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Blog Comments posted by Cee-estee

  1. If you read my posts, you'd see that it's not only about the staff being happier. It affects the members just as much, if not more. If staff were involved, it would make it a much more pleasant place for members, and right now, members don't like the fact that many staff members are nothing more than rule-keeping drones. Of course they are the ones complaining.


    I'd hate to be a part of a country where the rule-makers weren't actually citizens of said country.


    - Cee

    Well, let's examine your analogy, Cee.


    How often do you see government leaders kicking back and playing yahtzee with citizens?

    Well, I don't know about America, but here in Canada I've seen many videos of our Prime Minister, Steven Harper, appearing on politic parody shows. That's pretty involved. But even off of TV, he seems like the kind of character that has friends besides those beside him in office.


    But I must confess that I really am not entirely sure how to respond because I really, honestly don't understand and that upsets me, because I want to understand. When I was new at BZ and in the many years preceding my promotion to ST, I didn't mind that some or many staffmembers were absent or didn't participate in fun-stuff. It just never bothered me; I was simply thankful for their work and that was it.


    Maybe I'm stupid or something? Maybe I'm too trusting? Maybe I have a silly optimistic view of the world and think too highly of my fellow people?


    Maybe I'll end up dead in a ditch someday.

    Maybe. Or maybe back in your day there were more active, older members that you could relate with, but they've all either left or become staff. I really have no idea. Maybe you are just stupid. J/k. :P


    I don't know if I'm coming across as complaintive, as I don't mean to whatsoever. I really wish this website was a better place, and I want to see it get that way, and I feel like this would be just what the doctor ordered. But then again, I'm not much of a doctor, so I couldn't say. All I know is this website has turned off many, many promising members.


    - Cee

  2. You didn't read any of my posts, did you? If staff don't have time to have fun because they have to work first, then they have too great a workload. It should be shared. More staff would help you do this.


    - Cee

    But the staff aren't complaining about having this large workload. It's the people who aren't doing any work who are.

    If you read my posts, you'd see that it's not only about the staff being happier. It affects the members just as much, if not more. If staff were involved, it would make it a much more pleasant place for members, and right now, members don't like the fact that many staff members are nothing more than rule-keeping drones. Of course they are the ones complaining.


    I'd hate to be a part of a country where the rule-makers weren't actually citizens of said country.


    - Cee

  3. I think there's something important that everyone needs to understand here.


    The higher in rank you climb, the more responsibilities you get. The more responsibilities you get the more you mature (or lose said position), the more mature and old you get, the more other piece of life consume your attention.


    You see, I'm now twenty and working as a Global Moderator here--in my spare time. Aside from that I'm doing web design, Martial Arts instruction, and some hobby writing and modelling on the corner.


    Plus, for myself I simply cannot get 'involved' in the community because the more I see of BIONICLE the more I die inside. I'll stay and support the community because I believe in this site, and in its members, but BIONICLE has essentially died for me.


    Sorry to hijack your entry, Puff.



    If someone is too busy with other things in life to be involved with the community, they shouldn't be staff. Staff should be a group of people who are active in the community, and therefore know how to work with them, not for them. If staff have no time for their members, then they shouldn't force themselves to work just because they are staff.


    All I'm saying is there should be much more rotation. More people to do the job, so that staff can enjoy the site just as much as the members do.


    - Cee

  4. I think both would work quite nicely. A separate topic would indeed be useful, and individual topics would be even more so. But as you mentioned, it would indeed clutter up the RPG forum greatly, which I would find unappealing. A sub forum, as Shine so kindly suggested, would work well, but that would depend on your willingness to augment the number of existing forums.


    And yes, I just used the word augment.


    - Cee

  5. Core...I have three words for you...what the heck? :P


    That was pretty much randomness at it's best. But then again, etcetera pretty much is randomness, because if you put everything (aka etcetera) in a pot, you get a pot of randomness. :)


    - Cee

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