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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Blog Entries posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Personally I like the aspect of a hardened character feeling cheated out of a normal life. I could relate to that on the level of my personal orientation and how it's viewed. Arguably being gay for me is linked to a personal loss in a way. (I am not saying it is this way for every gay person ever, every situation is different, and yes, there are LGBT+ people out there who could have always been comfortable with their orientation and I do not mean to imply otherwise. Tl;dr, please agree to disagree with me on this, I'm trying to speak for myself here, not to speak over anyone else. Sorry if this is annoying, but we're talking about representation here, and arguably I'm not the easiest person to read, and this is a text-based communication which is more or less proven to make people read too much into things, so here we are).
    Basically, for me, being aware of my orientation and choosing to remain closeted at a young age has put a damper on literally every personal relationship I have ever formed. I'm still not out to my parents, and I love my family (despite me being angsty). I'm more or less convinced at this point that coming out to them would change things. There are loads of people telling people like me stuff like "haters gonna hate" and "don't let them get to you" but when someone problematic is that close to me, honestly, it makes things challenging. And when I don't know how someone will react to my orientation, then this really horrible thing happens: I doubt. My brain goes into overdrive and I think of every potentially horrible thing they could do to hurt me. I will say this again, I love my family. But the truth is, if I told them right now, things would be bad for both them and me, to put it lightly. It gets to the point where I feel the need to map out a battle plan to tell them about a part of my identity. I need to use tact and keep my wits about me just to communicate a part of my identity to my family. And honestly? It's stressful. I find myself wishing my situation could resemble that of a majority; an orientation that was considered normalized. If I were the norm, though (heterosexual) then that would be the equivalent to sacrficing a part of my integrity and personal identity. That isn't an option for me. I'm having such a hard time dealing with all of this that honestly, I don't want to tell my parents to spare them from everything I am dealing with. And there is more to it than just that, there are also selfish reasons, but I'll digress.
    So, if that was the idea they were going with; a character that put up a stiff upper lip but also longed for a life that was socially considered "normal" then it's true that I could probably relate to that character on some level. The issue with that is, what character representation do I consider I have as a gay man with this in mind?
    There's Danny Phantom. He kept a secret from his parents who were prejudiced against a part of his identity. I can relate to him to a point on some level. The moment where Jazz told Danny that she was there for him, and that even if he thought she wouldn't understand, he could tell her anything. Take notes people; you never know who is closeted and who needs support (and I need to follow that advice because honestly I kinda suck at this myself). Though, he was shipped with Wes. He was also half ghost and could turn intangible and fly.
    There's Aang; a protagonist who suffered a personal loss and initially kept his identity as the Avatar a secret. He did it because the airbending kids treated him differently after they knew he was the Avatar. He also valued pacifistic means even when he faced the Big Bad. Respect. Though, he was shipped with Katara. Also he grew up as a monk unlike me, and he was a master airbender by age twelve, was frozen for one hundred years and was besties with a giant two ton floating bison.
    There's Lewa. He goofed up and messed up time after time. But he also learned and his experience has saved the toa and helped them to better understand their enemies. But he's a biomechanical robot with air powers that can't decide on which dialect to use.
    There's Korra; a character who struggled and worked through a lot of personal issues (something I'm in the process of doing to seek help). Her orientation has also been confirmed to fit in the LGBT+ spectrum, which I personally find awesome. She also did master all four elements and has a light spirit living inside of her.
    There's Mulan. She struggles with an inner image and fights for equal treatment and respect. But she's also a war hero that works with a travel-sized-for-her-convenience dragon.
    There's also Katara who had suffered a personal loss and arguably allowed that loss combined with a betrayed trust to become prejudiced (against Zuko). Katara hated him. You know how Zuko handled it? He asked why and questioned how to fix the problem and did something about it. Even when Aang tried to talk her out of her revenge scheme, he acknowledged that it was a journey that she had to take, but pleaded her to reconsider and forgive the man that took her mother from her. And she never forgave him. But she was still able to move past it and forgave Zuko. And... that's the kind of character I truly admire because I see a lot of myself in that, especially during my life right now. It's like, finally a story was saying it's okay to break down, let it out and then move on. And that it didn't make me any less human to feel like Katara. Though, she is a waterbender and she did get kinda murderous.
    There's Modern Family with Mitchel and Cameron. Mitchel has a few scenes with his personal relationship with his father, a less than progressive man. There are a few scenes that are way feelsy to me on that level. The fact that Mitchel and his father can coexist even while being on opposed sides is... it's not fantastic, arguably, seeing that my own situation could lead to (and likely will lead to imo) passive aggressive turmoil with my family over something like this, but the fact that there is an area of media that I consume that addresses that issue in a small way is... I don't even have the words for how happy that makes me feel. Cameron also deals with members of his family that are less than tolerant (his grandmother, iirc). But, look at that. I'm a single dude who has never had a relationship and I am also not a father, nor do I plan to have children.
    These are just the characters that came to mind off the top of my head. I mean, to someone else who doesn't know my situation, this could sound like a whiny complaint. However, only two of these characters are gay men. Am I supposed to be content with the fact that only a handful of the characters I like share my orientation?
    There's also a flip side to this: A lot of villain characters tend to have tragic backstories where life was unfair and they tried to change things (Like Kuvira. It's also why I personally love how Korra said she saw a lot of herself in Kuvira, and yet Korra considers everyone's best interests when trying to help change the world, unlike Kuvira). I could go on about this, but it's probably an entry for another day. I'm rambling way too much with this one as it is.
    This all can sound very silly, even borderline stupid and nitpicky, but consider this: I am a person who, from a young age, has felt rejected by a number of things. The religion my parents follow arguably has a dogma against people like me. The opinions and preconceived notions my parents have formed by not supporting LGBT+ rights has lead me to doubt them (and it is a religion I feel they want me to follow, so that can make me feel like I'm simply not enough). The opinions from childhood friends who thought gays were something to be feared lead me to doubt them and myself, and so I cut ties. The bullies that picked on me for being overweight had lead to me doubting that I could ever be happy with my body type. The decision I made when I came out to my brothers has lead me to questioning whether or not they will out me to my parents. Coming out on this site has lead me to worry that I will merely be seen as a pedantic, complaining fool. It has also made me worry there will be people who will say I'm only pretending to be gay in order to reap the rewards of a handful of upvotes. I have worried, feared and stressed and felt a need to validate myself to all of these. And now I feel I have to turn around and do the same pedantics for character representation out of a sense of duty.
    When talking about fictional works, there is an argument that "We're talking about a fictional story where x shoots y from their z. You are looking too far into this. You cannot relate to this situation because you are a and they are b."
    Heck, I even remember a bunch of backlash when J.K. Rowling revealed that Dumbledore was gay. Personally I think it's awesome to see a gay character in a popular story.
    Know who were the ones with the backlash? The people nitpicking like me; what I'm doing right now.
    This is my life. I see contradiction after contradiction and I feel the only way to move forward is to press on in some way, shape or form. It's exhausting, but if I don't start working on this, then what good am I ever going to be to anyone else? And that's my personal opinion. Not everyone needs to agree with it. But it's mine. I get to decide what I feel, I get to form my own opinions, and that is not an objective stance anyone else gets to decide. And my opinions are going to change with more information I take in. It's a life long process.
    When talking about representation, I feel the need to use tact whenever I express an opinion on what I do and do not relate with. I already face that in almost every other aspect of my life because of my orientation. But, if I don't automatically fall in love completely with any scrap of representation I'm expected to relate to because of someone else's opinion (You're gay, they're gay, you should be relating, so stop complaining), then I am "whining" and "some people just can't be satisfied" and "oh, that's cute, the peanut gallery is complaining again."
    A part of me is totally fed up with feeling a need to validate my existence for almost every aspect of my life. But giving up and quitting isn't going to help anyone.
    Feminism is a movement that is working to fix this. Even if I can't catch a break on some level, it could mean the next kid with a similar situation to mine can be less stressed out over what I am stressing out about. The only way that is going to happen, in my opinion, is with proper communication of the issues. And I guess that's why I'm blogging this entry right now.
    Am I a feminist? I question that, actually, like I question everything. Still, the more I look into the issues, the more educated I'll become, and the more my opinions will change. It's why I'm looking into LGBT+ literature right now to fill in an educational gap that I should have done the moment I realized my orientation was queer, imo.
    So, comments on this entry will be allowed. However, I will filter comments on this entry because this is sensitive stuff here. Feel free to disagree and debate in a respectful tone (I actually encourage that), but please do not just get angry that my opinions don't match your own. Feel free to send me personal comments via PM, but just know I have every right to not care that you're upset with me, the same way you have every right to not care that I posted a blog entry.
  2. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, our first full day of vacation is looking slow. Basically I am here with my parents and two of our family friends. I am the only person here under age 50 (Until Akano, KK and Friend: Toa of Friendship get here)
    Anyway, after thirteen hours in a car on the way down here, and my getting of Super Smash Bros 3D in the mail the day before we left, I have had time to play. All of the characters are unlocked and there is a myriad of unique and interesting fighters to choose from...
    Too bad I've only been playing as Avatar Korra, Bolin, Asami, Mako, Nigel Thornberry and Duck from Princess Tutu.
    The Mii fighters might just be the best thing ever. Okay, it takes a while to figure them out, but customizing characters to be offensive, defensive, speedy or mixed is really cool. Defeating Master Hand as Asami is an incredible feeling. Playing as Korra while kicking Mako into oblivion is sooo satisfying. Having Asami uppercut Mako is equally as satisfying. Bolin is still adorable. Having Duck in a princess brawl with Zelda, Peach and Rosalina is also entertaining, especially since I gave her all of the defense I could and made her a cybernetic swordswoman. (Seriously, it is so out of character that my love meter has been maxed).
    If anyone is interested in any of these guys, let me know and I'll post an entry with screenshots and a detailed report of their special moves.
    ~Melon Lord
  3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I think they're boring.
    Instead of getting pumped for a game, I spent today reading and watching Animal Planet. Say what you will but puppies, penguins, hamsters and kittens playing the puppy bowl is cute. I like cute.
    I have nothing planned for the rest of the day, so I might just keep on reading or maybe I'll watch a movie.
    Whassat, Billy? You actually know what teams are playing?
    ~Tekulo <3
  4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    You know that person who, despite all of your flaws, just doesn't care? You know, the person who looks past your faults and motivates you to do better.
    That person is so not me.
    I mean, sometimes I might act that way towards other people. I honestly don't care about someone's orientation or beliefs or whatever. But that's not because I'm a nice person. No, the reason I don't care is because I am genuinely apathetic. The reason I don't care is because I am so self absorbed that I am too busy dealing with my own stuff to care about other people.
    Whenever I goof up, my mind goes into "self hate" mode. One time when i messed up at work, I was yelled at and the only way I could live with myself was to bash my head into a wall just to feel pain. Another time when I messed up at work (I burned a tray of cookies), I chanted "I hate myself, I hate myself..." around five times... in front of my boss. I guess that's how I work. I sweat the small stuff enough that I'm overcome with so much guilt that I either have to bring myself to physical harm, or, more likely, be a bully with self-slander. This is why I am not that kind of person that I mentioned earlier. I do not motivate myself to do better. I do not see past my own faults. I stress out so much that I become emotionally exhausted which makes me apathetic. It's how I live with myself.
    I hate it.
    My anxiety and depression probably didn't help me in this respect. Like at all. Not even a little bit. And even though I've gone through treatment and I'm feeling pretty fantastic, I'm still not over it entirely. It also doesn't help that my family has a low tolerance for my being a ditz. And don't get me wrong here, I love my family. They've supported me, raised me, and loved me. And they're awesome. Wonderful. Fantastic. Buuut they could also be a driving force for my want of self destruction (so I take them with a grain of salt. But hey, what family is perfect, right?)
    Case in point: Yesterday my family and I went over a family friend's house to celebrate the holiday (which is the most depressing holiday of the year). While I was there, I did something. Something horrible. Something major. Something that could have potentially forced an evacuation of the entire planet to Mars.
    I broke a glass.
    Once I did, my family (whom I love! Really, I do!) moaned my name in that tone that just says "Oh god, he did it again, why do we put up with him?" You know the one, right? That one quiet, subtle tone that screams shame and humiliation which is so loud it can be heard in any room of the house. Now, it was at this point that my family dropped everything and came over to where I was. Not helping, mind you, but just standing there to watch the freak of nature in his natural habitat.
    Now, my method for cleaning broken glass is as such: Carefully try to piece the shards back together to make sure nothing is still lingering around.
    "You know you can't just glue it back together (moron)." (I added in the moron because they do think I am this stupid).
    So, recap. I screwed up. I am now overwhelmed with the agony of twenty tortured souls because that's just how my brain works. I snapped.
    "Shut up. You are not helping me. Shut up. I have this under control. Shut up. I already hate myself enough for literally every other human being on the planet. Just. Shut. Up." (Okay, so I didn't actually say all of that. I just said "Shut up" Whenever I'm losing my mind, I speak in between the lines).
    So, shortly after this, our lovely hostess walks in and asks what's going on. Once she learns about the broken glass, her first question, her first instinct is "Are you alright?"
    I said I was fine. I mean, no shards of glass had cut my skin or anything, but I was lying. I wasn't alright. I was giving myself way too much guilt over something insignificant. I was being harassed with one snyde comment and that was enough to make me flip out at my family. Above all, though, I was almost moved to tears because I was so unused to anyone asking me if I was alright that that one small gesture of kindness actually felt significant to me.
    You know what, I would love to be normal. I would love it if I could just not sweat the small stuff. Alas, the damage is done, and right now I am that guy who thinks something so small as breaking a glass is important enough to write this entire entry about.
    Ugh... I don't care anymore.
    ... I guess that's apathy for you...
  5. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    The ship was often mentioned in lore. She was built under a full moon on an island that doesn’t exist. That is, the island is thought to be a myth. None have ever found any trace of its existence. Her name had been lost in an ancient tongue, eventually forgotten. It was said she was beautiful, though; beautiful blue sails that would glow in the light of shimmering stars, wood that had been smoothed and polished so well that it could be seen at night. Some say it ferried souls to the afterlife. Others claimed it was a chariot of the gods.
    Some versions of the story claimed the ship had a crazed captain. After many years of sailing, he dropped by on land for one night. He was so raptured with the world of land that when he returned to his ship he went mad. His crew no longer trusted him and they decided to pierce his heart with a silver dagger. After that the ship vanished almost as mysteriously as it was created.
    Few had claimed to see her late at night, far off of the shore, the witnesses drawn to the sea by the moans of the betrayed captain. These stories always seemed to arise when the weather was clear when the stars were easily visible. It was a laughable prank, really. Nothing in the world could be so majestic, mysterious or magnificent.
    Now, under the full moon, I stand here on the beach. The wind murmurs gently in my ears. The stars look beautiful now, and there is enough light to see the waves that cause the sand to shimmer in the night. I hold in my hand a small, tarnished dagger I had found half buried. Maybe the world was always majestic, mysterious and magnificent. Maybe sometimes all you need to do is wait for the tides to bring something in.
    There's your bed-time story, Billy
  6. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    I honestly never wanted to be gay, and I certainly wasn’t keen on discovering I was nonbinary. I knew there was a stigma and I just wanted to be normal. I could have stayed totally closeted, but that wasn’t really sustainable. I’m out now, but instead of just cashing in on attention, I just want to represent myself properly to other people. I mean, crazy as it sounds, on some level it’s possible I’ve always been a regular human being with the same desires and dreams as anyone. Okay, so maybe I’m different, but honestly what two people are the same? It’s really nothing to glorify or hate. I want more people to recognize and acknowledge that. That’s it.
  7. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Wish me luck folks.  There's gonna be a meeting tomorrow with me included about how I'm bad at my job.  Such highlights will be "I can't single-handedly bake everything by myself for the entire weekend"  and "We need to hire a new employee.  We have been down an assistant since May." And that's not to discredit "The reason I can't do as much as my manager is because they have over thirty years of experience in this job.  I haven't been with this company for a single year and the other jobs I have had in this field have been very different."
    Let this be a lesson, kids.  Don't get a job in a high stress industry.  Maybe don't get a job at all and become a nomad.  
    But enough about my life being a mildly annoying train wreck that shouts a deadpan "nooooooooooooo" as said train mildly bumps into a tree with a subtle hiccup that merely unnerves its passengers. What's going on with y'all?
  8. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    This site sucks.
    We apologize for any and all confusion on this matter with this tiny, hardly-able-to-read-without-ctrl+C/ctrl+V text. This text here is to assure you that the above statement is indeed an allusion to an old BZP animation done by SPIRIT back in the day. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then look up SPRIT's PSA's, they are great pieces of BZstalgia. Now I shall continue this very tiny, tiny text because I like unnecessarily long fine-print because it's just so redundant. I also currently have the hiccups and am about to make cupcakes in the wee hours of the night. I'm not planning for this to turn into an all-nighter, but stranger things have happened... Like UFO's being run by cows or the Lock Ness monster posing as a piece of driftwood. Also, GET OFF MY LAWN!
  9. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Surprisingly, it's not Caramelldansen.
    I'm trying to learn to sing Håll om mig (Hold Me Now) because it's a really awesome song and it's used for an AMV of one of my favorite anime's ever.
    (Warning: Contains out-of-context spoilers for Guitar Ninjas)

    So, why am I attempting to sing in a language that I haven't studied before? ... It's a good song and I like to sing. =P
    Whassat, Billy?
    Your favorite song is 'Moves like Jaggar'?
    ... GET OFF MY LAWN!
    (Srsly get out if you like that song >=/ )
    ~Tekulo <3
    Post-Lawn-Script: For anyone who is curious about the lyrics' meaning, I shall post a translation I found below.
    Everything our world needs is
    more love each day.
    We both know that, I and you.
    Let us begin here and now.
    So hold me.
    Don't let go of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    Yes, come closer for awhile.
    Can you hear my breath?
    The blood is rushing wild and hot.
    Yes, in so many different ways.
    So come and hold me.
    Don't let go of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    Pulse beating, I see your gaze, ohh~
    I'm in a helpless state.
    I can be saved first if you...
    ...give me mouth to mouth now.
    So hold me.
    Don't let go of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    Yes, come and hold me.
    Don't let go of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    I'm lost and enthralled.
    I am shocked and touched.
    Heart beating so hard.
    Leaving you alone becomes so difficult.
    And I think you see,
    that I'm falling more and more.
    Hold meeeee~.
    (Yes, hold me)
    (Don't let go) of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    Yes, come and hold me.
    Don't let go of me.
    It's as if I'm bewitched by you.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
    (Ohhh~, ohhh~)
    Woah, come and hold me.
    (Ohhh~, ohhh~)
    Don't let go of me.
    And I want you.
    Come and hold me now.
  10. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    The following blog entry contains a slight spoiler for the fourth edition of the My Little Pony/Phoenix Wright crossover video.
    Thank you. That is all.
    ~Tekulo <3
  11. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I've started playing this game again after... seven months, about. I'm still towards the beginning, but I'm liking things so far. I set Shiki to auto play while I destroy noise on the bottom screen. That seems to be working well so far, although pigs are still fleeing too quickly. I like the dynamic between Shiki and Neku. Also it's nice having an introverted protagonist. I think the game handles it well.
    Also grinding is actually fun in this game. Something about using the stylus to strike is oddly rewarding. Glad I picked this game up. ^^
    As for what I think is going on... I have no idea. After a seven month gap, I'm kinda fuzzy on facts, and I don't want to look online because it looks like a lot of work went into the story, and I don't want to spoil it.
  12. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Old man winter gave us a sheet of snow yesterday. Gotta love the first few flakes of the season (unless you hate snow or have no snow)
    Know what this means? The trees are barren, their skeletons exposed, the sky is turning the most desolate shade of grey and soon the corpses of all the plants will be buried beneath a ghostly white grave.
    PRETTIEST TIME OF THE YEAR! 8D Makes me want to visit a cemetary. ^^ Also puts me in the mood for a nice cup of Earl Grey...
    Maybe it's because I've always felt miserable around this season and I got so down I'd look for anything positive in the world, but I always find all of those things to be some of the best sights of the entire year. <3
  13. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So, today I was arriving home when my eyes were looking at the road. I remembered the splatter that used to be there after my dog was hit last year. The moment she was hit was replaying itself in my mind. I grabbed my cat, held him close as he purred into my ear and sobbed lightly.
    You know, it's nights like these that I realize I might benefit from inventing a pretend boyfriend. Unfortunately, such technology would still be incapable of hugging me and comforting me in any way. I could always try to get a real life boyfriend, but that seems just a little too fantastical (you know, unless it was a small Santa balloon, but I don't feel like dating one of those again).
    Lately, though, I've been going through old photos, and I took plenty of pictures of Jewel. I'm really glad that I did. I mean, in hindsight, a video would have been even more awesome, but what are you gonna do?
    ~Tekulo <3
  14. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    The house was abandoned. While it was abandoned, that certainly didn’t mean it was lifeless. No, the cobwebs, droppings and moths scattered in the dust made that clear. There wasn’t any natural light in the home. The curtains on the windows had been drawn for, one could assume was, eternity. In this main room furniture was knocked around and broken. Portraits of the previous owners had been knocked down, torn and faded. None of their faces seemed to hold a smile.
    It seemed like it was once such a large, lively manor. A chandelier oversaw the ballroom which had now been littered with broken glass and dark stains on the marble. It was wonderful to imagine what once was. It was just so easy to picture a crowded room filled with women in flowing gowns and men in starched suits enjoying their lives at a wondrous social event. Unfortunately, the surroundings told a different tale; of what was probably the last time the room saw any delight.
    Just outside, there was a large oak tree. It had branched out higher than the house itself, which was quite a feat. Although it was dark out now, one could still see its healthy leaves which now looked black at this hour. The crickets and cicadas were silent around these parts, it seemed. But most curious of all was a tombstone, faded and forgotten, which rested in front of the tree.
    Yes, it was under here where it was discovered. A casket, weathered and moldy, had been unearthed. Beneath its lid there was nothing but a cushioned interior and an empty, open silver locket. A blood curdling scream pierced the darkness of night.
    ... for you see, Billy, the body had been found, and it was moving! And do you know what it said?
    ~Tekulo <3
  15. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Arg, this movie. The feels, the music, the plot, the dogs, the Adventure book, the Kevin...
    It's so feelsy. Maybe not as feelsy to me as The Fox and the Hound, but still it's a favorite of mine.
    ~Tekulo <3
  16. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    So I now have a Miru made out of ink on my left foot.
    This is the best work of art ever and anyone who says otherwise does not appreciate the finer things in life.
    And, yes, before you ask "omg did this doofus seriously do this?" I will confirm that, yes, this was done with the most permanent of Sharpie marker. It will be there for at least a week.
    This plan sucks
    ~Lapis <3
  17. Kaleidoscope Tekulo
    Whew. Updated.
    I mean, it's nice enough, right? Links to old blog entries that are noteworthy, random quotes that make me smile, new blog approval stamp... I can dig it.
    Anyway, I was looking over the entirety of my blog entries. Some were silly, some were horribly heart-warming in the worst possible way (Want to hit myself with a brick, I can be so stupid), some were bland and tasteless and others made me want to curl up into a dark corner and hide. All and all, that sums up life in general. =P
    Anyway, if for any reason I quoted you, and you wish to not be affiliated with my lawn, then I shall remove you from my memory completely. So feel free to ask! 8D
    ~Tekulo <3
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