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Everything posted by Kothra

  1. 1) French: four years of high school French, going with this as the required language for an International Studies major. 2) Japanese: one year of self-study, also just really want to learn it 3) German: because I want to, because Europe, and because airsoft (I have a ton of Bundeswehr gear) 4) Russian: because I can Other: Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (may or may not ever get around to these)
  2. Learn languages. Woooooooooo.
  3. brothers(Yeah. So it's just that bâtiment means building (the noun). It can also mean ship but yeah.)
  4. cats(that would be something like 'bâtire une sentinelle')
  5. Emperor Palpatine(I read that as 'ship/boat a guard/sentinel' lol. That said my French is mediocre at best.)
  6. I want to say to name the Trygon Morgan Freeman but I don't really know how well it fits.
  7. Kothra

    Civ V on Saturday

    GUYS. GUYS. I CAN MAKE IT. Though I'm not too inclined to play if there aren't more people.
  8. Kothra

    Civ V on Saturday

    Oh man I would so want to do this but I don't know if I'd have the time.
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