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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by LehvakLah

  1. If you ever jump the border, they sell them at health food stores. They're almost as addictive as picking the marshmallows out of Lucky Charms.


    Okay okay this question has got to be asked: who is Kacie Hanafuda and is she a real person? It's been nagging in my brain for such a long time that I even looked her up on IMDB to see if she existed. For serious. All those big director guys rolled into one almost sounds too good to be true.

  2. My job criteria is basically to work somewhere where the customers are not crabby old ladies who have nothing better to do than buy namebrand clothing at closeout prices and then complain about it to me as if I'm soley responsible for not saving them enough money.


    Not so much to ask for, I hope.

  3. I'm making a mini-comic for my end of the year project and my cover theme is bees. If you could teach me how to make two or three or thirty of these to decorate my selling table by next Thursday, or to throw at people to get their attention to buy my comic, I would be your best friend FOREVER.


    In closing, please win this contest.

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