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Metallic O'Dalek

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Everything posted by Metallic O'Dalek

  1. This is the result of me combining a Bionicle clip with a random audio clip, and finding that it fits. Here it is! Vid #2
  2. Are you saying you want the Beatles in it?
  3. Yay! Edit: Here's another 100 Dalek Bucks to help your Content Block Fund.
  4. Fine. Take a Promisary note and be gone. When there done, I owe you fifty Dalek Bucks. :angry:
  5. 1.) I'm still thinking about that. 2.) I'll add more, but for now look at the content block. 3.) By asking questions, and in contests I'll hold. 4.) How should I know?
  6. I will be upgrading the DBs. Just FYI. Thank you.
  7. Oh well, guess I can't. Sorry, you'll just have to move, I guess.
  8. Can you find what I found wrong with this one?
  9. If you tell me which state, I'll change my plans, again.
  10. All that brings to mind is Stargate.
  11. Yum, McDonalds. For some reason, I'm the only one in my family, besides my Grandpa, who likes it. Hey, Omi, didn't you say that because you're nobody, you're perfect? I have something to disprove that. What it should say is:
  12. Okay, so I cheated. I saved to my computer and looked at it in the menu for Windows Picture Viewer. Don't worry, I won't say what it is.
  13. Was it a... relative? How 'bout a... Duck? A Chinchilla? A Pig? Nothing?!
  14. I had a dream last night where I was driving a Ferrari while being chased down I-99 by Velociraptors in Corvettes and AH-1 Apaches.
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