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Blog Comments posted by LehvakLah

  1. Everything's getting back to normal, now that the shock of it all is wearing off. The only difference is that we're one car short, and I won't be driving for a while to make sure nothing happens to the other car either. >>


    But it's really terrifying to think I could've woken up today and my brother wouldn't be here. I'm not a religious person, but SOMEONE upstairs must've had their hand on his shoulder. I'm just glad he's made it out to learn from this.


    Thanks for the wishes, guys.

  2. And to think they make those insurance ads where this scenario is laughable. Totally different when it actually happens instead of being separated by a television screen or a magazine glossy.


    Sorry to hear about the car, but it's a relief to know that despite all the grog you're a careful comandeer. ;)

  3. With all this heat though you know it's gonna rain eventually. Yesterday it rained here (east coast of the States) and it was like the sky was holding it in all month because I ran from the car to the garage with an umbrella and I still got soaked. And it looks like we might get the same of it today. So keep a lookout, it will be very refreshing.

  4. I know, it's very different when you're behind the counter for many hours than for a few minutes on the other side. I tried to never be rude to people working these kinds of jobs, but now I have even more respect for them now that I've stood in their shoes, so to speak.


    Which is another piece of advice, if you ever end up employed in these fields, wear really comfortable shoes. You'll thank yourself for it. ;)

  5. Hey cool, you do have a blog here! Does this mean you'll write about nicer, happier things? And more often? Cause you don't talk about that kinda stuff nearly as much as you should. And that's sad.


    Also write some stories. I haven't seen a JanusTale in like forever.

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