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Blog Comments posted by LehvakLah

  1. My roommate brought an exact replica of that same Charlie Brown twigtree (complete with single red ornament) back with her from Thanksgiving break. It's now sitting on top of our minifridge. I'm looking for some dreidels to string together with dental floss to adorn the other lonely little branches.


    Sorry about your ceramic tree. :( When we moved, I lost the beautiful wooden menorah I had made at our temple a few years ago. It's very upsetting to lose holiday heirlooms. I hope you find yours eventually, even if not in time for the holidays this year.

  2. Remember I told you that my sister was throwing a tantrum? This is what I'm talking about. She's very poseur gangster. The day before she told me she had a boyfriend. She hasn't even been 13 for a whole month yet!


    Were we this bad back at that age? I don't remember the Spice Girls being so promiscuous...

  3. My friend was waiting in line overnight for the PS3 so she could sell it on eBay, and the story was giving them out to the first, like, 300 people or so who were in line. She was among the first but at least 100 people cut her in line overnight and she was so mad that she decided it wasn't worth it. I agree.


    Just for the heck of it, I'm gonna pull out my old Sega Genesis.

  4. Why don't you ever call? You never write, you never call, you never write that you're going to call about writing...


    What can I ask you that I haven't already?


    How 'bout those bears?


    Have you ever seen "Little Giants"? Does it make you snort milk out of your nose everytime because the gag humor is just timeless?

  5. They've been put up before Halloween here. When I was at Walgreens on Halloween afternoon, they were literally replacing all the Halloween candy as they were being sold with Christmas M&M's. And if you've ever been to KBToys, their brand of Christmas carols are some of the worst... I feel incredibly sorry for whoever has to work there. Over two months of inescapable musical torture. And this was the first weekend of November.


    But why would you pass up on a free manicure?? I can't get enough hand therapy. :wired:


    Awesome 911 calls. I should try that method next time someone eats my food when I'm not looking.

  6. It was a real squeeze trying to go from New York to New Jersey in the three hours between my classes (absentee ballots next time) but I did and I voted and I'm very pleased with myself. Also very upset that my dorm doesn't get Comedy Central so I can't watch the Daily Show/Colbert Report tonight. :(


    Those newfangled electronic voting machines made me feel uneasy. Too many beeps, not enough lever-pulling. I loves pulling levers.

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