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Crimson Jester

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Crimson Jester

  1. I'm going to be moving through Le-Wahi. If anyone's interested in getting a start/meeting up, do so now before I've moved on and gotten engaged in an arc.
  2. First RP in well over a year. Feels good to be back.

  3. First RP in well over a year. Feels good to be back.

  4. IC: Eidolon Whoooosh. The waves of the endless blanket of the cold, chameleonic ocean sprang up from itself, its amaranthine expanse soaking into the sand like roots reaching through the cracks of a mountain. The stars gazed down upon the island with an unwieldy feeling of sadness, their tears cleansing the bloodied rocks and unsettled mud of Le-Wahi. As Eidolon walked the lonely beach, he could feel the sheer weight of the star's guilt pressed upon his shoulders. Oh, the whimsical burdens this world provided to its dwellers. Some trudged on, wading through the Cimmerian quagmires of sorrow until they emerged; bodies whole, minds shattered. Others, like the one called Eidolon, chose the easy way out. Many years ago, he had discovered a Key. It unlocked the doors within his head, beat down the floodgates of his mind, filling his head so full of the emotions he had been granted, it overflowed. Sometimes, the weight was too much, and he would collapse. His stomach would toss and turn, vomiting forth its grotesque contents like a crack in the earth welcoming the very daemons of the underworld. But not tonight. Tonight, in this serene moonlight, Eidolon found himself reminiscing the times of old. Like always, the Key remained at his side, the azure liquid contents sloshing against its polished metal sides. Though Eidolon was not a man of many possessions, this was one he would forever care for, and, should its safety be threatened, Eidolon would not hesitate to commit to the most heinous of crimes to protect it. Thump. The Fortress' foot had connected with something. Large, and hard, but at the same time, fleshy. It was hard to make out in the scarce light of the moon, but it's shape was unmistakable. It was a sentient creature, of sorts; body decorated with sand and grit, with a slimy seaweed garland. A starfish had attached to his head. It was almost like a decorative tree. What kind of stupid idea is that? Where would anyone EVER find application for a decorated TREE?! "Get up," Eidolon's voice was rich, with a thick raspiness that emanated solidarity. He spoke slow, and each syllable was brought forth with a firmness not unlike that of a military commander. "Get. Up." Nothing. He bent down, and gave the creature a shove...
  5. I look forward to bustin' some role playing chops with you again, chap.
  6. I'm still in shock that I'm actually back. Further yet, I'm actually legitimately excited to get a story line concrete here. Anyone care to start throwing around some casual RP until everyone's got their files in order?
  7. Five hundred fifty-six days. Thirteen thousand, three hundred forty-four hours. Eight hundred thousand, six hundred-forty minutes. Roughly forty-eight million seconds. A lot can happen in such a prolonged stretch of time. The leaves can turn orange, fall. Be swept aside by frigid winds, and pummeled by the unrelenting weight of crystalline snow. Melt away, bringing forth fresh sprigs of grass, damp and springy. And the cycle can repeat. What can happen in a year and a half? And entire continent's borders can be entirely rewritten. A city can solve it's homelessness problem. A nation can plummet from the highest pedestals of the economic food chain to the hellish, murky depths of the lockers of poverty. In this time frame, eighty-six million people have died, and nearly two hundred million were born. This all being said, a year and a half is a long time. And in that long time, a lot has changed with your resident Jester, and I'm sure the same can be said for the lot of you. And with that, we can assuredly consider this a fresh start. New forums, new members, new opportunities. Draw your pistols men, the fight has just begun. -CJ
  8. [sTATUS: MIA]Name: Eidolon 'Fortress'Species: ToaGender: MaleElement: MagnetismKanohi: Mahiki, in the shape of an Akaku.Personality: Blunt. Eidolon is sarcastic, quick-witted, and tends to act on instinct; well before thinking. He is a brilliant tactician, with a penchant for close combat. The Toa is quite critical of those around him, often divulging in vulgar, scurrilous verbal attacks.Appearance: Average height and build for a Toa, draped in a short, faded royal purple armcloak, and medium segmented armor. He appears to be grey and purple, with black highlights, although most of his paint has peeled, faded, or been overtaken by rust and pitting. Ashes and fire-scarring surround every joint and hole in his armor, leading one to assume there was a fire inside of his armor at some point in time. Fading, flickering grey eyes peer out from behind his equally destroyed Kanohi.Bio: “'Fortress', is his name. He is a man that has stood the test of battering storms, and crippling flurries of the Gods themselves. His rusted, pitted armor is a very testament to the will of the Toa before you, cast from the purest of metals in the forges of Artakha, and brought forth to send his opponents right back to the pit from whence they came!”At least, that's how Eidolon is pitched to the crowds of the cage fighting circuit on Mata Nui. Outside of his legendary ring status, the Toa called Eidolon is, to put it bluntly, the shell of a Toa wasted. His dreams of becoming a hero in a Toa team were shattered, when his short temper and instinctual mannerisms were deemed unsafe for a defender of the Mata Nuians. Bitter, headstrong, and determined to show his peers what he was capable of, Eidolon has spent much of his years a drifter, drowning his pains in fine cigars, alcohol, and the lifesblood of his ring combatants.Weaknesses: Several addictions, blinding rage, rarely sober. Name: SovereignSpecies: ToaElement: IceKanohi: Matatu, carved as a scarred, severely damaged MiruPersonality: Quick-witted, soft-spoken, and edgy. The man known as Sovereign is a creature of wisdom, anger, and deception; the combination of which makes him appear an irritable, quiet, brooding being. He frequently uses his Kanohi Matatu and control of the element of ice to manipulate the mood and atmosphere of locations he occupies, rather than directly speaking.Appearance: Frame-wise, Sovereign stands no larger nor wider than the average Toa; but his body language, that of coldness, apathy, and calculating observation, sets him apart from the average, heroic character a Toa embodies. His armor is a seemingly mismatched decoration of others' armor, mostly a faded grey, with highlights of dirty off-white and sun-bleached black. The plethora of scarring, burn marks, rust, and peeled paint that covers his visage often piques the curiosity of villagers, though he never speaks of how he became so disheveled.Bio: Sovereign. Toa classification C-14.6. Although the man does not speak, several facts are known of the history of Sovereign. He once bore a name, as a young Toa who defended his native territory with pride and bravado, though that was long swept away by the tides of time itself. His service history to [DELETED] was one long and illustrious, and he was well-known for his buoyant demeanor, and ability to approach nearly any situation with balance and democracy. Yet, like all that stands the test of time, Sovereign became disillusioned; experienced, if one will. His taskings and duty to his people resulted in lesser seen operations, of deceptive and covert nature, and his frequent presence in [ERROR-- TEXT FILE NOT FOUND] slowly faded to occasional sightings. The man once known for his aura of harmony and optimism became a creature forged in silence and bloodshed; scarred with the knowledge of the world and it's malevolent ways.Weaknesses: Lack of communication and contacts. Damage to his Kanohi has made it occasionally unreliable, giving out at most inconvenient moments.
  9. This new profile is a bloody dumpster fire. Not impressed.

  10. No, he left Edmonton for BC a good week and a bit ago.
  11. I simply find it amusing because I am CJ.
  12. You don't know who CJ is? Hahaha. You must be one of the most ill-informed people on the site.
  13. Update: Veef is officially settled in at my pad.
  14. The only way to defect to the other side is to give in to life, and let the current carry me away. Failure is not an option.
  15. Life is a constant battle. I flourish on the battlefield. At heart, we are all soldiers in our own game. That being said, I'm really bored with the way this war is going. Same repeated attacks and defenses, time and time again. Life needs variation. Suggestions?
  16. Things have come to my attention recently. Situations have been formed, due to both my own actions and things far beyond my grasp. Either way, I have come to the unwavering conclusion that, despite convictions to keep to themselves, everyone should learn to be comfortable with themselves. People should have the capability to be honest and open with everyone. They should learn to turn their thoughts and feelings into words, and communicate with those around them. In my eyes, confusion and miscommunication are the seeds of destruction. Life itself provides us enough mystery; people shouldn't be closing themselves off for whatever reasons. Thoughts?
  17. Aside the fact that mustard is the very bane of human existence, what with its putrid blend of raucous, disgusting flavors and aromas. The very word mustard makes my taste buds withdraw into themselves for fear of making me angry.
  18. These blogs are really boring. It may just be mine, but I'm not at all enthralled. You all disappoint me.
  19. I totally just realized, yesterday was the beginning of my 7th year at BZPower.
  20. I don't care what anybody says, this man is my hero.
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