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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Posts posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Well, with that said, I think I'll take that quiz now.


    Q1: What is your favorite section of the Library? Any specific reasons why?

    I guess I'd have to say Short Stories. It's a nice place to post some quick stories that I write about Bionicle, and the contests there have been fun. I also like reading the occasional stories here and there.


    Q2: Least favorite subforum?

    I really don't have a least favorite. At least, I don't see any reason why one in particular would be worse than the other. I've made Epics and Comedies before (both old and new) and in both forums I've received feedback on my works (none of which were immature or unwanted).


    Q3: Should the entire Library have a 300 word count minimum? Why or why not? (old question)

    I think it stands to reason. In my opinion 300 words is a very easy goal to meet. This also helps prevent single-sentence stories or something along the lines of "continue the story" topics from arising.


    Q4: Should comedies be merged with the rest of the Library? Why or why not? (old question)

    I see no reason to merge them. I think the current division works fine as-is.


    Q5: What are your favorite themes to write about? Do you feel there are some that could be better expressed through your writing without the influence of Bionicle?

    I like writing about relationships (non-romantic generally) between characters the most. There's plenty of room for me to work with such a theme in the Bionicle universe as we've seen many characters who were developed in the story. In fact, I actually think personal relationships between the Bionicle characters was a bit watered down in the canon story, so I think it's the perfect theme for the fans to interpret as they see fit.


    Q6: How often do you tend to post stories? How often do you review stories? (old question)

    Well, I'm not always active on BZPower, so I normally post a story every now and then (it depends on real life factors as well, so it's difficult for me to give a good ballpark here). The same goes for me reviewing stories. Though, I do post stories more often than review, generally.


    Q7: Have you ever made use of the critics clubs? Do you often find them helpful? (old question)

    Yes, I have. When I recently started my second epic on BZP (the first was many years ago), it didn't get much feedback. In fact, I'd posted the epic elsewhere and gotten faster replies from readers and suggestions. That's why I went to the ECC. They gave me a full, in-depth review on two separate occasions, so it was great to hear what other Bionicle fans thought (the replies I got elsewhere were mostly from people who weren't strong Bionicle fans, so they would get confused on some of the terminology). The reviews themselves were very insightful, and though I didn't always agree with what the reviewer had to say, I still appreciated a fresh opinion about my writing. I consider that to be very helpful.


    Q8: Ambage is the newest writing club that has been inserted into Short Stories forum. It's a community of writers attempting to help each other, and holds flash fiction writing contests. Do you think something very similar to that should be made for the Epics forum? Maybe also for Comedies? Why or why not?

    I have, in recent history, joined the Ambage. As far as I can tell, it's full of a bunch of members on BZP who just like to write, so they write together and review each others' stories. It's a great way to get feedback and to connect with other members of BZP who might want to do a collaborative project.


    Though, Ambage is just about writing in general, and is more off topic than Bionicle themed. If a group of writers wish to do something similar, but with a different theme in mind (say, a group of writers that work with Bionicle themes specifically), then anyone could create such a group.


    Q9: Who are your favorite authors on BZP? Do you feel any specific ones inspire you more than others?

    I enjoy reading multiple authors on the site, like Alex Humva, Velox, Cederak, Hahli Historian, Aderia, GSR, Nuile, Kraggh, etc. When I read others' stories, though, my mind is set to review, so I can't say how much their works have inspired my own. I do think my writing has been influenced by others, but I have not taken a direct notice of who or how, so it's hard to tell.


    Q10: What are your favorite stories on BZP?

    SPIRIT's old movie spoofs are a definite favorite of mine. I haven't checked out too many epics at this point, though a few do stick out in my memory. Unfortunately I don't quite remember them. A few works by GSR and Aderia pop into my mind as well, although I don't remember their titles.


    Q11: Do you feel the activity of the Library has decreased recently? How do you think it could be increased?

    The activity has felt slowly ever since I posted my Epic. However, that was a while ago, so I'm not too sure how things are at the moment in any of the forums.


    Q12: Do you think that Round-Robin writing should be allowed? Why or why not?

    I'm not a big fan of this idea to be honest. Those stories tend to wind up pretty goofy and nonsensical in my experience. If anyone can contribute, any plot twist can take place in the story, and that's how things can get confusing. A few could be fun, but if it catches on and the Library clutters with Round-Robin stories that lack logic, then it would be... problematic in my opinion.


    Q13: Do you think there are a sufficient amount of Library-related questions here? Why or why not? (note, if you do have ideas for other or better questions, please post them and I will be glad to add them to the main topic post


    They seem fine as-is for now. There are a lot of valid questions and they actually make me want to write something. XD

  2. Well, I think I understand where Velox is coming from, however I do disagree.


    Let's start by breaking this down a bit to keep this clear, consistent and logical.


    What Velox seems to be suggesting is not that any Comedy is "better" than any other, like a few of you seem to be thinking. In fact, I found Hahli Husky's and Velox's posts to be the only ones that were really mature, rational and helpful to this topic and for my understanding of the situation (I just saw a bunch of complaining going around, so I wanted to see what was up, as I was curious).


    Basically, the specific Comedies that Velox is proposing to move to SS/Epics are not "better" than the others. They are merely different. I believe he means "different in style" as he has pointed out in his earlier posts. Now, what does that mean, exactly? That has been left vague in my opinion, so let me try and explain how I see it.


    Take General Artwork for instance. The forum is filled with many forms of artwork; Paintings, Oil Pastels, Digital mediums, Sketches, 3D paper masks, etc. Each type of artwork I have listed off is of a different style. That's not to say, for example, that 3D paper masks are "better" than say an oil pastel. The art mediums are merely different. Now, say the 3D paper mask is of an Avohkii and the oil pastel is of the same mask. Both are very similar, however they share a key concept which is different. Of course, in this example there is no way to compare by opinion which piece of artwork the viewer prefers, as I have no clue which comedies are being mentioned. However, it is undeniable that the two mediums are different.


    Now, let's look at how stories may be carried differently. Dark humor, where the audience is made tense or is given a feeling of fear, only to have the mood change drastically (say they're relieved that whatever caused the tension in the story and so they laugh, or if characters are taking a serious matter lightly) is far different from, say, physical comedy (a character slips on a banana peel and falls). They are both different, yet fall into the spectrum of "Comedy." I believe these were the differences Velox was trying to point out. Perhaps he believe some cases of "dark humor" that deal with serious matters should be taken more seriously? I can't speak for him, but that's an example that comes to mind.


    However, in my example both pieces of artwork fall in General Art. The forum is meant for art in all of its forms, as I believe the Comedies forum is intended for Comedies in all of its forms. Basically, if a writer intends his or her story to be taken humorously, obviously it would be posted in Comedies. If the writer wishes for the story to be built mainly on other purposes for writing (getting a point across, entertainment which is not humor, etc) then likely it would fall into a more "serious" demeanor and be placed in Short Stories or Epics depending on whether or not it is a continued story or one-shot.


    I, personally, don't want to get into nit-picking of what defines a comedy and what defines a "serious" tone of a story. That is why I'd prefer to keep stories that are designed to make the reader laugh in Comedies instead of blurring the line. That is my personal opinion, which is not correct or incorrect in nature, but an opinion (I think this may have been Hahli Husky's intentions; to keep the separation of genre in the library simple and easy). I doubt changing things around would be worth the effort in this case, as many disagreements are bound to arise.


    However, I saw no need to call out any groups such as the Epic Critics Club (which is separate from the Ambage entirely) or to harass a group on BZPower which is for any member that wishes to join and be active. I find such behavior to be highly disrespectful, rude and unproductive in this topic.

  3. There was once an elf that lived in the pocket of a trench coat that had been abandoned in an alley. It wasn’t the roomiest of places to live and how the furnishings were barren!
    “It may not be much, but it has a charm about it, for sure!” She told herself each morning when she woke up and each evening when she went to bed.
    One day the little pocket of the elf began to shake and swing, leaving its resident scared out of her wits.
    “What’s this?!” She shrieked as she fumbled around, hoping to gain some footing.
    She somehow managed to crawl and climb her way to the lip of her home to see a poor shoemaker dusting off the trench coat in which the little elf lived. Slowly, shivering in the cold, he shuffled back to his hovel where there were many forlorn half-finished shoes scattered about. The poor man’s hands had been shaking so much that he could hardly stich the shoes together properly.
    “What an outright shame this is!” the little elf cried out at the sight, her own home forgotten. “Why, this poor fella needs help, he does!”
    Later that night, when the shoemaker had somehow fallen asleep on the icy ground, the elf got to work. She pushed and pulled throughout the night, trying desperately to help the poor man who was curled up in a mere trench coat for warmth. It took almost all of her strength and concentration, but by morning a single pair of beautiful shoes was left in the poor man’s room.
    “Goodness gracious!” The man gave a shout as the shoes entered his line of sight. “I must’ve forgotten these, how silly of me!” and he rushed into town to sell his only good pair of shoes. They were so well constructed that the man had no trouble selling them right away for a generous price. The man quickly spent his earnings on food and wood for the fire. When he returned home, he dined for the first time in what must have been years, the elf guessed as he scarfed it all down. Then, he lit a fire for the room and fell asleep lazily in the glow’s warmth.
    The elf felt the glow of the fire and felt rejuvenated.
    “Why, I feel like I can make two pairs of shoes in this warmth, I can!”
    And so it went that the elf would make more and more shoes each night, and the man would sell and spend his money on wood, wine and women. This went on for many a year until one day the elf, who had worked so much, had grown old and tired. She could no longer craft any shoes, and thus the man eventually sold out. He had no savings to go back on and he had long since lost his craft for shoemaking. To this day his pockets are just as empty as the elf’s former home.
    Note from the Author: This was originally inspired by the famous Fairy Tale The Elves and the Shoemaker by the Brothers Grimm. This is just my little twist on a classic tale with a much different ending than the Grimm version. I hope you enjoy!
  4. There was a house in the middle of a large sheet of snow. There was not a soul outside. The windows had been boarded up and the lights were out. The roof was in disrepair now as broken decorations littered the ground below. The chimney had not lasted despite its valiant attempt to hold strong. Even the icicles looming above the door seemed to creep down upon anyone who dared to visit. The darkness of night seemed to loom over this home like a shadow cast from the scythe of the Grim Reaper himself.
    Inside there was a family of ten all huddled together next to a fireplace. There was no furniture inside and, despite the fire’s efforts; it still looked cold and forlorn. There were no high spirits in this home as they knew this day was one they had dreaded for weeks. Fear was plastered upon the face of each family member, the resemblance uncanny. This was their end, and they knew all they could do was stay together before the angels of destruction reigned upon their poor little cottage.
    That was when the earth began to shake. The youngest, a little boy, tripped and fell alongside his uncle. It was fortunate that they could not afford a chandelier for it surely would have fallen and littered the room with glass, shattered and lost in the nooks and crannies. In every corner of the room the same sounds echoed and echoed; “creak crack, creak crack.” That was when the roof above them was torn off.
    This family was now facing judgment before their very god. The first was grandmother who ascended to meet the malevolent creator. Her head was chopped off as the rest of her body was casually tossed aside, landing right next to the little boy. There were no screams, no tears shed from any of the family. All they showed was the expression of fear as they each, one by one, crumbled before the wrath of god. This was the genocide at the Gingerbread house.
    Note from the author: Yeah, I had to run this by a staff member before I could, in good conscience, post it here. XP I was told this should be fine, and so here is my Xmas story to you all. I'd always wanted to do a story like this with a one-sentence twist at the end that totally changed the context of the entire story. I always thought it would be about a gingerbread house being eaten on Christmas morning as well. When the theme of the 15 minute writing was "Christmas" I saw a good opportunity to jot down this little gem. I hope you enjoy!
  5. Did the world always seem this… grey? Wasn’t there a time where everything was filled with brighter colors? Yes, there was something… music, that’s what it was. It always sounded so pretty. I think it came from a box of sorts. I know that sounds a bit silly, music coming from a box. But yes, I’m certain that’s what it was. There were also other things as well… We called them… laughter... bliss… hope… rapture… sorrow… pain… deceit… lies… Yes, those were the colors that had filled the world. Now it was as if all of those colors had been absorbed. It’s as if the artist’s brush had retracted everything and… well, that was just it; and what? Wherever those colors were now, they most certainly were not here. Everything seemed blank; lifeless and barren. The universe itself was now a blank sheet of paper. What was to become of such a form? Would the artist paint anew, or would it be decided that painting was simply not worth the time and effort? How did the world come to be like this? A world that was filled with such colors; how could they all just vanish? It was all here just a moment ago, wasn’t it? There was… there was a noise… Yes, it was called… a shriek? Yes, the woman in front of me; what did I call her? Mother was it? She was the first to go. I think I held onto something… I thought… it was important… It had something in it… I just can’t remember. Now the world filled with music, joy, wonder, suffering and pain is gone. Now all that is left is me. Am I the last to leave? I close my eyes and I feel something. It’s a key. I turn it around and around then wait for the music to stop.


    Whee another short story! I always imagined this story being told from the perspective of a child who witnessed the end of the world. Trying to hold on to memories as they slip away, they all wait for the music to stop. I hope you enjoy!

  6. A note from the author: This was written within a time frame of 30 minutes with no planning done beforehand. I was given a theme, "Flood" to base my story and this is the result. Please enjoy.


         Heavy... everything felt heavy. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what was different. Each step I took forward felt like the world around me was going against me. I tried to run, but to no avail; the air just kept me in place. I slipped, of course, but when I fell I didn’t hit the ground. It was so strange. Why did gravity, in all of its divine logic, stop working? Frustrated, I kicked my legs towards the ground and I began to float upwards.


         I got a nice view as I ascended; everything looked tinted in a bluish hue. There were a few stray rays of light littering down to the ground. It looked like there were some birds in the distance. Eventually I slowed down and there I was hovering over the land. Where did everyone go? No… That wasn’t the right question. I did not recognize this place. I could not walk, I could not run and the laws of the land had abandoned me. How did I get here? Yes, that was the appropriate question.


         Humming... there was humming emanating from all around.


         Suddenly I remembered where I was. There were many others with me before. We were working together against the rain and the light. Yes, there were flashes of light that let out mighty roars across the heavens. The sea in all of her anger had swatted at us. That’s right. Our sail had broken off and fallen into her hands.


         The humming grew louder as I realized the danger I was in. Quickly, I darted upwards towards the rays of light.


         We were frantic in the storm. Waves crashed so fiercely that many a man fell overboard. She wasn’t made for that kind of treatment, our fair and noble vessel. The sea tore her apart slowly. After the sail fell, it scraped against her starboard wall and loosed the wood that bound her together. The sea was now invading, unwanted in our home. We were sinking into the sea’s harsh waters.


         I was still a long way from reaching the sweet air that beckoned me at the surface. The humming was ever louder and was closing in. Glimpsing down, I could make nothing out aside from the dark, dark waters below. Finally, the humming caught up to me. I felt arms as cold as ice wrap around my chest as they dragged me down further and further until I could no longer see the warm glow of the sun.


         The humming was calling me now, beckoning me to stay here below the sea. This world was cold. This world was suffocating. This world was demise, and now this world would be my tomb.

  7. I really like the dragon's design. I like the theme set in winter and the dragon's coloration seems to fit very well. Its spine looks almost like cold fire; if you recolored the dragon in warm colors it would look like a dragon that might dwell in a volcano. I like seeing that design mixed with the cool colors.


    Now, the scale patterns could use some work. I'm by no means an expert on scales, however, I feel the pattern should help mold the shape of his face (smaller near the eyes in an almost circular fashion and expanding outwards, a notable lip line near the mouth, etc. I'd recommend looking up reptile references and maybe some fish if you ever wanted to draw an aquatic dragon). Also, I think his left paw has his claw digits too short towards the middle.


    As for the concept, I like how we're only seeing part of the dragon here, and I love how he's just staring at the bird in front of him. I also think the red in the wood and the bird also give a nice contrast to the white snow and blue of the dragon and I like that his shadow is a warm color as well.


    Overall, this is a nice drawing in my opinion. I haven't drawn many dragons myself, so I'm afraid I can't offer too much more criticism.

  8. Okay, I know the character in the comic who writes The Toa of Powers (I still find it funny that that title is one word off from my old username, XP) has so far written about simple stuff, but this new comic is actually sounding interesting. If I existed in this comic-verse, I would totally pick up the next issue. XP

  9. Interesting story. I actually found it a bit difficult to follow at certain points, mainly in the beginning and towards the end. Then again, that might just be my preference in style talking (I got a bit spaced out, especially when the word "imagining" showed up).


    I like what you wrote about. Sometimes there are things in life that an average Joe (in this case, the narrator) just can't relate to. In my experience (though it wasn't as severe as Allison's) I saw students who were generally outgoing in sports, friendships, etc. They didn't bully anyone and they were generally well-liked or at least heard of throughout the school. When chance would have it, they would talk to someone with an issue (that wasn't always obvious), they would do their best to try and pump school spirit into their blood and change their attitude.


    I am so glad that wasn't the direction you went with for your narrator. I found him quite interesting because he was a band nerd who happened to be the squad leader. He certainly seemed to care about his section; getting excited about a new recruit for the French Horns, eating lunch together with band buddies and his general attitude seemed realistic. He seemed to give Allison more of a gentle nudge in a friendly direction as opposed to this big speech about why you should never feel sad ever which can get exasperating after so long. In short; this character was simple, yet the way he handled something he couldn't fully understand was interesting.


    Now, I wasn't sure where you were going with the story at the point where Allison left (I'm guessing there was some sort of dispute between Allison and her step-father? Either way, I think it was best to keep that area vague), but I did like the way you wrapped it up with the locker. It seemed to give a nice sense of closure to the story.


    Overall, I liked what you wrote here. It's not a subject I can totally relate with, however it was indeed a good read.

  10. I come for the wugga's, but stay for the jiggy-jugga's. XPAnyway, I stay here for, I guess, two main reasons. 1) Bionicle and LEGO are a large part of nostalgia from childhood and I'm still into LEGO sets as a hobby now.2) So many members here are totally awesome and I find myself dreaming of farm animals.

  11. I don't know about you guys, but I'm here because I failed at being competent and now I'm being used for simulation exercises for freelancers while being assigned to guard some flag I don't even like. Wait, no, that's not it...I'm here because I love talking to a good amount of people here. Also, I'm collaborating with a couple other members on a project which is really fun. I also have a few connections with a handful of the members here, so if the site goes down, I could still chat these guys up. Also, there are other Bionicle communities (small as they may be) elsewhere, so even if this site falls, it won't be the end of all things Bionicle in my life (plus, this site gives me little feedback compared to other places. I'm definitely not here to have my topics/blog get replies and views. XD).There are people here that make me laugh, smile and even let me join in a small debate from time to time. I enjoy those things, so that's why I stick around. If the day does come when this site shuts down, I'd be fine with saying "at least I had fun" because those things shouldn't be taken for granted (and that's something I take pretty personally)

    ... That sounds like the best idea for a present ever. XDBetter than my gift. I got you Netflix for Kids. Happy birthday, Almond Janus! ^^ I hope it's a good one!
  13. Worst: Teridax killing himself with rocks.Worst: Teridax, the dude with the sleek, powerful body not destroying the malfunctioning, pitiful excuse for Mata Nui sooner and losing.Worst: Tuyet for losing to a toa of fire and a toa of air when she had the Nui Stone in use.(Why is it that when certain villains obtain the upper hand, they lose?).Botar: Dying via rock. The Lorax, oh great and wise ruler of twigs, has pointed out I was wrong in one small detail in Botar's death. My apologies.Botar: Going near a giant rock at the time of death. (I sense a pattern... It probably doesn't exist at all, but dang it, I'm going to make it work! XD)Botar's replacement: Not dying via rockVisorak: Worshiping a shiny, giant rock that led them to their doom. (Death and giant rocks. Coincidence? Such masterful foreshadowing). (Edit: Dear Lorax: Giant is a relative term, and seeing as the particle size of their shiny overlord was greater than that of Earth, I consider it to be giant due to the most annoying technicality in all of the Bionicle universe. XP) Makuta: Failure to defeat one simple, angsty, rookie toa in a one on one match for a super powerful and influential mask (He had so many chances to destroy Vakama when Lhikan was on his death bed. He should've taken that moment to remove that variable and then search for the mask, which I have no doubt he could have done).Makuta: Absorbing two incompetent Dark Hunters. You are what you eat, Terry. Consume incompetence and you wind up flattened by a giant rock... Happens in all of the health videos we've watched in Jr. High... He probably should've absorbed that angsty toa guy; he's good at manipulating those sorts of strings. Vakama: Forging the Mask of Time. It only led to disaster. D=Best: Lewa going to Le-Koro alone and getting captured on two separate occasions. It totally came in handy both times.

  14. "Is... Is that seriously fanart of me kissing Makuta?"Hehe... I could just see it in that context...Yeah, I really don't like drawing his nuva mask. It's too... organic..y...I like the style you used for his armor, though. It looks pretty good. ^^

  15. Hehehe. I don't normally go to the comics section, but when I do......I wear a fancy hat. ^^ (He is the lamest member of BZPower)Anyway, I don't normally come here, but I just read Dr. Rojak and the punchline in the middle of the comic cracked me up. XDI'll have to check more of these out; they fit my line of humor.

  16. Well, I heard that they're going to make Lewa a girl and she'll be dating both Pohatu and Kopaka to challenge their friendship. Also, the new shadow villain will have four heads instead of three!It should all go down in 2020. You'll see. ;)On a serious note, I am interested by this. I wonder if we will see Bionicle's return someday. I hope they make a few changes if they do... Okay, a lot of changes. XP

  17. :P Congrats Tekulo, you're brilliant.
    Pfft, I've always known that. It's just nice to have some proof. XP

    So, that's the story behind the lightning, huh? Does this mean that the toa Mahri were only destined to be toa upon circumstance? In other words, they weren't meant to be toa unless they were needed as a fail-safe? Interesting. Destiny, your virtue grows ever more convoluted.

  18. You laughed at me... You all laughed at me...

    Hmm... I'll try to break this down into two possibilities. 1) The body is buried.2) The body is not buried.I'll start with 2).We know that the matoran were created as tools. Say I break a wrench. What would I do? First I'd try to fix it, maybe see if I could save any of the material for scrap work. This is the logic that might propose matoran are not buried. They have quite a bit of mechanical parts to them, and if I were a Great Being, if one of these "broke down" (aka died) then I might consider that possibility and create a system where the materials might be reused. We know matoran are created specially (they're full adults when created, and I've imaged they're made by a factory of sorts somewhere in Mata Nui's body for replacements). So, what if there's a sort of "laundry chute" or a "scrap yard" where Mata Nui's body could re-absorb the material and use them elsewhere? If I were a Great Being, that's the route I would take instead of just wasting the material to create a matoran. 'I'm not necessarily saying the matoran actually use this system, but I think it's an interesting thought to consider the possibility of one existing.1) matoran are buried.However, the Great Beings did not count on the sentience of Matoran. Seeing as how human they act (humanoid figure, moral debates, etc), I wouldn't say it would be crazy to think they buried their dead. As said previously, the idea of "Memorial Carvings" would mean they do indeed have a similar outlook on death as humans would. Going back to 2) for a moment: This doesn't necessarily mean the carvings go with the body. They could just be a place mark to remember what is lost (including the materials to create the matoran). I could see either option being canon (maybe even both), though there seems to be a bit more support for 1), looking at the previous comments.
    i will admit i like the possibility of your second option. my only thing is that there would have to be a lot of chutes all through out the matoran universe and i just don't think it would be efficient. and safe. heck the dark hunters could just take somebody and throw them into the chute. although that could be a way of recycling.
    Hmm... Good point, though this is a universe where people shoot energy from their fingertips, travel to other dimensions and transform, so it doesn't necessarily have to be so generic in design.The chutes may not even be physical. We saw Botar transport prisoners to the pit by opening up a portal. Maybe it's a similar concept? There could be a sort of timing device in their bodies that, when it goes off, it transports the body away to a "scrap yard," or it could be another design entirely, like after the bodies are buried, the ground absorbs the body (assuming, of course, bodies are indeed buried)? Of course, I could be totally wrong on this. XP
    Every time someone died, all they had left was their Kanohi, so that probably doesn't transport.
    Ah, yes, I think it was mentioned earlier that kanohi could be easily re-used for living matoran (for example, where Jaller's mask broke when they first arrived on Mata Nui and Vakama replaced his old mask with Lhikan's).I think it would be possible for the Great Beings to take that into consideration? :shrug:After all, putting on a mask? Easy. Replacing your broken arm? Not so easy (or maybe it is seeing as how the Toa Mata did it. XP).Edit: Or it might be because a mask is detached from the user's main body. This would likely also mean that any armor the user is wearing would also be left behind.Support: Toa Tuyet found under the waters near Mahri Nui. All that remained was her armor and kanohi (if I remember correctly) as well as crystal fragments. I'm not sure how mechanical parts deteriorate over time, but I'd think there would be more than armor and a mask left over (even after so long). This might support the existence of a "scrap yard" where the rest of her body was transported. (Or gears are just bio-degradable and I'm completely wrong. XP).

    ... I was... right... I actually guessed something right about Bionicle (or at least I was highly on the right track)... I... I need a moment... This has never happened before. XD (Though, it does put a damper on a few fanfic thingies...)

  19. @FrozenFlash: (besides the fact that your avatar is awesome), Thanks! ^^ There's a story behind that white patch... See, in the program I used, I only have access to 5 layers to work with. Ideally, this would have been drawn in seven or maybe eight layers. His right arm and leg, including most of the background is on the very back layer, and I drew Tahu first. Basically, I didn't want to re-draw the arm, so I took that white part to be the entrance to a cave that Tahu's surfing through. I realize it doesn't work anywhere near as well as it could. XD (Drawing a background around a figure, in my experience, doesn't always work well). Also, I do realize there are some pose issues... I did have my Lewa figure and a hau with me which I used as a model. I couldn't quite get him into a good surfing pose, though... The original sets weren't really made for poses, so I probably should have gotten a HF set or a later toa and remodeled his body structure, looking back on this... Anyway, I did want to keep this traditional, though next time I'll likely use a model with more pose.

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