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Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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Posts posted by Kaleidoscope Tekulo

  1. Well, it depends if I want to do a review or not. If I get a set and I want to review it before I open it, then I do it bag-by-bag, only I sort out the pieces by color and type neatly to take a picture. It. Takes. So. Long. ... But, it does result in a much easier system for building the set. No going crazy over that one piece that you saw five million times before, but when you need it for something it totally disappears on you...Though, if I'm building it and I'm not planning a review, then I just dump all the contents of every bag into one pile and get-a-building! This method has been used by me since I was a kid. XD

  2. Well.... That was disappointing...

    I was really, REALLY hoping it would be a character from 2001 instead of just going "lol it's the obvious choice. You now have one less awesome character to look up to because his existence was a total lie." Ugh, yet another reason I prefer Time Trap and Cathy Hapka's books over the story after '06. I digress. =/

  3. Hmm, interesting review. I'm not much of a Ninjago person, though I have been interested in the smaller sets. I'm not really interested in buying a spinner, though. I've considered the booster packs just for the pieces, but I thought it would be a bit of a moot point without an actual spinner. Nice review. It actually helped explain what the booster packs included (and about the cards. I had forgotten about the cards in this series XP).

  4. Hello fellow BZPers and Guests!

    Just a heads-up; I have never done a review before. Any and all Comments and Critricism is VERY appreciated. Also, I apologize in advance for the poor camera quality.

    In the dead of night, an ominous glow catches the eye of Jack McHammer. His fears are confirmed where, upon his visit to the graveyard, he finds that new players have risen in the game of survival; the dead. Learn here the secrets of Monster Fighters newest set: The Zombies.


    So, most people, from what I've seen, start with the box... because, you know, the entire reason you made this purchase is for the cardboard.

    Yeah, I'm going to pretty much skip that bit this time around. However, there was one part of the box that caught my eye. I was wondering how the official story... thing... would accommodate a new moonstone in this series. Thankfully, some light has been shed on this subject:


    I'm not too sure if you can make that out perfectly, but the zombie moonstone apparently replaces the mummy moonstone in the whole "block the sun with the moon" thing. =/ I am disappoint.

    So, after opening the box, I decided to display all of the pieces out as I needed them. If you want to see the pictures (some of them are a bit blurry), then you can find them in the following links.

    So, let's take a look at our minifigs!

    Yes, the Zombie Bride has a flip face. There isn't too much of a difference in her expression from what I can tell (one seems dead inside and the other is a bit more smiley. It gives me a bit of a fem-fatale vibe).

    These guys have a pretty nice quality to them (like all minifigs from the Monster Fighters Series in my opinion). Not to mention I LOVE how two of these zombies are a bride and groom. Why? Well, let's scroll down a bit, shall we?


    'Till death do us part? That's just silly. They look so happy and so in focus! I can just imagine their wedding day; the little children and werewolves throwing fingers and bones at the newly weds. ^^ (Or you know, that image may be different if they were alive at that point. XP)


    So, back to business. Let's start with how the car's gear functions work (because the idea of two giant hammers smashing stuff while driving is BRILLIANT!)


    It's pretty basic, but it still makes for a fun toy. Two gears and a few axels. The only issue I have with this is the way the hammers turn. When the car moves forward, the hammers do not smash into the ground like I expected. Let me try to explain with a visual:


    (Hehehe... SMASH!) Now, if I were to push the car forward, the hammer there would actually turn clockwise. This would lift the hammer off of the zombie instead of squashing him like a bug. The way the hammers work actually kinda acts like a polo match; Only instead of orbs, the hammers fling zombies through the air.

    Though, I suppose this might prevent the car from getting stuck (I'm not sure how easily things would go if that zombie got stuck on under the hammer).

    Onto the building!

    Now, the base of the building has a cauldron that you can launch via a lever in the base. Here are a few pictures to show how this is accomplished:

    In that last picture, you can also make out the trick to opening both graves at once. To do this, you simply need to turn the moonstone.

    Also, here's a close-up look at the new moonstone. Now available in BRAAIIINS pink! 8D

    So, now that we've got that taken care of, it's time to rate this set.

    Here's what I like:

    • Zombies
    • OMG, zombies! 8D
    • Three functions (Graves, Car hammers and Cauldron flinging. That's actually pretty good for just one set)
    • Four quality minifigures
    • Dat Car
    • Jack McHammer is adorable ^^ (And he has a metal arm... That's pretty bamf)
    • New Moonstone (with a zombie arm breaking through the ground. You have to admit that image is pretty bamf).

    What I didn't like:

    • The lack of a brains piece. =/
    • The Zombie bride cannot fit into the graves because of her dress piece (annoying. =/)
    • Hammers... Y U NO SPIN THE WAY I WANT YOU TO?!?!
    • The price of this set is rounded up to $40 USD (by one penny. And that's a US penny too. XP. While it isn't cheap, it is also a cool set).

    I should also mention the PPB (or Price Per Brick) for The Zombies. The set comes with 447 pieces. That's around 11 bricks per USD. Considering the sizes of these bricks range from moderate to small, that's pretty fair (for my experience at least).

    So, what do I think overall? Perhaps this can best be explained by my associate. So, Jem, what are your thoughts?


    This set is outrageous! Truly truly truly outrageous! Whoa~

    That about sums it up.

    If any of you have some LEGO VIP points saved up like I did and you want a moderately pricey set, then this is one I would suggest. It's one of the better Monster Fighters sets out there in my opinion (and thanks to my brothers, I have seen, in person, every single set in this line).

  5. Haha, when I read "200 words" I was worried that was a maximum. I like to ramble... a lot (especially when it comes to things like this). XDI have put up a review in my blog, so maybe I'll put that into a topic (pictures are a bit blurry with that one, though. =/ I could retake some of them, though)

  6. In Botar's case, I don't think it was just about the time limit. His character didn't seem that developed to begin with, so I didn't really shed a tear. I was more like "Okay... so that random generic dude died... big whoop..." Not to mention, why bother replacing him if that type of character was never going to be mentioned ever again? I mean, it makes sense within the universe and all, but why even draw the attention of the reader for that? In that case, why kill him off at all? He/His replacement isn't going to be seen ever again anyway. It's almost like, in the terms of the story, that the guy replacing Botar died along with Botar himself. Seeing as these are fictional characters, I'd say that statement isn't too far off from the truth itself. I think Podu had a larger role than his replacement, quite frankly. XD (And the fans generally like Podu to boot).I just saw absolutely no reason to kill what would soon be a dead character in terms of the story and then replace him. For me, at least, there was no benefit, no emotion and simply nothing interesting from it whatsoever. =/ If you want to kill someone, fine, but at least show him... ugh, I dunno, saving a Muaka kitten from a generic disaster or villain or whatnot. People with souls tend to like that stuff. Instead we just lost a generic Mata Nui drone brainwashing guy that failed to convert Axonn into his brain washing machine. Don't even get me started on the brain dryer. In my opinion, that death was not worth mentioning at all, really. =/

  7. Matoro. He totally could have lived with no serious consequences to the main events of the story at all. Though, I think Botar. His role was pretty much "Do things by the book. The book is law. LAAAAWWW! I am totally powerful and invinci-" and then he died. Only, mind you, to be instantly replaced with yet another drone of Mata Nui's military brainwashing team within the universe. Poor Teridax, trying to liberate the matoran of their tyrant who cared so little for them. (Totally how it happened)While it may have added in the perfect flair of poorly-written drama to the story (not at all as it just poked my annoyance bear until it let out a rawr), it appeared to serve little point. =/Edit: And Katuko already beat me to the punch. XD

  8. I like that small town feel. I feel like every one knows every one.
    This. Its like a small town with people from all over the world, I really like that. I have friends (relative term) out of state and out of country, it's awesome. Also, I get chances to talk to people that I normally wouldn't because of age differences (location differences too, as mentioned before). It really helps with that 'learn something new every day' gig.
    I conquer. (Muahahahaha!). Aka I agree. I love the ability to talk to everyone from so far away. ^^Also the members here are really great! The staff are cooky and fun, you can have an intelligent conversation with someone and there are some pretty impressive peeps on here that do incredible things (like our artists and MOCers and writers).
  9. This topic has the potential to become... quite animated. :)
    Takua/Jaller/Pewku threesome :P. Although I guess Pewku isn't a Toa... yet...
    I need brain bleach. Now.
    Pfft, please. Why do you think Jaller picked up a crab in Mahri Nui? To fill the void! Still, even after flirting around with that red underwater scuttler, he came to his senses and left Takanuva and Pewku and went back to his true love; Hahli. (Oh dear mother of rahkshi, I think I need brain bleach now. @_@)
  10. Vakama and Nokama. Hands down. Nokama was the only one who cared for Vakama in their two main movies. In other words: treated him like he meant something. He's got a shot there.I'd love to see a Lhikan+sane Tuyet couple. Heck, maybe Toa Nidhiki+Tuyet.Really? Kohatu/Popaka?
    First off, Nidhiki/Tuyet? Nidhiki/TUYET? NIDHIKI/TUYET?!?! ... Why is this the first I'm hearing of this? I LOVE it! Gosh, I'm so focused on shipping the heroes, I totally had villain blindspot this entire time. Also, In B3 Matau totally saved Vakama. He cares -sob- Though, I agree; Nokama and Vakama is a nice thought. Good luck tying their names together, though. XD (Then again, Novakama has a nice ring to it).And hey, Kopatu isn't any crazier than Onewa. (See what I did there? Eh? Eh?)
  11. Yeah, I still can't believe my name popped up. XD I feel like I should keep pinching myself in a feeble attempt to wake up from another one of those wacky dreams of mine. XPAnyway, congrats to everyone who won the other prizes! ^^ The trans-green Miru winners have my awe and respect for knowing the answers to that trivia (that includes the other trivia prize winner as well).

  12. THE END IS NIGH! D=-runs for a bomb shelter-Please don't harm me! I shall give you an offering of delicious frosting and cake if you spare me! D= -totally an accurate depiction of how Smeag's birthday brought about the tradition of birthday cakes-XP, Happy Birthday!

  13. Hey guys, not for nothing, but can we just plain stop with this support/disagreement about relationships? There are loads of them out there outside of male love and female love (polygamy, asexuality, celibacy, heterosexuality. you name it). It's perfectly alright to disagree or support any of these. Those are your personal opinions and they are for you to decide and are never meant for anyone else to decide for you.But I will say this: It most certainly is not alright to just go about and throw your causes in these sorts of topics. We are merely supposed to discuss who you like together in the Bionicle story as toa. That's it. I've seen a good portion of topics get closed over things like this, and it's childish and just plain dumb. You guys should know better.Can we please go back to getting on topic now? 'Kay thanks.ANYWAY, I do know about those ships that are all about destroying your ships. XD I remember the whole Makorra fiasco in Avatar. XP Though, I'd say my biggest support is for Hahli and Jaller in terms of toa. They just have so much history and their team has been through a lot together. ^^

  14. Well, I say that Bionicle is the closest- *re-reads first post* ... Oh... Nevermind, then. I voted for Ninjago and City. Ninjago because it does deal with different elements and from what I've seen the plot deals with some twists and turns.Now, I did vote for City as well, and granted there really isn't any plot aside from cops and robbers in some sets, but think about it this way: These sets have a pretty wide variety to them, and not to mention some pretty colorful characters in terms of appearance. I've even named two of my minifigs "Gali" and "Lewa" XP. In City sets, you can build a community. There is law enforcement similar to toa "catching the bad guys" and halting plots. There are many settings including mines, vehicles, large buildings or basically anywhere you can imagine. The civilians could be considered similar to matoran, and if you prefer a toa be a civilian minifig... Well, then use your imagination and have that minifig kick butt with elemental powers! Not to mention the sets also come with animal creatures such as dogs, bears and cats (aka rahi). The mix of everything going on in one theme just reminds me of Bionicle. Their story was filled with an enchanting world, not just Ninjas fighting bad guys, but also civilian life and general settings. That's something that City really brings to life in its own way.

  15. You know, I recently reviewed a friend's story with that pairing on another site. Wasn't bad, actually. Could've used a little more buildup, though, since it's at best a tilt-your-head-and-squint pairing.As for my thoughts on the subject, I'm boring. Probably just the semi-canon Jaller/Hahli and Hewkii/Macku.
    Yay! I'm not the only goof out there! ^^ Hehehe, well you may be boring, but at least you're on the right ship. XP
    I'm gonna rock the boat a bit and say Hahli x Matoro. I liked Hahli and Jaller together when they were Matoran, but Jaller's personality has changed too much in recent years, I think. And Greg seemed to go so far out of his way to avoid any romance implications between those two that they don't even seem to be particularly close as friends any more.Meanwhile, Hahli and Matoro had a lot in common. They both had that struggle with their confidence and weren't sure whether they were fit to be Toa. From what we saw, they worked well together, and Matoro had a degree of warmth and caring about him that Jaller no longer outwardly shows. Hahli also seemed to be the most affected by Matoro's death.
    Ugh, that's something that's always bothered me about Greg's writing. =/ (and a bunch of other things, but I digress). You know, in the canon, this pairing would totally work for the reasons you've discussed. However, now that Matoro has kicked the bucket (a good laugh was had by all... or maybe just me. XD) that opens up some room for character development for Jaller. Perhaps he may realize how important friendships are and open up a bit AND CLAIM HIS TRUE LOVE, HAHLI! ... I wish... (You saved her from falling into lava dangit! It was totally romantic, so Y U NO KISS?!)...(Actually kissing with masks would be kind of awkward, wouldn't it? Y U NO HOLD HANDS?!)
    Oh my this topic might generate some "Heated Disscusion" :PAnyways I always thought Takanuva/Takua and Gali would be nice together. To me Takua/Takanuva always looked up to Gali the most of the Nuva and Gali seemed the most caring to him. Not to mention she inspired him to become a hero/Toa back in Karda Nui, and they always had their little mental link xD.
    Haha, you bet. Shipping is serious business. You are the captain hand-selecting your crew and if you don't choose wisely then you go down with your ship.You know, I forgot about those two. They are pretty adorable, huh? XP
  16. New chapter! ^^ I miss when TToTP was separated. XP

    Chapter Seven: The Plot Thickens!

    Wizard: Oh, once my vision returns you are both DOOMED! And your little TT too!Narrator: Just then the Wizard's eyesight went back to normal... it was a miracle.TP: Shut up! D=Wizard: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...TP: Jalina, you're blocking the exit, you've got to hurry! D=Wizard: ...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...TP: ... Uh...Narrator: Hmm...Wizard: ...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Narrator: And then the wizard stopped laughing and decided to finish them o-Wizard: ...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....Narrator: o.oTP: Looks like we've got a few hours... Take your time, Jalina. =DJalina: Okay... um... let's get out of here first, okay?TP: Agreed. -goes outside--outside-Jalina: Shouldn't we get away or something? I mean, once he gets his eyesight back... if he gets it back... we'd be kind of screwed. Not that we aren't right now...TP: But the narrator already said the wizard got his eyesight back! He's laughing maniacally so I guess that might buy us some time...Narrator: It's true... I don't know what his deal is... No matter how much I yell at him, he just doesn't listen...TT: That's because his ears are full of murder. =3TP: TT!TT: TP! -wraps TP in toilet paper- Hah. Get it? TP. Classic. ^^TP: This isn't the time for that!TT: Then when is the time for that?TP: I dunno... how does next Thursday work?TT: Nah, I've got a meeting with the heroes union then. How about Friday afternoon?TP: Hmm, I'm not sure about that... I think at best we're looking at next week... -continues planning-Jalina: Uh, guys? How about some epic escape or something? Just saying... I wouldn't want my bones broken or something... oh wait, I have no bones anymore D=TT: Maybe if we moved "practicing our hero pose" sessions, we could move this to tomorrow?TP: Are you crazy? Do you have any idea how imperative it is that we attend those classes?!TT: Hmm... you have a point...Narrator: .. I can't take this anymore... And so TT and TP stopped arguing and came up with a cunning escape plan and junk...TP: What if we moved to Metru Nui? I think that could clear up three days next week.TT: But what about all of that packing?TP: You're right...Narrator: O.e What's going on? It's like the characters are going on strike!TT: What about this-Narrator: Sure, just ignore me...TT and TP: Oh, hi Mr. Narrator! 8DNarrator: GAH! D=<Jalina: Okay, slowly, one thing after another1) I have no idea of where this Metru nui should be2) I'm getting a headache from you two3) I'm still stuck in that frighgin cursed armourAND NOW I'LL JUST GO AWAY AND HIDE SOMEWHERE IN THE FOREST. If you wanna follow me, fine.*turns around and walks away*TT and TP: Jalina! Noooooo! -follows-Narrator: What's going on? Hmm... And so candy rained down from the heavens and TT and TP died a horrific death...-nothing happens-Narrator: Okay, seriously, what's going on? O.e -follows Jalina and co.)Jalina: Well then, that's better. ^^-enter forest-Heck, I didn't remeber things to be so dark... I need a torch - oh no where's my jester hat? D=TT: Pfft, I've got this -makes a glowing orb in his left hand that illuminates the area-TP: I still don't know how you do that.Narrator: Maybe it's a sun storm or something interfering with my powers... Yeah, I bet that's it! That's totally it! -twitch- O.e(Poor Mr. Narrator... He's always used to being omnipotent and so when his powers don't work, he doesn't know how to be mortal)Jalina: *phew* at least now we can see something ^^but still... my jester hat... *sob*TT: There's no point in going back for it, so you'd better quit your whining.TP: Well, that's kinda rude... -.-TT: I know! Whining in front of us; ugh, the nerve of some people!Narrator: Am I sick? Is this a disease? D=TP: I was talking about you. =/TT: Pfft, whatever. You take the light -gives shiny orb to TP-TP: But I don't know how this works! -light poofs, and TP hands it to TT again-Narrator: Maybe I died and went to the other place?TT: Ugh, you're useless...TP: And you're a meanie... >>TT: -punches TP over and over- Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself!Narrator: -looking at TT and TP- ... Yup, this is definitely the other place... -.-

  17. Ah, I see! So then, they started out with, most likely, a powerless mask as a matoran, which was then turned into a great kanohi. Was that due to their toa powers entering the mask? If so, then it would seem their masks retained a bit of energy; enough for a noble mask to function. Is the energy that resides in the Turaga a part of their toa energy? If so, would it be possible for them to relinquish their powers (I'm not sure why they would, mind you)? Or is their energy not related to their toa energy and just what's remained? Hmm... Is it possible to somehow amplify their powers (say if they were given toa energy again. I know the transition from turaga to toa isn't possible in normal circumstances)? What would happen if a turaga obtained the nui stone?

  18. Puddle versus a sea. Breeze versus a hurricane, icicle versus avalanche, etc.
    Don't you go dissing Natalie! D= She could totally take on the elemental lord! XPJoking aside, I've wondered this myself. Though, I'm a bit more intrigued with the extent of their mask powers as well. I kinda doubt Matau could transform into a giant Krikka to give Vakama the chills and terrorize the island (and for some reason I could totally see him doing that). Are their masks limited as well? Is that because the masks are now noble? Does this mean if a toa used a noble mask, it would have less power than a great kanohi? Is it because the turaga just don't have enough power to use the mask to its full extent? That one always kinda got me. =/
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