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Blog Comments posted by LehvakLah

  1. You didn't steal and ride off on that motorcycle from the Hard Rock Cafe, which would've thereby secured you as the coolest outlaw tourist in NYC. For that, you will always wear an aura of shame in my eyes. And you will never be an outlaw again. >:\


    Tell you what. I'll come back and actually do it this time. Though driving it up those stairs will take some work. Oh and you can grab that 12-string of Eric Clapton's they had on display, and Andrew can steal David Lee Roth's pants. It'll be -sweet-. ~Smeag

  2. Are there monorails?


    There are these things called subways that go under ground therefore not interrupting any traffic ever.


    Only in some parts of the city they go over traffic, like in Brooklyn and the Bronx. Which you would know if you were a street-smart city-goer, such as myself. Harumph.


    Shark shoulda won


    They reached a stalemate and broke for tea, candy and trading Pokemon cards.

  3. Now "Getting To Know You" is stuck in my head. Who do I blame, Janus or Robert?

    The end theme from All in the Family?


    Aw, geez meathead.


    No no, from The King and I*.





    *which I thought was actually The Sound of Music. Which would be much worse and make our heads explode.

  4. A guy on the elevator was saying that playing the Joker really messed with his mind. Don't know how reliable the word of a stranger on the elevator is, but it wouldn't be that surprising if it were true. The Joker's pretty messed up.


    Half the people in my class are superhero geeks. We thought it was a joke when we heard.

  5. I think the next contest needs to be color-coded. All the predominately red entries in one poll, orange in another poll, etc. It could make grouping easier, and rainbows are beautiful. :)


    Maybe, Tufi, you need to take a break from BBCC hosting. You're getting way too bent out of shape over small things.

    Speak for yourself.

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