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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Posts posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Through the years we've seen many members come and go. Each year brings us new changes, be them April Fools pranks, name changes or even a forum upgrade. After many years I'm sure this site has its fair share of stories to tell, and although we could just sift through the archives, I think it would be nicer to reminisce with other members.Simple question: What were some of the most memorable experiences of yours on BZP (be them fond memories, horrible recollections or something that caught your eye where you look back and chuckle "Hah, I remember that")Being an old member myself (keep off the lawn), I'll share a few events to start us off.Dark 709's Comics: The MovieI remember this being huge when it came out. There was even a game made for the event. I still remember watching in awe, eagerly awaiting the next part to come out. TugglesYeah, yeah, they were a very simple MOC and they weren't incredibly difficult to make... but man did these things get attention! I still find it funny how upset some members got over it. XD To this day I still remember those tuggly-wuggly-bungly- *hits face to keyboard to stop*Vahki PowerNow this was a fun year for BZP. There were a lot of theories going around about whether or not Turaga Dume was evil. There was plenty of support for both sides and the debate was very engaging. This was the year when Bionicle was taken in a totally new direction with the new discoveries of Metru Nui and the announcement that the Vahki had taken control of our website. Tales of the Chibi ToaThis was an old, old comic series that I was aware of before I ever joined BZPower. Heck, I think this was how we first discovered the site. The comics were simple, yet humorous with Lewa becoming "Cactus Man". I think they were eventually taken down by the creator, but it's still a fond memory of mine. Good times, good times.

  2. Well, considering a good portion of my friends wouldn't really care; I'd say few people know about my hobby for Bionicle (especially since the series ended and I haven't been buying HF sets and instead have been collecting minifigure sets here and there) and even fewer know about BZPower. My parents know, my brothers are also members of this site, but outside of that there's really nobody who knows my deep, dark and secret plots to start a civil war on a random website dedicated to a discontinued toy line. Those poor, innocent fools, not knowing that they are in the presence of an evil cool dude. XP

  3. Haha, never before have I been so glad I asked a dumb question (which apparently don't exist, which is odd because I have plenty of them. I could probably sell them to some scientist or museum and make history. I can see the headlines now: random dude discovers the mythical dumb question breeding grounds. XP). I definitely remember seeing Tufi around. Hmm, is that title too informal? (Miss Tufi? Piff the Grand? Her Empress Jen? I'm going to stop now because I'm having way too much fun with this post). That's pretty incredible, though, for someone to actually organize and pass through every rank of Staff. O.o No wonder the day he joined BZP became a holiday. In fact, we should organize festivities for next year. I'd be all for an MOC contest in honor of Ninjo (seeing as MOCs were apparently his forte. Maybe I'm just over-thinking again, though. XP).Unfortunately, as a kid I didn't pay much attention to the staff ranks (as I wasn't a part of staff and paid more attention to comics). Still, it was great hearing about BZP way back when. ^^

  4. Looks like I missed the day. Just got my internet back a few days ago. ^^;Hmm... I vaguely remember seeing Ninjo around, but I never talked with him. I was a twelve year old kid at the time, so my etiquette wasn't exactly... uh... "be nice to the evil staff members because they close my topics" XP Hmm... Out of curiosity (and because I can't for the life of me find the original topic in the archives), was he the staff member that closed the Secret Stomach Message topic? Maybe I'm confusing my BZP history. XPHope you're doing well, Ninjo. I'm sorry I didn't say hello when I was a newbie. ^^'

  5. Hmm... Well, I don't ever visit the RPG area. My RPG days are pretty much behind me outside of my PM system. I don't normally visit the marketplace, but I do pop in every now and then. I'd say everything else aside from the Library, General Art, S&T, CoT (though it has been a while since I've been there), my PM board and of course the invisible forums which I cannot access.

  6. Whew... It's been some time, huh? Sorry for the two month delay. Life got busy and I didn't have internet last week. The boring thrilling adventure continues! Hehe, this story still makes me giggle. XP

    Chapter Five: Enchanted by Armor

    Jalina: indeed... so... what now? *fiddles around with necklace* And why won't this dang thing come off? D=<TP: Hmm... Well, the wizard abandoned his house. I bet he has tons of magical stuff in there that might help. Besides, if I know myself as well as I think I do, then TT will keep the wizard at bay for quite some time.Narrator: MeanwhileWizard: Oh, you are soooo doomed! D=<TT: Whee! -blinded wizard with a bright light- 8DJalina: Uh... but I don't wanna go in there... it's scary... well okay. What harm can it do?(Ot: that last part made me laugh out loud. Literally xD)(XP)Narrator: And so TP and Jalina enter the Wizard's tent. There they find all sorts of mystical items.TP: Hmm... Eye of newt, bat wings, I don't even know what this is -holds up glowing green jar labeled "Necklace remover"- eh, it's probably worthless, -tosses on ground and breaks jar. The contents ooze into the ground-Jalina: uh wait - oh okay... what about this? *holds up something that looks like a giant can opener* it looks dangerous D=TP: Oooh, let's try it! 8DNarrator: -watches intently-TP: ... Aren't you going to tell us how it turns out?Narrator: Nah, i wanna see you guys epically fail on your own. =3TP: -.-Jalina: Hm, well then - maybe we can find something even more hazardous! 8D*searches on*TP: Hmm... -pockets a strange amulet he find lying around marked "Important key item - Deus ex machina"Jalina: *keeps on searching* Ooooh, cool! *lifts a box makred "cursed armour - don't wear"* *opens box* Ooooh it's dark! And there are skulls on it! 8DTP: Ooh, put it on! I bet you'd look sweet in it! 8DNarrator: -watching intently-TP: You hush! D=Jalina: You sure about this? The last time I used a cursed item, it didn't come off again... ah well, whatever. It's just too awesome not to wear it. 8D*puts on the armour*TP: Ooh, pretty lights... -watches as armor takes some sort of effect-Narrator: -is wearing 3D glasses and has popcorn and soda-Jalina: oh what's that light - waaaah it burrrrrrns!*flails around, then falls to the ground*(haha that rhymed xD)

  7. Haha, I remember doing this with my toa sets. ^^ It's always fun to see how LEGO evolved over the years, especially when the toys are a part of your childhood.I like the second image the most; it has a very nice effect.Thanks for sharing. ^^

  8. In order:Yes,Maybe, not sureI wanted to try something new.Heck, I've stuck with the name Tekulo for years now. The most recent changes have been slight. From Toa of Wind to Toa of Gales and now Toa of the Breeze because it just sounds so breezy. (If that was my attempt at a pun, it was a sad one, even for me. XP). If I never changed my name, I'd still be The Vahi Toa. Not for nothing, but that name just seemed too unoriginal and lack-luster. Not to mention I was 12 when I thought the name up. XP Time has a funny way of changing things (though I have to admit, I'm far happier with my current name than with my previous names).

  9. Hmm, what could this mean for the canon?Mata Nui tricks Makuta into switching bodies, turns into a giant planet and then crushes Teridax thus causing Armageddon for all parties involved. Why, yes, I do like the sound of that. ^^Actually, the idea of Mata Nui having a greater camouflage system than the island face is an interesting idea. (Pfft, now I'm just imagining Mata Nui being picked on at school by the other robots"Island face! Island face! Mata Nui has an island face!"And then Mata Nui transforms into a planet and crushes them all. I'd like to see that, actually. Mata Nui crushing his enemies as a giant planet. Sounds like good times. XD).

  10. Thanks Taka! ^^Personally I'd be interested in the concept, though I would be interested how it would be done. An idea I'd be interested in would be a game similar to either Heroica or the Lego City game, only have a hero vs villain setting that's different from the two.Let's say it's up to a four player game. I'd think the field would be square or rectangular in shape and have four separate starting points in the four corners. Perhaps that style of game would be best as a "battle royale" where players are pitted against each other and the last one standing wins the game. Though, perhaps adding in an important item might be best (though that would be more of a maze type game; first to reach the mask of life/kanohi mask/makuta's lair wins. Ooh, maybe a 2001 version where you have to get six keys to the Kini! The player with the most keys wins. Rahi would be obstacles, though it would be pretty similar to Heroica in that sense. Now I want to build a prototype. XP).

  11. Why is everyone assuming I think Amon is related to Katara? He's not as far as I'm concerned. Also, I might be cryptic because I'd like for others who want to find the answer for themselves to figure it out for themselves. It's way more fun than having someone come out of the blue, tell you their theory and then ruin the suspense for you. And for that matter I may not even be right, so why mislead people? Also, I didn't do any research. I merely watched the episodes and put together an educated guess.At any rate, we'll know the answer next Saturday. I'm highly anticipating the finale. Anyway, on to more important matters

    Three kids bested qi blockers. I think this is because airbending is a blind spot in their training. Air is an extremely elusive element and it is even more so now that there is only one master in the entire world. The style would be very mysterious and possibly unpredictable with what little the blockers have to study. It would have been around 170 years since the last airbending master existed aside from Aang, and he has three other elements to work with so studying him would also prove to be troublesome.

  12. Tekulo, you are utterly mad. You think Katara is Amon? :POnly person I can think of that resisted blood bending.

    Haha, well you got the character right, but Katara isn't Amon. XDAlso, thanks for the compliment. ^^

  13. Here's a hint: We've only seen one other character resist bloodbending like Amon. Though, that's also saying a bit too much.

    I'm not inclined to believe that "leaked" picture, but if it is true it'll be a major disappointment for me.

    For the record, that was not what I was getting at in the slightest. If I'm right, then the creators certainly have quite the ending in store for us. Also, that wasn't the character I had in mind. Remember, I said this character resisted bloodbending like Amon did. Unless you're suggesting Amon has an Avatar State, of course. XP

  14. Attention citizens of Republic City!Tenzin is awesome. Lin surpasses such description. Asami has some great fighting skills though it seems clear the Equalists are trained to fight benders and not non-benders. Ikki's moderately awesome and Milo's a facepalmer. Most importantly, Jinora is the greatest airbender of all time.Ah, but here's what I find truly intriguing. Look closely at Mako's scene in the finale teaser. He's not qiblocked. He's being bloodbent.Now look further at Amon when he says, "I--will-destroy you." He's not clenching a threatening fist. That's not a fist at all. He's bloodbending.These are my observations. How do I explain it? I do believe that Tarrlok still has his bending, but I don't believe that he's Amon. And if Yakone is Amon, how can he still bend? I merely admit that we know exceptionally little regarding energybending and the loss of the bending ability. We thought we knew bloodbending could only be accomplished during the fool moon, but we were proved wrong. Obviously Amon can expel bending using a technique very different from Aang's. Clearly there's a lot we don't know, and so I consider it entirely feasible that Yakone is Amon and Amon can bloodbend.What I consider possible is that Amon is not, in fact, bending there, and merely making one of those Asian gestures that seem strange to us Westerners; and that Mako is being bloodbent by none other than Amon's bender son, Tarrlok.

    Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith


    Would've replied to this sooner, but I'm afraid I had to use... MATH. XP

    I can tell you right now Tarlock is not Amon, and I have a feeling his bending is indeed gone. Though, this is all just a hunch, so I could be entirely wrong.However, I disagree that Yakone is Amon. You're forgetting something very crucial: time. The show takes place 70 years after the events of Sozin's Comet. Aang was 40 years old then, so the flashback took place 28 years after Sozin's Comet. That means by Korra's time, this happened 42 years ago (Dang, Hitchhikers was right on the mark). Yakone looked older than Aang, let's say he was 50. If you're a negative Nancy, then I'll also say he could have been 40.He'd be between 82-92 years old. Probably dead, actually. Yakone could never hope to be that limber at an old age, even if he was "younger than he looked"Yakone is NOT Amon; it's borderline impossible. Though, according to my theory, you're on the right track.Here's a hint: We've only seen one other character resist bloodbending like Amon. Though, that's also saying a bit too much.

  15. Yeah, I ended up ordering the bundle thanks to the slight discount on the lego shop at home as well as Akano and KK chipping in for the larger sets.I ended up keeping the Mummy, the Vampire Car (which is just plain awesome. Love the car and the motorcycle), and the Swamp Monster. Though, I also did get the mini Sopwith Camel which is just plain fun to play with via microfigures. XP Also, Shelob looks wonderful when she clings to the Castle from this series. That's one thing the monster fighters seem to be missing; a giant monster big bad type of character. Still, it's hard to complain.One thing I would have loved to see in these sets (particularly the castle and upcoming haunted house) are suits of armor with minifig heads that contain glowing eyes. This could be done with a glow in the dark head such as the vampire's with a black face or with a black head (like the ghosts) with printed on eyes (or perhaps a sticker?). Maybe a few living portraits would be cool too. You know, build the surrounding frame, stick a torso only into there and have it come alive. XPEven so, the sets are fun. I love the swamp monster. Really nice green minifig pieces (the mask in particular) and he has, by far, the creepiest face of all the monsters. <3

  16. And you guys said you hated the shipping episode. HA! HAHAHAHA! It was a brilliant move and you all know it! HAHAHAHA!
    Calm down. No, we repeatedly clarified that we didn't hate it, just had problems with it. I stand by my position that I think it was far too early to try and develop significant relationship conflict between the characters.I'm kind of bothered by how this episode handled it, too. Mako was way to clingy, which left the rest of the characters seeming almost unconcerned a lot of times. When they met up with Korra at the end they were seeing if she was okay and then Mako was like "give her some space" and then picked her up, and then everyone just sort of stood around like "yep, just found our important friend that had been abducted by a manipulative bloodbending maniac, nbd". No interaction from Tenzin, the guy who she's known for far longer and is her mentor.I wouldn't mind the relationship stuff if it didn't overshadow what should be more important aspects of the story.

    hehehe... heHEhEHeHEHEHEHEHEHEAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm totally calm, bro. @u@But in all seriousness (and yes, the added laughter previously was more for goofy-ness than seriousness. It's a trait of mine when I talk about children's cartoons or a discontinued toy line on a site about a discontinued toy line. Sorry for the confusion, I honestly don't mean anything serious. ^^'Anyway, I do see where you're coming from with the romantic stuff getting in the way. It did annoy me a bit too with Bolin and Asami."Mako seems pretty worried about Korra""Yeah, we all are. Whistles non-nonchalantly while looking for a dear friend that for all they know is dead and continues to talk about teenaged drama"Especially with Asami; she seemed more concerned about Mako than Korra's well-being. I'm not going to say I don't like where they're headed with the romance, but I do agree that those moments did appear out-of-place to put it lightly.

  17. Bonesiii, you deserve a medal or some sort of award for keeping up with me. XDThat actually does resolve many year-long questions of mine. Though, what I was getting at with number 3 was more along the lines of "could they create a new type of species of plant similar as to how Makuta create new species of rahi?" I could bring up the "But Bionicle physics doesn't necessarily work the same way as our physics" for number nine, but to save all forms of my non-existent sanity, I shall more or less take your word for it. XD (Though that does sound pretty interesting. I'm not much of a scientist, but I might just look into that. Thanks for bringing it up! Small words... I hope it's explained in small words... XD) Then again, when you put it that way, it does seem to make much more sense. ^^As far as 10 goes; ... There are no words to describe how much I like that answer. XD

  18. @Aanchir: In short, we simply have different tastes. Nothing wrong with that, though. ^^Now, back to the discussion, I think I've more or less proven my last opinion is generally not well-received. XP I should make note in my sig that I'm a Hapka fan... Bet I'll get loads of hate mail. XD (Just to be clear though, you're not coming across as a hater, Aanchir. Actually, this was the most tame discussion I've had talking about Hapka and Greg's writing).

    See, I think there was definitely something special to that moment just because Nokama was willing to bare her soul to Matau about how the transformation had been troubling her as well, rather than just dismissing Matau's silliness. But perhaps that's just because I read many parts of the BIONICLE Adventures series with shipping goggles on. (Onewa x Krahka FTW!)
    Haha, I suppose you do have a point there. Though, I'm more of an Onua/Lewa shipper. XP (cough... this is where that "different tastes" thing comes into play. XP)
    See, I wouldn't necessarily want the story to spell those kind of things out for me. Re-reading that chapter of BIONICLE Chronicles #1, it feels somewhat tedious to have Kopaka's entire thought process narrated to me. IMO the best chapters of that particular novel are, in fact, the ones that were ripped straight from Greg's comics. And I felt about the same way about the next two novels as well...
    True, however keep in mind that these were the first books in the series. Those moments helped to establish the toa; what they were like, etc. Also keep in mind these books were intended for children. It's only natural to have morals inserted into the story. Then again, Greg had morals too. Like, if you're bad like Tuyet you'll end up killing yourself from an alternate universe and have another version of yourself cut in half by a dimensional portal thingie while you end up alive and in possession of an artifact that has loads of power. Why, The Brothers Grimm couldn't be more cautionary! XP (Granted his writing wasn't always like that, but that's also a little nit-pick of mine with his writing. Over-complication of what should have been a nice, simple one-shot character). Also, it should be noted that I'm also a big fan of Hans Christian Andersen and the Brother's Grimm (especially the prior). I suppose if you compared the two, Hapka's writing would be closer to that kind of writing (though there still are a lot of differences). As for the moments from Hapka's books that stood out to me, they were the ones that were different from the comics. Tahu getting swarmed by hundreds of scorpion rahi and flipping around like Lewa to get them off (actually, I was surprised at how graphic that part was. XD) or the chat Tahu and Gali had after he burned a tree to a crisp in order to get a kanohi (basically the trials of the masks testing their character flaws, which was the entire point of the masks being hidden. Good call on the Turaga's part).
  19. @Aanchir: I see where you're coming from, but I still disagree. (Though I remember the exact scene you're talking about with Matau and Nokama, but... That didn't seem to delve much into their characters for me. It felt more like establishing what the effects of the venom were and that Matau liked to build nests now. =/ Though, it did have a slight personal touch with connections to nature, I didn't feel any personality flowing between the two. Chalk it up to my bad taste I guess). The moments that stood out to me in Hapka's books were how the characters acted, not only around each other, but when they were alone. Kopaka needed to get to a kanohi that was on a small island surrounded by lava. Kopaka then goes about several theories about how to obtain the mask, and yet he drives himself red in the face due to him wasting time. He then thinks of how Tahu or Lewa might handle the situation by diving in, and he then does just that by making a glacier and riding it to the island and then managing to jump back. It not only shows a lot of what Kopaka is like (something I hadn't realized from the movie as he would just wander off mysteriously), but it also shows why the main six toa were put together for the team. They work well together naturally. Never really got much of that from Greg's work; not much comes to mind. Well, you know aside from toa betrayals like Nidhiki and Tuyet. Oh, and apparently one of the characters we trusted is actually a great being. And how Ahkmou was always a traitor. And how Vezon dumped the other half of his body. And how Roodaka betrayed everyone. UNITY! Don't even get me started on duty and destiny. XPNot to say Greg's work was all bad. One thing I loved about 2006 (though the toa characters seemed flat to me) was the dark feel of the Piraka. Also that matoran falling into lava. Classic. XDI didn't really follow the story much after '07. Everything just stopped appealing to me and the story was a bit too complex to follow. =/

  20. OOOH! OOOH! Question: According to Lewa, Sand + Fire = Glass.Say a toa of sand existed. Could this toa control glass or does that fall under stone/earth? Furthermore, would a toa of fire be needed in addition to stone/earth to control molten glass? For that matter does Lewa control all gasses or just air? Air in our world is composed of many different elements, mostly nitrogen and then oxygen. Does this mean he could manipulate separate gasses, or is it just the right mixture that is recognized as "air"? And as for Toa of Plant control, can they create new types of plants? Can they create sentient plants such as Morbuzahk? Considering plants require earth and water to grow, does this mean a toa of earth and water could concentrate on a plant to make it flourish? Add in a toa of the green to that; can that toa utilize the water and earth from the other toa to make a plant larger than the extent of his power alone? For that matter, do toa of earth have the ability to create different types of soils that could be suited for separate plants (such as sandy soil and grapes. Grapes don't like to be pampered; they struggle to survive and thus they grow in rocky soil as opposed to solid soil). Also, considering that whole "I throw dirt at you. Then I throw a rock. Feel the difference?" That question is far too vague to take seriously. Is the rock a pebble? Is a pebble too small a particle for the stone element to control? And for that matter, dirt could easily be compacted into a very hard object and it would still be earth and I'm sure it could hurt just as much as a rock. Why is this not addressed by the canon? That way of explaining things is just illogical. I throw a rock at you. Now I throw a chunk of ice at you. Feel the difference? No? Then they must be the same element by that same logic, correct (which technically they are because ice is a mineral and therefore should be able to be manipulated by a toa of stone. That's another question: Can a toa of stone work with ice? I wouldn't imagine absorbing it, but perhaps shattering a very dense and solid block? Seriously, that one gets me every time. =/). And now this brings me to psionics. Why can't they absorb their element? Heck, what exactly is their element? Brain waves? How is that measured?Speaking of waves, toa of sonics seem kinda strange to me as well. Sound is merely patterns through solids and air and perhaps liquid. Could Lewa/Pohatu/Gali not concentrate and create some type of sound through their element, or is that out of their hand? Not to mention, how does a toa of sound absorb sound? Wouldn't that be absorbing kinetic energy? Does he just take the energy out of the partical motion? That seems to be the most logical. My final question is the most baffling of all: If toa of water can create totally bodacious waves, then why don't they practice their trade with some totally gnarly surfin'? Chaa. (It's a legit question. Sorry for the rants, but all of these have baffled me for quite some time).


    Tarlock isn't Amon, Tarlock isn't A man~ Ah, I could sing it all day. ^^ (But he's still not Hope. XP)His bending was taken away. LOVE IT!And oh my gosh. Amon, are you human? I thought he might be a spirit at first, but... then he started to actually resist the bending, meaning he had to have a physical form.Flashbacks were excellent. Toph, you have changed only in size and voice. Aang wanted to be taken seriously by his earthbending teacher. Adorable <3Wait... Toph and Aang were the same age, right? ... Toph was 40 in that? O.eKorra, you're brilliant. They underestimated her. Oh, that was beautiful.I'm feeling kinda bad for Asami, though. I mean, when she was first introduced, I was craving the moment when her still-beating heart would be ripped right out of her chest to the point where she lost the ability to cry... But now that it's actually being put into motion, I'm actually starting to feel this soft weight in my chest. Feel odd. Probably indigestion. XP Cough, totally lying, I'm weeping inside like a child! MAKO, HOW COULD YOU BE SO CRUEL?! -sob-And you guys said you hated the shipping episode. HA! HAHAHAHA! It was a brilliant move and you all know it! HAHAHAHA! Oh, I haven't laughed this hard since that Voya Nui matoran fell into that volcano. =') Still, that was a pretty swift defeat for Tarlock. Not that I'm disappointed (the reveal was quite epic and I loved every bit of it), but I thought there might be a bit more to that reveal. Then again, perhaps the important part was Korra finally making a spiritual connection to Aang. In terms of entertainment, what better way to do that than adding in an insane bloodbender or two? I freaking love these writers.

    My, my, you have such a suspicious mind. Just because you re-watched Southern Raiders to prove my bloodbending theory wrong doesn't mean I would stoop to that level. ;)

    From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

    Hah, don't flatter yourself. That episode is my all-time favorite. I memorized that fact long before you were born, Mr. Three-year-old. XP And I know you're going to say that it hasn't been three years since the first season. What you didn't count on is my ability to time travel. That vahi in my avatar isn't just for show, you know. ^^
  22. Orange Vahi - Oh, wait... Non-set masks. Gotcha.Cadin. Screw public transit and driving. Flying around everywhere would help me conquer my anablephobia as well as be totally fun and fulfill many of my flight fantasies which may or may not include plummeting to the ground just to show off last minute as I pull a 90 degree turn. XP

  23. @Veoi: Why thank you, good sir.Though another opinion of mine that's generally not well-received is that I actually liked Cathy Hapka's books. She added in a more personal feel to the characters and she seemed to have a very good understanding of how they would relate to each other. That's something that Greg seemed to constantly miss with his writing in my opinion. I mean, Hahli and Jaller were practically childhood friends slapped together on a life-changing journey into toa, rescuing their idols and experiencing a ton of turmoil and hardships. I didn't get anything from any of the Inika. Just Hahli Mahri after someone important finally died (I'm looking at you Voya Nui matoran who fell into the volcano. You were never loved enough to have any on-screen mourning from your friends. I find it hilarious and laugh in your face. XD Wait, where are my manners? I laugh in your mask. XP Or at least I would if it hadn't melted along with the rest of your body. lol).

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