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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Posts posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. hni_0098_mpo.jpgPretty self-explanatory. I originally wanted to incorporate his flame sword, however the picture's colors and flow, I believe, does really well without it. Also, this is in 3D. For anyone with a 3DS, tap the image on your touch screen and hold to see it in 3D. ^^ (It looks cool, I swear!)Now I just wonder why I didn't draw Lewa instead...
  2. Okay... I've had a moment to vent my absolute anger and wrath which was brought about from this news...

    Hmm... So, I guess I was pretty close with the idea that their "memory" or "essence" was stored somewhere. Never imagined it could be the red star. This... this could actually tie in wonderfully for my story... I mean, sure it needs some revisions to make it canon and all... also this could indeed prove promising for what we've got in the works. I'm surprised they actually gave them new bodies, though... If a unit glitched and went bad, then I would've thought they'd have a fail-safe for that...Well, so much for Lessovik's suffering over all of those years, and forget Botar's tragedy, and hey, the matoran massacre? Haha, it's all funny now! "Riiight, funny! That's what I was thinking... >>"

  3. Both names are equally appealing to me. However, with the lawsuit and all, I perfectly understand why the names changed (I was aware of the issue as a kid, so the in-story changes didn't leave me questioning it too much). I've been a fan since 2001 when Bionicle first started, I think I should mention. I do like both names, but either way they're both describing the same thing in the Bionicle Universe.

  4. Happy Birthday! 8DI got you a desert of Lego Bricks, Honey Badgers and I stole all of your shoes and socks. ^^ (Seriously, the more and more I look into that scenario, the more and more I think it would make the best gift ever. XD).

  5. ... I am so jealous of that lederhosen, you don't even know. What's more, the twist in the pretzel is accurate... Must... obtain... plastic baked good... (You have no idea how much I love that XD). Nice descriptions, though I wish I could see a side-shot of a few of these... (especially a close-up of the DJ's headpiece). Still, good review... I now have an urge to listen to "Brick by Brick" from Lego Island for some totally-not-related-to-this-review reason (I swear! D= )

  6. Haha, thanks for the comments guys. I never thought this would get attention. O.o@ Summer: Anyway, as for the outline, I preferred a bold black one for this. I'm not too sure why, though if I wanted to change the style I would probably go with a lighter one. @ Taka: Also the sketchy outline is very much possible to avoid, I just left it as it is because I kinda liked it and I was tired and wanted to sleep after it was done. XD (I did this right before bed after all. XP). @ Spock: Hmm... I do see what you mean. By the Miru's standards, the eye holes are large. I might tweek it in the future if I decide to re-use this one...

  7. Waaaiiiit... Does this mean we should also celebrate Bubbles and Buttercup's birthdays too? At any rate, I'm off to try and replicate Chemical X to destroy Tokyo (heck, I haven't seen Godzilla in forever, so somebody has to... :shrug: )Happy birthday Hahli Husky! Thanks for all of your work and the lols. (especially the lols XD)

  8. I don't really like them that much... =/ Call me old fashioned, but back in my day if we wanted other members to know who we voted for, we had to post about it and we liked it!Crazy whippersnappers and their fancy new forum doodads...

  9. I learned that green is truly the best color, people dying is totally funny (giant rocks, being killed and instantly replaced, etc. Classic XD), MOCing on a large scale is very difficult and above all, convolution in a story can kill the reader's dreams, expectations and even adoration of the greatest characters. Also, it's fun to geek-out with other people in S&T (though that's more of what BZP taught me. This site gave a lot more values during my childhood than the actual story itself).

  10. Hello guys. I recently downloaded the "Petit Computer" app on my 3DS yesterday and fiddled around with it. Does anyone else here have this?The fruits of my goofing off resulted in making two version's of Saria's song. For some reason, I was only able to upload the QR code for the faster-paced song. (It's here by the way if anyone wants to check it out. Note: it only works if you scan it while in Petit Computer: link)To alter this to the other version, or just to fiddle in general, go into edit mode and change the first line below "@SONGDATA" to "DATA "0@10T120O4" That changes the tempo and the instrument type.Anyway, I also have played the Kingdom Hearts 3D demo. The gameplay was pretty fun, though I didn't really care for the story snippet they showed. =/

  11. Oh my gosh, these are better replies than I could have hoped for. XD

    someone did it. SOMEONE FINALLY DID IT. A. MUSTACHE. MIRU. GENIUS.by the way, I MUST-ACHE you a question. (failed pun)what are the green thing on the top of the mask?
    I use that pun ALL the time. XD Ask Akano, he can vouch for that. XPAlso, those are just markings on the mask in a different color. I thought it would be neat to incorporate some teal.
    It just looks so dignified ...I understand why you aligned the mustache as you did - so it could line up with the contours of the Miru - but it makes the 'stache a little wonky, if that's the right term. I wouldn't object if you took a little liberty with the Miru's contours so the mustache could look a little more normal. Right now, it looks like it has gravity-defying powers.Also, needs more handlebar. I'm just sayin'.
    XD, I should probably explain myself a bit. I actually never intended, when I began drawing, to add a mustache to the mask. The way the lines work in that area (along with the different colors) made it look like a mustache in my opinion, so I decided to call it a "mustache miru" due to the design. Also, I must say that defying gravity only fits the mask more seeing as it's the mask of levitation. XP Though, now I am tempted to alter a Kualsi into a handlebar design... Or maybe I should browse the masks to see-wait... I just thought of the perfect one. XD
  12. I really like Matoro here! As others have said, the style is simplistic, however that works very well for his character. The plain, white mask made me think of a ghost, which works on many levels (He wears the mask of spirit and he died. With the background he actually looks like a sort of phantom here). The background, as others have said, could use some work. I'd recommend paying attention to your strokes. They seem too elongated and they overlap in different directions in a few places. I'd recommend shorter curved strokes for the clouds (though seeing as they're storm clouds, I'd keep them to a slight curve). Clouds themselves are trick to draw in my experience. Another thing is to keep their shading in mind. Look up references and take note of what areas of the sky are darker than others. It really helps. I give this drawing two gears and Skakdi spine (make of that what you will).

  13. Haha, yeah I know. I was actually doodling a bit with masks for some characters I was making. I had a nice design for a Kualsi and then I realized I could adapt it to a Miru. Like I said, this was just a quick doodle, so I wasn't expecting any real praise for it. ^^'Also, in the bottom right corner is my signature. It's actually a sort of puzzle.

  14. I call it...



    Gads... I'm such a genius! XP

    (This was just a quick sketch I did before bed. I did it originally in pencil and liked the general design, so I took a picture of it and colored it on my 3DS. I know, the shading is all over the place... Well, enjoy!)

  15. Lhikan and Nidhiki of course! The way Lhikan tries to shame him and the way Nidhiki aims straight for his head really says a lot about their relationship with one another. <3Though, I'd have to go with Onua and Lewa. Rereading the early books Onua was really the only one who put complete trust in Lewa (by standing still when he was infected; giving Lewa the opportunity to chop him into bits and then coming out alive. Onua and Lewa should be the best of bros in the story. Yet another reason I have to create my own fanciful non-canon canon. It's basically Karzahni in the entire MU except for Karzahni which is normal).

  16. (Tekulo is taking extensive notes on this subject)Well that actually does answer my questions. The other five elements in Metru Nui didn't really relate-have a reason to speech-turn.In other words, Lewa can either mind-seek in his sleep (AET = Air Elemental Telepathy) or the less likely option that his first-speech was not canon. (I opt for the fun explanation, as I do with most things. XP)

  17. I actually thought about this objectively for an epic of mine that I really need to finish one of these days. =/Basically, here's what I came to: You know what happens when you delete a file on your computer? First, it's stored into the recycle bin until you empty it. I'm not focusing on the deletion part (mainly because in terms of a story that's pretty anticlimactic and dull). The thing about this, though, is that the matoran and toa aren't your run-of-the-mill computer programs. They're pretty complex, so nobody can really say what happens. So, for my story, I decided to have it be "Mata Nui is in control of the universe and may have biological ties to its inhabitants. When one of these dies, the body recognizes it and the 'programs' are stored." Now, it might be interesting if the Great Beings put in this device to study the lives of their creations to help them study their work, though I'm normally terrible with this kinds of explanations. I imagine it would be a sort of stasis for their minds; their information and personality stored away (personality only for the use of my story. Think of it as a sort of shadow or a copy of the original). Of course everything here is just speculation and a shot in the dark. As for what really happens; we most likely will never know due to the reasons others have listed above. It is a fun topic to work with in my opinion.

  18. Though, didn't Greg shy away from Chutespeak over time? I remember a while ago we had a topic discussing how Lewa didn't speak it anymore... =/Also, a thought occurred; why is it only the Le-matoran that speak Chutespeak? Even if it developed over time as a part of the matoran glitch, doesn't that also seem a bit unlikely? What's the point of them changing their communication on their own? Is it possible that it is indeed one of the quirks that their species has?Another thought; what if it's a way to differentiate the element of air from the element of jungle? Their color schemes are quite similar, so it wouldn't, I would think, be that difficult to confuse them. Adding in a speech difference could be an easier way to distinguish the two. Just a thought, no idea if it holds any water. (As for me, I considerthink that Hapka's version is the canontruth. Greg just travelwent away from the original storytale. XP)

  19. Hmm... is it possiblelikely that Lewa was programmedlearned in the ways of Chutespeak? You know, when he was createdmade? I'm not too sure what the purposereason would be to design the le-matoran and toa that way...Is it confirmapproved that Chutespeak developed culturally as a glitcherror? (The diseasesickness! It spreadgrows! XP I am having way too many funlaughs with this topic)

  20. After quickchecking my graphic novel (a book that compiles the comics into one book), Lewa first begins to oddspeak when the rahkshi first showappear. I know I have the first Hapka book somewhere, though I can't seem to seekfind it, so I can't check. =/ I've quickfound books 2-4, though... This is going to drive me crazymad! D=Though, I'm happyglad that Hapka incorporated treespeak so early on. It added imagination and depth to the characters (she was greatgood at doing that in my opinion).

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