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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Posts posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. I've seen bits and pieces of the show. I think I saw the first episode, part of the treehouse... snake... thingy... something about booby traps. Also the one where Zane was pink. XD Adorable. Kinda confused about where the kid fits in with all of this, though. But, I can't say the story is very suspenseful from what I've seen (well, for being an action story and all). I've barely seen three episodes, and even so I think it's pretty obvious who the green ninja is. =/ (Of course I haven't followed the story at all, so I have no idea if that's been revealed yet). They do seem predictable, but they're also filled with some good laughs here and there as well as some interesting animation. Though, it does seem to fall a bit short on the violence front. I can't blame LEGO for that, but... I kinda wish there were more magic lazer beam teddy bears being flung around all over the place and countered with pixie dust that turns the trees into loyal minions of the snake people. They send their bird air forces that are immune to the burning, yet fluffy hugs. And now I need to fix my imagination... or break it, I'm not quite sure which...

  2. Hmm... I haven't always been to active here, so I don't have that big a list. XPThough, I suppose I'd like to hang out with GSR, Taka Nuvia, Nulie, Hahli Husky (because she makes me lol XP), Gatanui, Aderia, Peach00, Bonesiii... and, well, anyone else who dares to face the Tekulo! (And if you goof and call me "Tekula" then you're in for it!) BWAHAHAHAHA!

  3. Hmm... How do I want to approach this one? An obligatory "Never heard of her" comment would just be lame and inaccurate. Plus, I'd probably lose proto for that... =/I could say it's a Zombie birthday seeing as Bionicle's over, but that doesn't make perfect sense because Black Six wasn't the creator of Bionicle and BZP has never really died. Still, I suppose a zombie birthday would be pretty freaking epic. BRAIN CAKE FOR ALL! (Oh my gosh, I actually know how to make a dessert that would fit the bill for a brain cake. XD It's called a Charlotte Russe -or at least one of its forms looks like a brain-). Maybe a vampire birthday? Hmm, I don't think he associates himself with the earth element, though. Bah, I'm over-thinking. I think someone stole my brain cake. =/ Anyway, happy birthday, Andrew! ^^ Have fun!

  4. This drawing is very lovely. I love your attention to detail and shading. Your alterations of her anatomy to match a female physique were pulled off quite well in my opinion. Her pose is nice too. The main thing I noticed was how light her color appears in some places. Mainly on her helmet and right leg. I'm not sure if this was a photo/scanning issue (this issue happens all the time when I try to scan a traditional drawing), though those places do look like they could use a bit of a darker tone.I almost wish this were a full-body shot, personally. This is great and it really has a nice set vibe to it. ^^

  5. Yeah, I like the adventurer's faction. Nothing like that epic Pirate gear (skulls and pretty colors. What's not to love?)Depends on the price, though. If they used those pieces in, say, series minifigures, I'd totally pick some up. You know, I actually like that idea. Plus there would be tons of fun to build the Maelstrom baddies. Ugh, now I want to play Lego Universe. XP

  6. Hmm... Well, BZP seems to have been branching out a bit more to the general LEGO franchise. I can't say if I'll grow out of my LEGO hobby any time soon (though, eleven years isn't exactly soon. XP). Honestly, if BZP does last that long, my presence would depend on who is still on the site. Now I can chat, normally, with people within, say, five years of my own age. After a decade, a site like this (if still around) would likely still be gaining new members. I joined when I was twelve, myself, and I can't say I'd be too interested in chatting with younger kids when I'm that old. =/ Though, if other members currently active stayed, I might stick around and chat here and there. Though, I don't see myself making any topics, participating in contests, etc at that age.

  7. Marendar's mission was specifically to destroy Toa. There's nothing to suggest that he might be concerned about Tren Krom or Karzanhi. The person or people who made Marendar, however, would likely also want Tren Krom and Karzanhi dead, for the reasons you suggested.That's where the murderer=hidden GB rumor came from...I think...
    Hmm, I don't see why they would keep the machine to destroy only toa. Then again, I suppose it is possibly that they made one for each type of species as there are more powerful beings than toa in the MU. Not to mention eradicating an entire universe that size could take more than one machine to do. Taking solely toa out of the equation would leave even more creatures that are just as hazardous, if not more, in contact with the Agori. I guess that idea is merely speculation, but it does make me wonder...
    So you're saying Marendar may be the murderer?
    It seems to be a possibility, at least to me anyway. Actually, I think it's one of the more likely ones considering that's what Marendar was created to do (and that Marendar escaped its holding chamber... thing...). Then again, I haven't really payed much mind to the story towards the end, so I was wondering if this had been ruled out as a possibility. The main argument I see is that Marendar's writing sounded like a person's. Then again, I suppose it could've had a glitch similar to the matoran and other inhabitants. The main difference being toa were programmed to protect, matoran were programmed to work and they kept those traits. Marendar was programmed to destroy, so if a glitch occurred, I'd imagine its personality traits would resemble... well, I suppose it goes without saying.
  8. Well, this mainly deals with the murderer's identity.Didn't the Great Beings create something that was designed to destroy all MU inhabitants? What was it called? Something with an M I think. We were introduced to one of the Great Beings (Agnonce?) when this thing was mentioned. Considering it was created by the Great Beings, wouldn't it stand to reason that it is most likely biomechanical?Plus, the murders would appear to fit into such a creation's MO: Destroy the most powerful beings first (Tren Krom, Karzahni, etc). The Great Beings would want their most powerful creations to be taken out first, logically, as they would be the most difficult to deal with if they were free to roam. Another interesting trait was the murderer carving a stone for those who were about to die. Perhaps this is a sort of log to keep track of its progress, or perhaps a trail for the Great Beings to keep track of? I'm not entirely sure about this. Is there any evidence to suggest that this is incorrect?

  9. I'd describe the books as a nice bit of nostalgia. A little while ago I purchased the first three by Hapka (as I had never read them before) and I was pretty happy with the stories and general style the Bionicle tale was told in. It was simple, yes, but they had a very nice charm to them in my opinion. Granted a lot of people here for whatever reason seem to despise Hapka, so I'm in the minority there I guess. Though, as said previously, I would recommend Time Trap if you're looking for an interesting story from the Bionicle series. The others aren't bad, but reading about Vakama taking on Makuta, Voporak and TSO is pretty epic.

  10. Pfft, that's easy. The Ignika would invite the EP entity into its pad with Mata Nui. Finally their game of Go Fish (or Go Ruki as the Ga-matoran call it) will have some challenge!On a more serious note, I'd guess that nothing would happen. The Ignika is a pretty powerful mask. I'm pretty sure it would be able to prevent any mutation to itself. Also EP seems to specialize in altering the composition of things that are alive. Seeing as life is the Ignika's forte, I'd imagine the EP would not be altered, or could easily keep itself unaltered if it chose to do so. My bet's on a null result.

  11. The green loading bar! It has been replaced with red! D=Well I for one will not stand for this!I refuse to conform to the tyranny of the staff's decision! You cannot change me, for I am a free thinker! >=/LONG LIVE THE RED!

  12. Hmm... Being attracted to your own characters... Well, for me, I've never been romantically attracted to them, really (though I did give some of them really nice looks, I can't say I've ever really thought about them that way). However, I have been inspired by them at times and I have looked up to them in the past. The way I model my characters' personalities, generally, is shedding a certain trait I notice I have (such as what I'm like when I'm grumpy, when I'm happy, when I'm serious and logical, when I'm silly and irreverent, etc) and I make that trait prominent. From there I play around with them a bit and put them in some fantasy situations (Story questions help. They're sort of like role-play questions about how your characters would interact in x situation. I find them fun and a bit surprising about how I think my characters would react. XD). After I've explored their character a bit (what makes them tic, etc), then I'll try to write a story for them off of a general idea I think is interesting. I cannot tell you how many times I've done this with my minifigs. XP So, in short for those TLDRers out there: I think of my characters as an extension of myself, and, well, I'm pretty unattractive by my high standards. XD

  13. It's quite simple. Back around 2003, I thought it would be neat if a toa of both Light and Shadow existed. Thus TToTP was born. (The Toa of Two Powers). I also had an idea that he had two separate personalities to him, like two minds that occupied a single entity, however when they were one their minds were combined. Kinda like Takanuva fusing with Makuta to form Takutanuva. Think of it as Takanuva and Teridax being separated again, only they're both toa. XP

    Chapter Six - Rhymes and Running

    TP: Jalina the ballerina, are you alright?Narrator: I couldn't stop looking at that awesome light. I hope it didn't give you a fright.TP: Nah, it's okay, at least it isn't night.Narrator: The wizard is coming; I hope you are ready for a fight. TP: Meh, I'm sure we'll win, on our side we have right.Jalina: *moans* it's jester, not ballerinaDang that armour hurts a lotand burned away, my body gotan armour filled with only a soul in troublebut at least my powers now are double...TP: Oh noes! D= Don't worry, I'll destroy one of my arms and legs and replace them with metal replacements and then we can travel around studying alchemy so we can get our bodies back. D=Narrator: LameTP: Hush, ye narrator!Jalina: noo, don't do that. It will hurt! D=Narrator: Just then, the wizard got back to his tent as he gave up the search for TT as he was blinded and could not proceed.Wizard: Blast that cretin! Once I use my necklace remover potion to resurrect my eyesight, I shall have my revenge!TP: O.o (whisper) -I guess he mis-labeled it...-Jalina: *whispers* well that's just great... why couldn't he mis-label the armour, either...we ought to get out of here... let's hope this thing doesn't creak or something >.> *slowly gets up*Wizard: What's this? My potion is missing! -steps on broken glass- OWIE! Someone's been sleeping in my bed tampering with my stuff! D=TP: (whispers) Run for it, but be sneaky about it!Jalina: *whispers* okay*sneaks past the wizard*TP: -tiptoes-Narrator: And so our heroes boldly attempt to sneak out of the Wizard's tent.Wizard: What? You mean they've been here all along?! D=<Narrator: YupTP: Oh for the love of... RUN!Jalina: Waaah *runs*

  14. romance plays almost no role in the plot
    That's... not a bad thing. I mean, I see where you're coming from. A lot of modern works (especially film) contain substantial romantic sub-plots, so you're used to seeing that; however, a lot of authors in the past wrote without much romance. If the point of the work doesn't involve love, there's no point to start matching up characters. With fantasy, it's probably better not to involve romance, since it's likely to come across as too escapist. It's when you ignore a natural possibility in the narrative (including romance) that you start to have a problem.~ BioGio
    You know, I ship everybody and their mask in Bionicle (Suletu/Cadin. I ship it. XP), but I'm actually inclined to agree with you here, BioGio. Well, following up with Merida's post; there is a difference between telling a story and daydreaming. Personally I like to daydream when it comes to Bionicle shipping, and sometimes I actually prefer to fantasize about it in other stories. In its middle years, Bionicle didn't seem to really need romance to keep me interested in the plot. Heck, one of my favorite years was 2006 and that was when the romantic vibes were nigh non-existent. Heck, even Brave sidestepped the cliche "Princess meets Prince, they fall in love, insert cheesy mushy gushy wuv song here and cut to happily ever after." The story was the exact opposite of that set-up. The princess was fighting for her freedom,

    and unlike Jasmine from Aladdin; she actually wins that herself as opposed to falling in love in the end.

    Actually, that movie is now one of my favorite animated films. Props for not killing off the parents in the first two minutes, too. XP (Of course, I still wouldn't say no to a Hewkii/Macku or Tahu/Gali ship becoming canon. XD)Anyway, I'm mainly poking my head in here because I saw TONS of status updates for this topic. Also, I have run into a snag in my writing.It looks like I got a little too carried away with a cliffhanger in my story. Long story short, I made it look like one of my characters is actually insane/evil. However, that is not the case and I'm a bit worried my reveal of the entire situation of why the character is acting strangely will be a bit too rushed and out-there for the reader (the story is actually pretty out-there already. XD). It's harder to explain if you don't know what I'm talking about, but did this sort of thing happen to anyone else? (Getting a bit too ahead of yourself and getting side-tracked into writers' block?)

  15. Hmm... Well, I did pick some at random and I ended up getting another Squinty (the guy with the backpack and squinty eyes who I dubbed Squinty. You know, the explorer guy from one of the previous series). Still, I'm generally happy with all of the Minifigs I get. And dude, you gave away the fitness instructor? Her hair is pretty sweet. Plus, purple boombox. Awesome.

  16. Hmm... When it comes to these sorts of questions, I'm always tempted to say "everyone dies. The End"I haven't worked out all of the kinks yet, but it would involve the main six toa losing their ability to control their element (possibly they swap elements with their opposite. Of course, Onua and Pohatu makes this totally difficult to figure out, as well as Gali and Kopaka. Lewa - Earth, Pohatu - Water, Onua - Air, Tahu - Ice, Kopaka - Fire, Gali - Stone... Well, you see why I'm having a bit of trouble here... Actually, adding in "Plant Control" to the main six as well as the other "secondary" elements (in regards to the story that is) would prove interesting and may actually fulfill a lot of people's curiosity. (Kopaka - Plasma, Lewa - Plant Control, Gali - Psyonics, Pohatu - Sonics, Onua - Iron, Tahu - Magnetism... I think this is harder to figure out. D= )The ending would also involve the toa needing unity in order to stop Teridax, not just Tahu using magical armor (and there's a difference between advanced technology and magic. Tahu's armor was totally magic. XD). So, no golden armor. Hmm, when fighting a giant robot like that... Vehicles are a must. Maybe some giant mech? Ooh, maybe the six toa help run Mata Nui's robot? That sounds interesting. Actually, maybe bring back a sort of Exo-Toa like concept, only have the armor enhance their elemental traits as opposed to hinder them. Apply this to the elemental swap idea and I'd think that would be quite the bang to go out on. I could just imagine Tahu going "UNITY, SON OF A MUAKA!" as he hits Teridax with a slab of ice. XP Well, they wouldn't want to hurt the inhabitants, so I suppose that would make the final battle more challenging for them, including damage to the surrounding civilizations. Actually, that sounds like good material to me. What's a final battle if it's not a challenge for our protagonists? Controlling other elements would also prove to be even more challenging. Also, no "Ooh, someone is secretly a Great Being!" I still don't see any choice of character that wouldn't be a let-down. If it was someone clever, that takes away another clever character from the story as their identity was a lie from the start. =/ Especially if that character were a matoran; that would just ruffle my petticoat. First I need to buy a petticoat... But none-the-less! It will be ruffled! No loose ends for this story would be nice. Also, romance is canon to add to the drama. Ooh, and throw in the Mahri for added effect as well as the Chronicler's Company. They help the main six too. Somehow. XPSo, let's see here... Element Swaps + Hewkii/Macku + Tahu/Gali + Even More Giant Mechs - Cliffhangers... I think that sounds interesting enough, to me anyway. XP I totally support the ESH/MT/GEMGM-C! Hmm... If anything it needs more vowels...

  17. Happy Birthday! ... I got you pocket lint! =D Of course being on the internet and all, you'll have to pay for the shipping and handling. In return, I'll wrap the package up all fancy and stuff. Just act surprised when you open it, alright? Well, I'm off to find an inappropriately large box to ship this in...

  18. Interesting. I like the way she looks in the uncolored version better, actually. I like the way her head looks in this. Her eyes really capture the "Gali stare" that I've been accustomed to seeing as a kid in online videos and in the set itself. I'm not too fond of the lower half of her torso. It seems a bit out of proportion in regards to the rest of her body. That aside, the rest of the detail with the torso, arms and hands are impressive and very set-accurate (well, aside from the fingers that is :P) Other than that, the shading on the lily pad looks off. An easy way to study shading, in my opinion, would just be to compare what you drew to your study drawing (the background image from MNOG) and also compare that to real-life objects as well. Personally, I'd recommend slicing a lemon, orange or lime in half and try drawing/painting what you see (this is easier with a digital medium or paints in my experience). Additionally, basic drawings and paintings of every-day items could help with shading. From simple items like a coffee mug to more complex items like a Bionicle set. That aside, I do like the image a lot. ^^ It's a very nice piece of nostalgia from Bionicle's early years. Nice work.

  19. Happy month-aversary to you and you today~Wait, wrong Portal Pinkie Pie quote...'Cause I love to make you grin, grin, grin... (yes I do!)Hmm... that's not it...You're a Cranky Doodle Donkey guy, you're Cranky Doodle Donkey!There we go! ^^May your birthday be filled with toupee's, molten cake, confetti ovens and having some obnoxious random person destroying your most loved possessions.And now to make the commemoration of your date of birth official, I shall place the parade of truth sign smileys below! withstupid.gif ugly-sign.gif ibuk-sign.gif youngman-sign.gif :ooolala-sign: ibrulez-sign.gif :wasntme-sign: :baaa:

  20. My gosh, all of this talk of the old days... Kinda makes me want a BZP renaissance all up in here. XP (Am I too young to feel old? D= ).Oh gosh, all of this talk of SPIRIT's stuff is making me remember his movie spoofs. Funniest things ever. XD Ah, the days of plushie generators, sprites and theories. And oh my gosh, Torks. I totally forgot what those even look like, it's been way too long. XDGreat trip down memory lane. Oh, topic, you are everything I'd hoped you'd be. Oh gosh, remember all of the Roodaka fan stuff that was going on when Web of Shadows came out? Ah, back when GA buried my topics two pages deep in a matter of two days. XP (No, really, that actually happened).

  21. -insert fangirl person squee here-Haha, I love these two. Though, I like to think of their relationship being a little more tragic. Not because I'm against Toa/Matoran pairings or anything (why would that be frowned upon in the first place? O.e), but mainly because I like tragedies. Nice sketch. I like the character designs. The proportions look pretty good, but I think Toa Hewkii's lower legs are a bit too small. Looks like you drew them to fit? I'd recommend taking a few sets (it doesn't even have to be Hewkii and Macku if you don't have them) of a toa and matoran to find a general size comparison.Still, this is a very sweet drawing. ^^

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