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Blog Comments posted by LehvakLah

  1. Oh...how much money does the lovely red-eyed Bohrok need for said masque?

    $98, but I'm rounding up to an even $100 so I can use the extra two dollars for a one-way subway trip to pick it up from the post office, or maybe a slice of pizza.

    I'll try to find you money, and ship it to Americaland or wherever you live.

    I live on a little islet off the coast of New Jersey that I call the Country of Hannibal. You can send mail there but you have to believe that it exists first before it can get there.

    ...But...but...I thought I was your best friend ever? D=

    See above.

  2. I think about him everytime I hit the BK Lounge.


    You know he has a movie coming out? "Employee of the Month" or something. Advertisements all over the subway stations. See, it has Dane Cook... but it also has Jessica Simpson. And some guy I've never heard of named Dax Shepard. Sooo... worthwhile?


    "where are my bones?.. somebody stole my bones" (for good measure)

  3. Years and years ago, when the Magic School Bus went into space on the TV series, Arnold's cousin Janet insisted that since they were taking a field trip to outer space, she had to take home souvenirs from every planet as proof that she had been there. But when they finally got to Pluto, the Bus was so overloaded with souvenirs that it couldn't take them back to Earth. And when Janet refused to give any of them up, Arnold finally yelled "Proof? I'll give you proof! Here's proof of what will happen if you stay here with your stuff!" (I still remember that exact quote) and then he took of his space helmet and on the surface of Pluto he... froze!


    Hath Arnold frozen in vain?!

  4. I was about to say yes, but San Diego is not San Francisco, so no. I have no good tips. Hop on a tour bus and bring your camera though. And a hat. Always bring a hat.


    (And also I don't know if you know this but you have to approve your comments if you want other people to see them. Unless you don't care. That's okay too.)

  5. Not a bad idea, but I have a thing for the seasons. Especially right now, while I'm appreciating the summer so immensely. Plus the four elements have been used so many times before that it would seem redundant.

    And if I did the four elements, I'd have to put their respective Toa on them somewhere. :P But since there aren't enough elements or shoes for each Toa (and I'd want to draw all six, I love them so), it wouldn't work.

    Thanks though. :)

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