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Everything posted by Kothra

  1. Oh man, I remember reading your stories when I was but a noob, and I loved every bit of them. I'll definitely try to fit in some time to read it.
  2. What's worse are the little kids (or 'big kids' for that matter) who just follow you and don't give you a chance to even do anything. Which is why most laser tag is broken and pointless. And why I don't play, and when I eventually decide to give it a chance for once, it's ruined for me all over again.
  3. He just looks cool doing a lot of things.
  4. I love Trygons. But what kind of names do you want? And I really like that colour scheme. Blue + orange = winning forever.
  5. Kothra

    Change of Plans

    I can't stand the typical stuff that passes for politics in America (and likely other countries), but international politics greatly interests me.
  6. Kothra

    Change of Plans

    After thinking and stuff, I think I'm going to major in International Studies (with a focus on politics and policy) instead of majoring in architecture. Let's see where this goes.
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