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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Posts posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. IC: Tekulo

    Chang Wu's temple


    Tekulo returned Michael's gaze. Why yes... yes I am. he thought to himself for no apparent reason. It was as if he were continuing a one-sided conversation with himself. It was nothing out of the ordinary for him.


    Relieved that the plot was finally moving forward, he followed Sam Sinister through the doors of the palace.



    IC: Samantha

    Poker Room


    "Oh, it's just something I've picked up from the jungle. The tribe I lived with believe in past lives, somtimes as inanimate objects. According to one of the locals I was used in construction for a bridge." Samantha spoke matter-of-factly.


    OOC: That moment when you realize both of your characters are slightly mad...

  2. IC: Samantha

    Poker Room


    "Did you know that in a past life I was a 2x2 brick?" Samantha said in a desperate attempt to pass the time. She glanced at Cassandra and hoped her hand would beat Thunder's.

  3. IC: Samantha

    Poker room


    Samantha grimaced in disappointment. She had been looking forward to the look on Johnny Thunder's face when he lost the match.


    "Well, we're waiting for Team Alpha. This is a better way to pass the time than watching grass grow." She chimed in.

  4. IC: Tekulo

    Chang Wu's Temple


    Tekulo eyed the bag in Sam Sinister's hand as it rattled. At last he was sure he was on the winning team. So close to ultimate power, and yet still a final temple stood in his way.


    "Very well, sir. You do the talking." He didn't really care to take orders from Sam Sinister, but he was sure it would all pay off in the end.

  5. OOC:

    Name: Tekulo

    Canon: Noncanon

    Species: Minifig

    Theme/World: Adventurers.

    Allegiance: Ogel Alliance

    Appearance: Tekulo wears black cargo pants and a green jacket.

    Equipment: He carries a scimitar and a whip.

    Bio: Tekulo grew up on Dino Island and has long had a fascination with raising dinosaurs. The T-Rex he raised to adulthood is very disobedient, however. He is an expert in tracking dinosaurs and spends his time amongst them.


    Due to a secret and dark backstory, he constantly searches for Samantha.




    Is that better? And no, he would not have a T-rex with him.

  6. OOC:

    Name: Tekulo

    Canon: Noncanon

    Species: Minifig

    Theme/World: Adventurers.

    Allegiance: Ogel Alliance

    Appearance: Tekulo wears black cargo pants and a green jacket.

    Equipment: He carries a scimitar and a whip.

    Bio: Tekulo grew up on Dino Island and has long had a fascination with raising dinosaurs. While the T-Rex he raised to adulthood is very disobedient, he does manage to call a pterodactyl which he sometimes rides (but only when he is close enough to its nest). He is an expert in tracking dinosaurs and spends his time amongst them.


    Due to a secret and dark backstory, he constantly searches for Samantha.

  7. IC: Samantha

    Poker Room


    "And what makes you so sure of that? It's not like the other artifacts of Marco Polo are accounted for..." Samantha rested her head on her arm, eagerly awaiting the outcome of the poker match.

  8. OOC: You know, it's still a little early in the game, but so far I like Samantha. ^^


    IC: Samantha

    Poker Room


    "Oh, I can't wait to see this!" Samantha immediately perked up and wished she had a bag of popcorn.

  9. IC: Samantha


    Samantha gave Johnny Thunder a quick nod and headed over to Marty. She stopped and nearly gaped at his cards; a royal flush! The devil on Samantha's shoulder begged for her to tell him to fold such a hand!


    Alas, she could not bring herself to sabotage a teammate, even if they were temporarily at war.


    "You'll do fine with that hand, Marty." She whispered into his ear and then took her seat. With a defeated sigh she muttered "I fold." Cursing under her breath she switched her aces back into her pocket.


    "So where do we find this passageway? Shouldn't we be inquiring the locals of such a detail?" Samantha's voice regained her cool composure.

  10. OOC: Ah, I wasn't sure. Thanks for clearing that up! ^^


    IC: Samantha looked down at her cards. A two, a four, an eight, a ten and a Jack of spades. She was careful not to show her disappointment in her face as she carefully placed her hand in her lap. Using the table as a cover, she picked at the aces of diamond and clubs she had stashed away in her cargo pants.


    "The treasure of Marco Polo..." Samantha said softly, "...and where exactly would that be?"


    She glanced to her sides to make sure nobody would notice her pull her new hand from under the table.

  11. OOC: Quick question. Samantha is from the Adventurers line with Johnny Thunder, but she's also sided with Alpha Team. Would she be summoned to level zero with Dash or would she be cheating at poker with Johnny Thunder?

  12. You drive a hard bargain...


    Name: Sir Quackers

    Canon: Made up by me.

    Species: Minifig

    Theme/World: Adventurers.

    Allegiance: Ogel Alliance

    Appearance: Sir Quackers sports a ruffled coat of brown feathers with a green beanie.

    Equipment: He carries a sword and a six round pistol.

    Bio: Sir Quackers' backstory is as mysterious as the night sky during daylight. All that is truly known about him is his fierce temper and his love of cornbread. He is known to sometimes quack like a duck.



    Name: Samantha

    Canon: Totally made up by me.

    Species: Minifig

    Theme/World: Adventurers

    Allegiance: Alpha Team

    Appearance: Samantha wears deep red pants and a dark green jacket with a blue shirt. Here she is

    Equipment: Samantha wears a cloaking device that makes her nigh impossible to see. The effects last for up to one hour. (If this won't work, I'll just have her carry a machete and a knife strapped to her side)

    Bio: Samantha has always had a fascination with relics and jungle exploration. She has lived with the tribes found in such regions to better understand their culture and study their ways. However, Samantha also has a dark secret from her past. She continues running and hiding from some dude named Tekulo. Word is they have a complicated relationship.


    While Samantha is agender, she prefers she/her pronouns.

  13. Name: Sir Quackers

    Canon: Totally Canon... (in my fanfiction)

    Species: Duck

    Theme/World: Good question. Is CREATOR an option, or do I need to pick from the worlds provided? If CREATOR is out, then I suppose I'll go wih Adventurers.

    Allegiance: Ogel

    Appearance: Sir Quackers sports a ruffled coat of brown feathers with a green head.

    Equipment: His quack enhancer can serenade babies to sleep or make everyone in a five meter radius go temporarily deaf. It also functions as his duck-to-english translator which at times malfunctions.

    Bio: Sir Quackers' backstory is as mysterious as the night sky during daylight. All that is truly known about him is his fierce temper and his love of cornbread. He is inadvertantly adorable and this adds to his hatred of life.



    Name: Samantha

    Canon: Totally made up by me in the blogs.

    Species: Sentient 2x2 LEGO Brick

    Theme/World: This could be literally any SYSTEM set. Let's say... I dunno, Adventurers because I like that theme.

    Allegiance: Alpha Team

    Appearance: Samantha is a red 2x2 LEGO Brick

    Equipment: Samantha wears a cloaking device that makes her nigh impossible to see. The effects last for up to one hour.

    Bio: Samantha's early life was rough. Many of the larger bricks bullied her for being different. Ever since her family was used for construction purposes in the 70's, she's been on the run, hopping from place to place. While Samantha is agender, she prefers she/her pronouns.

  14. “Yeah, that was close enough to what happened,” Pommy said. “Now, we’re going to play a game. I’ll be the bad cop, Letagi will be the good cop, and Tekulo will be the shy cop who only joined the force out of family obligation.”



    This was a cool chapter! The sand surfing was handled pretty well. I was wondering if cacti would come in handy at all in the desert. Teluko is being written well.


    Also, nuva characters! ^^ Now they just need to survive being brainwashed when they reach Fishers in Metru Nui. After the Mana Ko Nuva of course.


    I vote C. It seems like the most ominous setting for entering an abandoned city. Also I'm curious which version of the city they will encounter. 2004, 2005 or the renovated city in the late years?

  15. Oh man, I worked over thirteen hours today. A new chapter was a pleasant surprise. ^^


    “I wish you wouldn’t call us the Crazy Crew,” Teluko said glumly.

    Oh, Teluko... you are so Tekulo's evil twin. He would never agree to such blasphemy.


    I vote b, Muaka. Also I am kinda bummed Cyrix isn't part of the Crazy Crew. :')

  16. Okay, now I'm a bit confused. The author fell into the portal, however The Society of the Blind Eye was established after the fact. The Society was written about in Journal 3. That journal was hidden away by the author before Dipper found it. Hirsh, you have explaining to do, because this is the main reason I didn't suspect the author fell into the portal. Mumble grumble

    • Upvote 2
  17. Onu Wahi is my favorite setting on the island, so that will get my vote.


    Also, yes. I am so happy that duet happened. XD The ending was fantastic. I'm honestly just amazed it worked.


    These past two chapters were interesting! The tornado was spectacular. Poor Tomana. XD


    Also, that fight with Pommy was cool! The Madu in the mask was pretty clever, and I kinda pictured an Avatar-esque fight sequence for it. I think it was the best fight yet, but then again it's been a while since I read through the previous ones.


    The crazy crew seems formidable. And, in Tekulo's case, extraordinarily lucky.

  18. I know! I was surprised by how much they got passed the censors. The last episode especially. Disney has pushed the envelope in the past (The Hunchback of Notre Dame comes to mind) and it's not like blood has never been shown by Disney before (Mulan), or implying that a character died (literally every villain death in any movie ever), but... huh. Actually, wow, it's not all that surprising when you think about it...

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