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Everything posted by Kothra

  1. I didn't get that far. Maybe I'm being too quick to judge.I'll be buying the DVDs anyway, so I'll probably watch it dubbed in full at some point regardless of how much I dislike it.
  2. I'll probably try it again after they dub some of the later episodes, but I absolutely could not stand what I was watching there.
  3. I saw half of the first episode of the dub of A Certain Magical Index.I want to go hide in a corner and cry.
  4. Kothra

    Why. Just Why.

    Source: Anime General Thread
  5. I've had Maaya Sakamoto's ED single for months now, and I just love the songs on it.For this season, I've started From the New World, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, and Chuunibyo (HOLY ###### I UNDERSTAND THE ROOTS OF THAT WORD). I'm looking forward to Robotics;Notes, Little Busters, Psycho Pass, Jormungand, and I think one or two others.
  6. Arrives today. 1400 EST. I'll be taking some footage. AGH I CAN'T WAIT.
  7. I tried VirtualDub but it was a pain to work with. Even if WLMM sucks, it's very straightforward.
  8. Well I also need to compile the clips into a single video, as FRAPS splits them in its recording. WLMM has worked fine before, but now when I export the final video it's at half size, with a big black border around it My friend says he uses Sony Movie Studio, so I may look into that, but I don't know if I want to spend $45 on it. EDIT: I found my problem: WLMM was set to 4:3 by default, so it would save the video in 4:3. I changed it to 16:9 and it worked fine. Thanks for your help anyway.
  9. WLMM has been failing me, so I need a replacement. What is the best, free, video editing software that is easily obtainable? I've been looking around a bit but I can't seem to find one. The main thing I'll be using it for is to compile clips from FRAPS (AVI files) into full videos (WMV or MP4 files).
  10. Well looking at the episode titles, I really do think we'll be seeing it soon.Besides, the light novels are still called Sword Art Online even if they're done with the game.
  11. Judging by a bit of stuff I see on the Wikipedia page it won't get to that, but I think we'll see the second game soon.
  12. Yeah, the 'end' for Kokoro Connect did feel forced.I've heard a lot of people were meh on SAO because they kept skipping around with subplots, but I think we've gotten away from that and it's getting quite better. Ah, the third Angel. I was wondering why the boss looked vaguely familiar.
  13. No, but I've always wanted to just because.
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