't promise a date...hopefully "soon" should be a good enough answer. If you read the Sneak Peek I posted a week or so ago, you'll note that at the time the project was untitled. That sorta remains the case today. And really, I can't write a good fic if I don't even have a title. I have the tagline, don't get me wrong: "Two Minds, One Destiny" or something along those lines. But an actual title for the epic eludes me. Suggestions are welcome, as right now I'm leaning towards the "Rebirth of Fusion" title I used for the initial Blog entry. I don't know why it'd be "Rebirth" in the context of the actual Bionicle storyline, but it just sounds cool. And I'm a firm believer that one needs to stick with his guns. As far as when it will start, don't expect anything until after the Epics Contest entry. My sig is busy plugging my entry...which I really should do here. So once the contest ends, and I move the story from it's home in Te Mutunga to a solo Short Story thread, I'll hopefully have some time to start actually writing the Inuva Epic (which seems to now have a name). It also depends how reliable my Internet connection remains. I've been trying to do some general purpose web-surfing, and I'm getting some serious lag/slowdown at times. But sit tight, I assure you it is coming. And hopefully it won't take three years to finish.
  14. In due time...in due time. In fact, I think there'll be an update on that tomorrow.
  15. Sounds like a great plan by LEGO. Lego Bricks were something that growing up always helped get the ole' brain flowing. It's a great gift to match donations like they are. And the contest itself sounds fantastic.
  16. T-Hybrid

    Final Notice

    Oh great...I was going to have a BBQ with the mast. Way to go Exo!
  17. T-Hybrid


    I knew I should've planned this out better. Now I've got Omi's car sitting here and you're sailing away. Where's HybridGreymon when I need him?
  18. T-Hybrid


    You took my advice on the new name. Good call Lovin' the new look. Though I don't know if I can afford to spend my dough at that vending machine. Thanks for linking to the Haven too. I'll be sure to return the favor in style.
  19. When we last left our hero, he was Web-less. With over $200 worth of internet devices and nothing to connect to, he had lost all hope and direction. Then that fateful Monday came. With a desperate trip to the local offices of his "new" provider of Interweb, he learned that his place of residence wasn't covered. News of this lie angered him greatly. Wasting no time, our beloved hero swept up the pieces of connectivity and returned them to their boxes. They would be returned to the Bestest of Buys that same day. But all still was not well with our hero. In his frustration, he had forgotten the AC Adapter to the modem. Now, modems cost over $60. Having ensured that the modem itself and all software had been taken with, it surprised the lad that they would think him cheap enough to go through all of the hassle he had for the sake of stealing an AC Power Adaptor. But alas, that was the case. So a second trip to his residence and back to the demon store finally found some measure of redemption. To be accurate, $100 worth. A quick call to the ISP for the apartments revealed that he could be back online by the end of the following day. A second call, this time incoming, was the other provider. They wished to activate our hero's account. An account which all of ten minutes ago had ceased to exist. Though he tried his best to explain the situation, there was something about "I can't get your service where I live." that they couldn't understand. But that was all Monday, and that was a long time ago. For now it is Wednesday, and the young lad has finally found peace (and Interweb) in his new apartment. With his connection finally established, he can finally begin to battle those bills which have been waiting for him since the beginning of the month. But that is a story for another day...
  20. All of you youngun's robbed my idea. I don't know which one it is, but you all stole it!
  21. Dude, that was awesome. I'm holding on to that quote for later.
  22. T-Hybrid


    All the more reason to submit your entry as early as possible. Had the exact same problem. I think it's what chased me away from writing an epic for a while. Best of luck in the contest...though you'll excuse me if I place my alliegences elsewhere for now *slashes Schizo's tires*
  23. Gather round, children. It's story time! Today, I have for you a tale of hope...of promises...and of lies. A story with more twists and turns than a pasta noodle...and one that will leave you questioning all you've come to believe. Our story begins with a young man who had just moved into his new apartment. He was a man with needs, and a friend who played World of Warcraft. He was also a man who was a bit short on cash, and thus was trying to find whatever means he could to save a bit of money. Upon his arrival to his new domicile, he discovered that the Internet offer that lay before him was of dubious quality. But feeling the need to get online, and with a bit of prodding form his WoW'ed friend, he went ahead with it. But in a fateful trip to the Bestest of Buys, he and the third apartmentee learned of an alternative plan. It was a fantastic plan, full of 3MB lollipops and $100 rebate gumdrops. They were in need of a wireless router anyway, so our hero spoke with his co-rentees and determined that the new plan would be for the better. Lo, but not all was right in the world for our seeker of Webtime. For after spending more than $200 on the appropriate equipment, he was told that all was not as it seemed. Though the new plan came with faster connections, and the promise of much refunding...the sellers at this Bestest of Buys had not been correct (or quite possibly truthful). As he spoke with the new ISP, he learned of this betrayal. For he was not a customer of the current ISP, and as such would be unable to self-install the new service. Furthermore, because of his location, it was quite possible he could not recieve said service to begin with. With $200 of possibly worthless equipment before him...and the fear of non-Internet boiling in his veins, our hero set out on a noble quest to find the truth. What began as an innocent call to his new ISP turned into a marathon of Customer Service hotlines. Reaching such sites as Rochester, Texas, and Nova Scotia, our hero finally came to a realization. Living in an apartment is a dire pain to his hindquarters. Three hours and two cell-phone charges later, the disheartened lad learned that he wouldn't know the truth until the following Tuesday, when he would be called back by the Customer Relations Team of this Bestest of Buys. Until then, he would remain in Internet limbo...with his WoW'ed friend and his own impatience eating at him. As well as that $200 tab. But that, for now, is the end of our story. For it is only Monday, and the fateful call has not been recieved. So we, as with our hero, must wait for the answers to come. And hopefully, in time, we will know the fate of our poor poor Internetee.
  24. In this context, it would mean something along the lines of "To make cool looking." Though with all the plugs for other blogs that pop up once in a while, I wouldn't be surprised if the definition of "trying to sell your stuff to somebody" wouldn't also work
  25. I don't think it's just the Comedies Forum
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